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Strange glitch/bug


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Today i was at sea with my ship (l`ocean) moving it from port to port, saw 2 ai 5 rates and decided to see if they got dubs.

Then one xebec joins in, no biggie, we fight, everything is fine.I shoot him ,he shoots me tailing me with xebec.

Then, fellow players join in game, in that moment xebec was raking me from behind and gave me fire, ok, normal thing, crew went to put it out.


But, and big but, as soon as these 2 other players joined in enemy xebec teleported 150 meters from my behind to my right side, i had full crew and no dmg except that small fire and my ship went to fireshock...same time my game freezed, couldnt use any buttons for like  a minute,couldnt move crew all i could do was watch my burning ship  :) (net was good, ping was normal and otherwise everything was like normal.)

That fireshock came like in seconds, instant fireshock.I have never seen this kind of thing happening.Anyone else had this kind of freezing happened?

Those teleporting ships i have seen before, several times,it happen always when someone joins and it happen to other players too, not just me.And again , i have 1000/100 fiber so net stability neither my PC specs wont do that.


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No, seconds before game freezed and enemy teleported i had that "normal" fire and those 6 crew went to put it down,like often happens in game.

Then came teleporting enemies, unable to use any button and almost instant fireshock.

Even that enemy stopped and asked  "wtf" 😁


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Captain, there is no F11 report or connection test report thus its hard to say what happened, but it looks like you got some connection issues.

Once it happens again, could you please send a F11 report from the game and then connection test report via NA Steam launcher 3rd option ("Report connection test).

The game is sensitive to packet losses that might be not that clear in a browser or other internet consumption sources.

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