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Boarded by a sinking ship - lost my Surprise

Talon Chora

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I was boarded today by a ship with no structure points which had water over her gunwhales. Something must have bugged causing her to not sink because we were locked in boarding action for about 10 minutes and eventually she overran my Surprise and took her.

Some screenshots:


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Ships don't usually sink while in boarding action. When boarding ships throw ropes over to the other ship fastening them together to prevent/delay disengagement. While these might not really prevent the sinking ship from going under and dropping to the bottom of the sea, the crew from the sinking ship would obviously all make their way onto the ship that is not sinking and fight for control of it.  So it makes sense that the boarding action goes on until one of the ships wins or disengages.

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I too have been boarded by a sinkiing ship (I got credit and xp for the kill too, but this may have been on Testbed and might not have made it over to live). It's a shock when it happens, but it makes sense in gameplay mechanics. If the enemy crew outnumber my own and their ship is a goner anyway, of course they'll try to take mine.

The big problem is just how hard that Surprise is to replace. There's no scope any more for simply going out and playing, learning and enjoying oneself. Currently I'm mostly sailing in a Pickle for that very reason, and even such a small ship, and even having the money to replace it, I'm dead scared of losing it.

Edited by Remus
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