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Suggestion: More diagnostic displays for the guns


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I wonder, how much trouble would it be to give us more information on gun status?

I guess the current display is just fine for secondaries and tertiaries, but for the Main Guns and Torpedo mounts, can we have individual circular status displays for each turret? Since there cannot be more than 7 of them, we should be able to fit them comfortably on their current corner of the screen.

Further, it'll be nice of the relationship of the firing arcs versus target bearing is overlaid on those circles. Basically, right now when trying to decide how much more to turn to open gun arcs, we are turning and moving the targeting cursor on and off the target to find the point where 6 firing guns increases to 9. It'll be nice to be able to just issue one turn order based on displayed information rather than this iterative method.

It will also be nice if for example those circles can activate indicate why they are not firing - for example, they might blink or have a green rim to show they are moving into position, yellow rim to show they cannot get into position due to closed gun arcs, and red to indicate they aren't firing because they are damaged or destroyed.

Further, if the guns are not firing due to low hit chance, maybe we can have the minimum required hit chance displayed, so we know either to switch to aggressive or to move closer/reduce to best firing speed ... etc. If we see this on the enemy ship, at least we know that what is happening is not a bug, but a feature.

Basically, I just want to know more about what's going on.

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I agree on all points. To add on, perhaps a way to cycle through the different calibers, which will show that caliber group's fire arc, range, its current facing in that entire arc and any relevant information. The current full circle overlay on ships takes up a lot of space but gives little information. 

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