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Trader Ship Distance/Delay Agorythm

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I would like to suggest that the developers consider adding an option that allows a player to load a trader ship resources and teleport it to another port on the map.  This will free the player to do other things in port or 'in world' like fighting or crafting. 


My idea would require the player to (1) select a trade ship in port, (2) load its hold with whatever resources are to be sent to the destination port, (3) selecting 'transport trade ship', (4) select destination port, (5) the programmers would then take start/end destination and use a 'delay algorithm' that transports the ship to the destination port arriving at whatever time/date the delay algorithm calculates.


Thank you for your consideration and well done on this project thus far.





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You are suggesting getting rid of sailing in a sailing game...... if "traders" teleports cargo they are no traders they are magicians... with no traders there is no pirate/privateer thing to do, with no privateering there is no need for patrol or escorts.... so this will "save" time  for....¿port battling and fishing?

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Oh mermaids and all other sea beauties... no no no !


Finally a portion of the players can engage into age of sail hit and steal and run away using appropriate and historically credible type of ships ( sloops and brigs ) because no teleport, no magic, no gimmicks.



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I am NOT saying to teleport the ship 'automatically' to port.  I AM saying that there is program logic that will allow inputting a start and destination for a run for a trader ship that might take 2 or 3 hours of real time that is, quite frankly, boring as can be. 


I can understand that this would not be optimum on the PvP server.  However, on the PvE server most of us are interested in crafting and/or occasional fleet actions. 


As long as we are on the subject, might I also suggest that players be allowed to use their personal possessions on either the PvP or PvE servers as is done with 'Armored Warfare'.  In that game, the player gets to select which type of mission he wishes to undertake.


Just ideas.  Use them, don't use them.  Your call...but....

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It is an arena game, no comparison.


I support this for PvE server. For the PvP the AI hauling the goods need to be present in the OW and be open to whatever befalls it or arrive safe, one of the two.


As it is all nations have free ports quite close to capitals for good hauling. Deliveries already travel the entire map almost, from Cano Macareo to Sunbury. The only thing left to do is haul those last 10 minutes from the free port to the capital or port of choice.

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