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Well this is the closest that we have so far:



Land in battles might change the views on the timers. so we will keep it like right now until the land hits
Attack enemy with wind towards land and you won't need to worry about the exit timer or proximity timer - or any timer whatsoever. Ships can't sail through land. Also - upgrade video cards 

Edited by Sella22
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I would imagine that land in battles is next, and we are in spring now(well begin spring i believe) so Land in Battles is the next thing i belive, however as you said ulysse it could also be a few months away, who knows(well except the devs ofcourse :P)

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yeah certainly don`t feel like spring here, we are having the worst storm of all winter...So maybe that why i see the next patch as far far far away (on the plus side going to the carribean in two weeks whoohoo)

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