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Sneaking and the knife ?


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When I sneak up on someone what key do I use to knife or knockout.  I see in videos of someone sneaking up then grabs the guy and the guy starts talking. What key do I use to do that ?  Thanks for any Help.

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They always see me and when I jump out of a bush in a surprise attack I always loss almost all the time..  When I see other videos of these guys jumping out in a surprise attack they somehow hold the guy.  the guy starts talking to save his life and not kill him.  How in the hell do they do that .  Does nobody know.?

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If an enemy didn't notice you yet, you can press F to grab him, then he starts talking. Then you can press either the left mouse button to kill him, or F again to stab him. 

If you stabbed him, he will lay on the ground where you can loot him and hold F to intimidate him, which will take some time. But intimidating gives positive karma, so it might be wise to do it.

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There is an X key which is for sneaking. Get in a bush, call him to you, press the sneak key and hold it. When you see the white line appear he's probably close enough to grab him. Release the X key and press the W key (this is probably F on default settings). This activate key will grab him. If the option to grab doesn't appear then you have to attack him with  your left mouse button. Get him down to 33% and you can grab him (unless you have enhanced grab perk).

Listen to him talk and then choose to stun or kill. If you stun you can intimidate him and he leaves the area for good. If you kill him he's dead. Intimidating gives good karma and more experience points.

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