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American Campaign Stay Hungry (non victory Bug)


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I just played this mission (Stay Hungry) a few times and every freaking time I capture 1 transport and sometimes I also capture 1 of the enemy war ships and I send every ship into the safe red zone which the freaking game shows me I have to do it that way so I do it and the freaking game gives me a lost.

I sent a F11 but I don't like playing a broken battle mission!  What's the point in playing a battle that gives you a lost even though you did 2 of the only one is required to get a victory?

Even with the lost that it gives me I still get the 40K money plus the captured Kestrel and the HMS Kingston 40 gun ship which is correct in what I captured so why would the game give me a lost every time I tried it and keep in mind I sent every ship into the safe red zone?

 The objectives are:  At least one must be for filled

1 Capture Monaca,  2 Capture Triunfante,  3 Eliminate fleet,  4 Save fleet. The transport ship is called Kestrel not Monaca so could that be the problem?

Before the battle ends it shows me 3 green checkmarks as if I captured both transports which I only captured one so that is screwed up and it shows I saved my fleet but when the battle gets to the mission report it is a lost and it has all 4 objectives with a red X which it should reflect that I captured Kestrel and Save my Fleet into the safe zone so those two objectives should have a green X checkmark and I should get a victory so this is a bug that needs to be corrected.

And my other point is why the hell did you put this mission into the American campaign when it is the exact same mission in the British campaign which was a bonus I think?


Edited by doublebuck
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I think I am going to answer what I think the problem is which actually I think the DEV should answer?

Currently when you start this battle called Stay Hungry it shows on your upper right corner of your screen guess what shows?

1 Capture Imperial.

2 Capture Kestrel

3  Fleet Retreat

Which is correct for the American Stay Hungry for those are the 2 transport ships that is in this battle.

But in the end of battle screen it gives me a lost because this is the same freaking mission from the British mission so they never changed the report objectives just notice what I reported above about what they listed as the 4 objectives that gave me 4 red X in each objective when the battle ended?

It's the same objectives in the British mission the DEV really goofed it up!  My proof is I get the 40k and the transport and a war ship but it gives me a lost because it expects the Monaca or the Trinfante transport ships from the British mission!  That why I said it's the same damn mission.

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9 minutes ago, pandakraut said:

It's a beta, finding these things so that the devs can fix them is part of the package. Now that you've reported it they'll get it fixed as soon as they can.

Well thanks but I am not the only one playing this game and honestly I know this is early access and I support them but when you just copy and paste a battle from one campaign into the other campaign and you don't play it yourself or testers to see a simple problem that the game expects 2 transports from the other campaign in order for it to give you a victory so instead it will give you a lost.  I think it called quality control and frankly it's not creative or original.

Edited by doublebuck
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