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Idea: The Auxiliary LGV Support Ship(A-LGV)

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Idea: The Auxiliary LGV Support Ship(A-LGV)

Not sure if this is of interest to you chaps or just a bad idea. Let me know what you think.

The Problem…

The general idea came from this week’s threads with concerns of REPAIRs in BATTLE and the unrealistic RUM replenishment system of CREW. I believe the general community thought is REPAIRs need restricting when in battle. Even @admin did a poll on the subject.

So, I’d imagine the solution might come in the form of severely reducing the amount any one ship can carry to as low as 1 or 2 kits per ship. This solves the ludicrous re-spawning a basically fresh new ship in a never-ending cycle.

Unfortunately, it creates a side effect POST PvP or just a normal PB for the need to get to a friendly port and repair. This hamper or restricts the logistic movements of the FLEET. Use of a Forward Operating Base (FOB) for host grind prior to an assault kills the element of surprise and is costly for the smaller type clans to OPEN then CLOSE etc.

The A-LGV might be the solution that helps extend a clans reach.

The A-LGV…

In looks its exactly the same as her sister the LGV, but she’s not a trade ship. The Auxiliary LGV (A-LGV) purpose is to follow your fleet in OW and then into BATTLE. She carries large amounts of Hull Repairs and Rig Repairs. Plus, extra CREW that’s not part of her ship complement and sits in the cargo hold.

The ship could either be PC/ALT driven or AI with a call request button pressed by YOU when needed. She’d then sail towards you.

Maybe added later she’ll carry ammo like Chain Shot, Grape or Double Ball charges, if the community want to restrict their uses also…

In BATTLE The A-LGV as defensive guns and marines for protection. Upon request she sails up to a damaged ship and tags it like a BOARDING action mechanic. Then you can exchange repairs. In OW it would work similar to the tag system now I guess?


Is this a feasible idea we could test on the TestBed or [PvP Global]?

She’ll need a BR and I guess like the WASA you buy a permit and in drops into your dock pre- built. YOU must fill it with repairs and crew though.


What it will allow for is a better repair mechanic plus the ability to replenish crew which seems a tad more realistic. I had a look back to the first use by the Royal Navy of Auxiliary Support ships. I can find the HMS Medway circa 1928. Nothing before, the Brigs and sloops were the support craft in realty for the age of sail I guess.

Norfolk nChance [ELITE]



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Or, they can just implement the ability to interact (transfer command or hold items) from a fleet ship in OW. Something like once you start the process you are stuck with sails down for 120 seconds like logging out.

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