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Game crash during battle

The Thrifty Pirate

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Dear support employee,

My question is about crashes in game and losing ships because of that.

I crashed in game at around 17:28 in a big naval battle with other people. During this battle my Client.Exe stopped working and crashed the game. When I restarted the game it took some time to work and send a crash report as well. When I was finally loaded into the game again I apparently lost my ship because it sunk in the time I crashed. Is there anyway I could get that ship back I farmed about 2-3 days to buy it with all cannons and I literally lost it in the first battle because of the game crashing. Luckily my fleet ship managed to get away but I still lost my trincomalee with all cannons.

Ps. I am a player in the Pirate nation. My in game name is The Thrifty Pirate and i play on PvP One server.

I am looking forward to your reply,


The Thrifty Pirate



Edited by The Thrifty Pirate
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Always for future reference, because INK is like a super dev, just report right after you get back in game about your crash. I'm sure they look at your logs and everything pre report, since it has the time stamp, and I know depending on the severity and context you will get your stuff back appropriately. I lost a Buc once to a server crash and got her back, and worse still a LOcean to a fire bug, which was refunded with all the golden upgrades as well on it. 

Though to add to this,  I have noticed my game as been crashing much more than previously post patch. Not during battles, but mainly between loading screens. I do not know if these could be related. 

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