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Hello all, 


Just a few things i was wanting some input from the player base.


First off I personally feel like the entire game is headed down the same path as Pot BS. With that said the developers seem to be trying to make a certain group or player base happy, and not focusing on the game mechanics as a whole to make everyone equally happy. Lets take a look at port battles, who can organize in just a few short minutes and then only have 2 mins to join after that. Nothing like that even makes any sense. You would think that the developers would want to see a fair fight for that port in general but instead all you see is this one sided battle that get blockaded by the bigger force leaving but a 25 ship battle vs 5 towers. Is this even a fair mechanic? Every nation is left out of their own ability to participate in defending this entirely. DEVELOPERS rework this please! There should be a count down with a 24 hour timer so all the time zones can coordinate to defend properly. and the defenders should have the ability to teleport directly to the battle to defend since you are not giving us any other means to get there. The mechanic as it stands is the bigger force gets there prior to the flag being pulled and blockades it then pulls the flag with an equally sizable force and a screening fleet. How are we even suppose to get to the battle? this leaves the bigger nation the ability to take as many ports as they want. There is ZERO balance to the port battle system and it needs to be reworked seeing how this is the only way we are able to even craft ships period is through conquered ports and trading between them. How is a nation suppose to even exist when u make it so easy for the biggest nation to sweep and mop up the all the smaller nations. Maybe make it more and more expensive to pull flags after you conquer so many ports? That would slow them down enough to let the beaten up nation regroup at least a little bit. But this last min 45 min flag timer has got to go, you are leaving no room for all the time zones nation wide to participate and make arrangements, It would be nice to "accumulate points" either from sinking traders, or players to initiate your intentions to raid that port. Once there is enough chaos in that area they can start the conquest and have a 24 hour period to begin. that would slow the conquest of the map down considerably and make these port battles actually worth something besides a 100 xp and 2k gold power house sweep for these overpowered nations.


Port battles are a huge deal, you are stripping a nation from their property, people live in these cities operate business' and live life, is it really realistic that a port can change hands 10 times in a week? Really now this is not a realistic concept that should be embraced by our development staff. Again, make port battle a great feat!!!! Make people want to be there, Make it a worthy spectacle and let others who cant join be able to spectate!!!! that would give the game alot more meaning in my opinion. What do yo all think?

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