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Question about companions

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I love this game. I have 7 camps and more than 20 men. My people collect the woods, herbs and so on but I can't take companions. How can I select team mates from camps? I fight alone and the game is very hard, a weak bow fights against 8-10 men with guns. I saw video where 8-10 natives fought together. How can create group for attack?

Anyway this game is very-very promising, finally a complex open world single player wild west tps. Missing style, missing category.

I can't wait the upgrades!


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From what i've seen, a group of natives vrs a group of pale faces = pale face slaughter all the natives. Unless i can equip my entire attacking crew with war bows and a good amount of heavy arrows, i wouldn't trust them to be able to take a well populated enemy camp/fort

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