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My Naval Action Suggestions + Clan Gold sinks

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Hello! first and foremost, cheers for the great game, loving it so far, however nothing is perfect so I have added a few suggestions that I have. I am only post captain so far, but have a few ideas which will add gold sinks and also improve "Quality of Life" in-game.



In no particular order;



- Clan outposts

        Allow a clan to place outposts across the map, one officer has to make the sail and tag it as an outpost, add a long cooldown to change an outpost (im talking 4+ days here), upto 5 outposts and add an ONGOING maintenance cost. So the more outposts a clan has placed, the more maintenance in gold it would cost.


For clan members then to teleport to said outposts, they would have to teleport from the CAPITAL ONLY. They can also keep their individual outposts.


REASON - There was nothing more daunting for me as a player, when I joined my first clan, to be told I needed an outpost in X location. I was a new player, the outpost required of me was 3 hours away... i NEEDED that to get involved in the clan actions. I actually  said screw that and re-rolled to the Brit nation instead. Travel is good, but that sort of time travel doesn't add anything. To counter and get more travellers then increase the travel Xp. This idea would be a fantastic gold sink to the game and help counter inflation in the economy too.






- Storms and PVE missions

     Allow markers of Missions to be visible in storms as usual, so keep the poor visibility on everything else, just not the mission icons.


REASON - I love how it makes travel difficult, especially for scouting, but I do not see why this should effect your ability to easily find a mission, they are tough enough to navigate too using latitude and longitude (that's hard enough after a few beers). I've actually been grouped with people who said no thanks, just because of finding a mission in the storm. It eats into ones personal gaming time, without adding ANYTHING.






- Throw hold and cannons overboard during battles

       I want an ability for flight, I want to have an option to throw my hold or cannons overboard (or an option for both also) in order to gain a speed advantage. Hold would be lost forever so would all your cannons and make it 1 random upgrade also gets lost if you activate this ability. Obviously once this has been activated you will not be able to fire any more cannons during the battle, and will have to dock in order to re-equip.


REASON - They actually did this in the age of sail, especially in extreme circumstances, in this game I've only been jumped once so far, vs 4 enemy ships, some much larger than mine. I was eventually sunk after a 50 minute battle chase, and losing my sails etc. I just think there should be a system in place to give you a helping hand. The advantage doesn't even have to be great, but if you know that you will never win, then there should be other options to you and not just to pro-long the inevitable, which was all I could do in my encounter.





- Grouped players missions display on map for everyone

        Not rocket science. Simply if you are in a group with someone, their missions will also display on your own map, coloured differently to your own


REASON - This is a simple QOL change, allowing players to navigate and operate more efficiently when together.





- Crows nest camera view option

      I would like a camera hotkey, which allows to switch to a "crows nest" view point on my ship. Simply to add to immersion and also add a cool vantage when making videos.


REASON - For coolness.








- Disable and enable ship lights at night via a toggle

        - Enabling lights grants a greater "other ship" vision but also makes you easier to see. Disabling lights grants a much shorter "other ship" vision but also makes you harder to see.


REASON - Obviously as a pirate you would want to sneak up on your pray as best you could, whereas a trader would want maximum view distance on other ships, Risks vs rewards and allowing players more control.





- Marines musket fire when at extremely close range

           Add a separate combat action option for crews to fire their small arms, possibly even make it an increased rate of fire when the "boarding" action has been enabled, as more crew are ready for combat.



REASON - obviously this range would have to be shorter, especially considering musket accuracy but would just add that little bit more to the combat.









Well there is my list, I am sure as i continue playing there will be others. So I will bump and add to this list as I continue my adventures in Naval Action. Do comment and provide your opinions, try and make them constructive please and add a counter argument :)


Fair winds and happy sailing.
















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I especialy like the clan outpost idea, this would give the possibility to every clan member to join their clan in any operations they've got going on. Sometimes the battles are a long way from home, and I tend to move outposts only in the weekend when I have  6+ hour gametime, caus sailing 1,5 hours to the other side of the map in a cutter is a bit... boring.


Maybe for balance sake, it should take a slot away from the regular outpost number so a clan member can never have more outposts then a non clan player?

This way wouldn't probably need the high maintenance cost, maybe just a higher price tag for the outpost.

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I especialy like the clan outpost idea, this would give the possibility to every clan member to join their clan in any operations they've got going on. Sometimes the battles are a long way from home, and I tend to move outposts only in the weekend when I have  6+ hour gametime, caus sailing 1,5 hours to the other side of the map in a cutter is a bit... boring.


Maybe for balance sake, it should take a slot away from the regular outpost number so a clan member can never have more outposts then a non clan player?

This way wouldn't probably need the high maintenance cost, maybe just a higher price tag for the outpost.


the only thing i find wrong with this idea is that you are now having 1 person make a choice were you want your outpost and if its 2-3 outpost that the clan has that take up your slots then it kills a lot of what you want to do. I would rather clans had an advantage over non clan people that way it would promote/force more people to play in clans and in all together

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