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I don't know why, but whenever I stare at smoke in combat, especially when I zoom in on it, it gets hellishly laggy, though my fps is constantly at 60.

setup: gtx 1060, i7 7700k, 32gb ram

No idea why but ever since 10.0 dropped I'm experiencing this.

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1 hour ago, Norfolk nChance said:

In the guide will walk you through the basic issues. or give me a shout


I appreciate it but don't think there is an issue when it comes to my pc simply because the frames are not dropping ever on the fps counter, it's at 60 even when the lag starts actually happening, kinda weird, never seen something like this before.

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7 minutes ago, Ink said:

Please ask other players if they experience this issue and also please try different graphic settings to check

So far, one person said that he does have the same issue as i do.

edit: 2 now

Edited by wafflez1g
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15 hours ago, Norfolk nChance said:


Do you have another high end spec game like arma3 or far cry?


14 hours ago, Norfolk nChance said:

One thing if you've updated Win10 and the GPU drivers.

do you have a multi monitored display?

Check in the nvidia control panel 3D settings that the monitors are setup correctly and the PhysX settings to gtx 1080 GPU not CPU or auto select



Everything's updated and yes I've got arma 3, and no I don't have multi monitored display.

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Why I ask Arma3 its got a great settings feature behind. If you don't have issues with that am stuck. The only thing is the DirectX which you say is all up to date.

Try firing a Tank shell. Zoom in on the smoke back out.

I'll keep thinking about it and see what I can come up with.


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