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Fort feedback

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after a week of preparation, today we made a special operation to damage the economy of a certain nation

under heavy gunfire and incoming damage, the crew of our vessels participating in the ops did very well

after a long gunfight where our vessels were hit many times, and one was almost sunk and the other one completely demasted, we accomplished to destroy one of the forts 

the fort was brought out of action and raised the white flag.



we believe this fort needs to be  build up again

special operation completed.

also, the fort was still standing in OW (?)

will it disappear after maintenance?



Edited by Thonys
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3 minutes ago, Thonys said:

after a week of preparation, today we made a special operation to damage the economy of a certain nation

under heavy gunfire and incoming damage, the crew of our vessels participating in the ops did very well

after a long gunfight where our vessels where hit many times,  we accomplished to destroy one of the forts 

the fort was brought out of action and raised the white flag.



we believe this fort needs to be  build up again

also, the fort was still standing in OW (?)

will it disappear after maintenance?

If this was in a PvE battle then it definitely won’t. We think it will only need to be rebuilt after being destroyed in a port battle? Clarification would be nice.

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9 hours ago, Capitalism said:

If this was in a PvE battle then it definitely won’t. We think it will only need to be rebuilt after being destroyed in a port battle? Clarification would be nice.

A bucentaur of the [ BF] clan was also in the battle scene, but because of good sailing by the specially selected officers of the Dutch Admiralty, the bucentaur was outrun by our frigates with the use of the wind and use of good tactics and after a couple of hours of evasive maneuvers and returning gunfire  the bucentaur gave up his hunt. and was never seen again

so this entire mission was definitely also with pvp .

it turned out to be a darn good mission where we also send the f11 pigeon to admiralty headquarters to tell about the success of our mission 


the result will be doubloons by the hundreds for sure .....Kuch ..Kuch . 



Edited by Thonys
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8 hours ago, Sir "The Lorax" John said:

Forts cannot be permanently destroyed in battle instances...

but even if you had destroyed them in port battle, they would still not have been destroyed :) It's bugged

well .,..that needs a fix..... don't you think.

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In May 1779 a fleet of Dutch and the kingdom of France ships blockaded the strait of Trinidad from the sea, while a large infantry force constructed redoubts and other fortifications on land. The two nations hoped they could force The Port of spain's small garrison of 5,000 troops into a war of attrition, but their siege lines ultimately proved no match for the Russian Navy, which ran the blockade twice—first in 1780 and then again in 1781. In between these vital resupply operations, the defenders of Trinidad kept the besiegers at bay with sharpshooters, cannon fire and surprise nighttime attacks. Realizing they could not starve out the garrison, the French and Dutch launched a massive offensive in September 1782, only to be thwarted by the Russian artillery’s use of “red-hot shot”—heated cannonballs that set fire to whole ships and batteries. Defeated, the French and Dutch finally lifted their blockade in February 1783. By that time, the Russian forces on Trinidad had been under siege for three years and seven months.  


🚧 ( had to write a small story to make it look fun and interesting)🚧image-placeholder-title.webp

Edited by NLXSmike
picture upload
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3 minutes ago, NLXSmike said:

In June 1779 a fleet of Dutch and the kingdom of France ships blockaded the strait of Trinidad from the sea, while a large infantry force constructed redoubts and other fortifications on land. The two nations hoped they could force The Port of spain's small garrison of 5,000 troops into a war of attrition, but their siege lines ultimately proved no match for the Russian Navy, which ran the blockade twice—first in 1780 and then again in 1781. In between these vital resupply operations, the defenders of Trinidad kept the besiegers at bay with sharpshooters, cannon fire and surprise nighttime attacks. Realizing they could not starve out the garrison, the French and Dutch launched a massive offensive in September 1782, only to be thwarted by the Russian artillery’s use of “red-hot shot”—heated cannonballs that set fire to whole ships and batteries. Defeated, the French and Dutch finally lifted their blockade in February 1783. By that time, the Russian forces on Trinidad had been under siege for three years and seven months.  


🚧 ( had to write a small story to make it look fun and interesting)🚧

it would make a great group mission in the game ...(for example)

but our mission was in OW so i believe that destroyed fort needs real damage in the game 

hopefully, the devs  make it so

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