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Pls,don`t escap before battle close


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Due to network problems, most of us can't go to TS.and We are not confused in this battle.

if britishs don`t escap before battle close,we could sank  a Bellona before him escap by the help of 1rate .

(KATAKURAKOTONOOTTO and Upsy Daisy is too late to play game so escaped)


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18 minutes ago, ElegantWay said:

Due to network problems, most of us can't go to TS.and We are not confused in this battle.

if britishs don`t escap before battle close,we could sank  a Bellona before him escap by the help of 1rate .

(KATAKURAKOTONOOTTO and Upsy Daisy is too late to play game so escaped)


Can I just clarify? You want players that have entered the battle late to stay in the battle and not escape, so you have a chance to sink them?

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20 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

I think it's auto-escape function due to disconnect. He is refering to his 2 clan mates that escaped. They got many dicsconnects and big packet loss in China.

Ahh! Yes, thanks, yeah feel for ya there @ElegantWay :( ,  and ty Banished for clarifying o7.
I'm not sure much can be done to alleviate that unfortunately.

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All the way through that battle Elegant Way and his friends were asked to stay together with the main group. They were not on TS and did not respond to team chat. They chased after and managed to sink a mercury and Wasa for the loss of a Santi, instead of remaining with the main group where we were having some effect on the bigger targets. In the end without the additional fire power of their 2 first rates we could not press home our advantage and close to the end of the battle decided to escape. It was announced in team chat with still no response, but immediately after we left they messaged us asking why we had left.

I understand there are language difficulties but to not have any communication through the battle and then once we leave they are suddenly able to message us??? In the end that battle was a waste of time for majority of us as all we ended up doing was keeping the first rates occupied while they killed easy targets.

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41 minutes ago, ElegantWay said:

sorry for The chat system dropped, showing only the nation and clans.

but At the end of the battle, we divided the enemy into 3 parts, which is very advantageous.

when you escap,We are at a disadvantage.

I'm sorry but sending a Santi and L'ocean to kill a mercury and Wasa is a waste when we could have killed their 1st rates. We had two of their 1st rates down to almost no side armor but lacked the firepower to get the killing blow. You were asked in battle chat a few times to join the main force but did not respond. We also warned you that their first rates were starting to head for you to assist their Bellona as they could not get to us. Even if we had remained in battle the outcome would have been no different.

You choose not to communicate with us in battle, what are we supposed to do?

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