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HELP: PVPrs need more ways to find PVP

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20 hours ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

Because we're desperate people in dire circumstance. New players can smell that desperation and they get immediately turned off. They want strong, confident, spontaneous PVP, not pity paty cucked arranged battles.

Aka ganks, baby seal clubbing and not PvP. I am a new player and how would you know what a new player wants?

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30 minutes ago, Rigs said:

Aka ganks, baby seal clubbing and not PvP. I am a new player and how would you know what a new player wants?

If you think all pvp=sealclubbing then you haven't played long enough. Sealclubbing new plays is almost impossible now so any update to help find PVP won't affect new players

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33 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

If you think all pvp=sealclubbing then you haven't played long enough. Sealclubbing new plays is almost impossible now so any update to help find PVP won't affect new players

Unfortunately, the whole debate it's all about reinforcement zones, the new players/casuals/ PvE'rs want to leave as is, while the handful of established players want to change it because they seem to elude the fact that it takes time to get there. How long do you thing it takes a new guy to take it on or stand up to a well established player in this game? Don't tell me ranks or BR because that doesn't mean much and you know that. It's time. It takes time to master skills, to level up, unlock ship knowledge, get the best upgrades and so on. Also, if you are not part of a big clan you stand no chance. There is a thing called game progression, when the game is fairly new, the players are all new as well, they are on par learning and growing together. As the game progresses, the games becomes more imbalanced so the gap between established and new players becomes increasingly bigger, so the new players need more time to catch up. 

That's why the reinforcement zones makes sense to stay as they are.

The only way to get what you want its to get rid of all progression, make all available to new players ships knowledge, mods, ranks and don't lose ships. The result will be an arena game or MOBA and I think that's where Legends might fill in. 

Edited by Rigs
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7 minutes ago, Rigs said:

Unfortunately, the whole debate it's all about reinforcement zones, the new players/casuals/ PvE'rs want to leave as is, while the handful of established players want to change it because they seem to elude the fact that it takes time to get there. How long do you thing it takes a new guy to take it on or stand up to a well established player in this game? Don't tell me ranks or BR because that doesn't mean much and you know that. It's time. It takes time to master skills, to level up, unlock ship knowledge, get the best upgrades and so on. Also, if you are not part of a big clan you stand no chance. There is a thing called game progression, when the game is fairly new, the players are all new as well, they are on par learning and growing together. As the game progresses, the games becomes more imbalanced so the gap between established and new players becomes increasingly bigger, so the new players need more time to catch up. 

That's why the reinforcement zones makes sense to stay as they are.

The only way to get what you want its to get rid of all progression, make all available to new players ships knowledge, mods, ranks and don't lose ships. The result will be an arena game or MOBA and I think that's where Legends might fill in. 

Yeah keep reinforcement zones, thats completely fair.

Just give actual objectives to OW to funnel people into PVP when they want to find it. That's all we ask

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7 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

Yeah keep reinforcement zones, thats completely fair.

Just give actual objectives to OW to funnel people into PVP when they want to find it. That's all we ask

I completely agree. That makes sense

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