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Larger scenario maps needed


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Based on my testing, maps are currently a bit too cramped, especially in the 1st day with Confederates. 


In SMG, all the map was always viewable in each scenario, and this made it easy to prevent surprises, as you can have the reinforcements appear far from the action and march on to a location of your choosing. In addition, it was quite frustrating to have Union troops suddenly appear behind my back when I had swept the line using a flanking maneuver from the right using the very edge of the map!


When the battle takes place at the edge of the map it creates all sorts of problems for the AI as well - often I've seen them deadlocked into  panic as they can't get enough distance between my and their units, this also applies to unbroken units that are withdrawing from heavy fire!


In short, it's just better all around to have more of the maps visible - you don't even need to create new map art, just include more of it in each scenario map if the whole thing can't be shown at once. 


Passive brigades that cannot be moved can help to historically limit the boundaries where an attacker can safely operate, as well, like in SMG.


Also, in addition, it might be a good idea to add a "boundary area" where only one side can have troops - this ensures safe and reasonable deployment of reserves, as well as allows units to retreat and regroup in.

Would arty deploying in such a "safe location" be a problem though, who knows?

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Just to comment on this I have noticed that playing the 'story mode day 1' the map is quite small in my opinion however if you play in the sandbox mode playing day 1 and selecting the only choice the map is suddenly much bigger and it shows a larger portion of Gettysburg (better in my opinion). Just wanted to let you guys know that  there is a bigger map option. :-) 



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Third day's maps are quite large already with tenths of thousand of soldiers.


Heaving the whole map would demand a very powerful machine with exotic specs. This can be done, perhaps in the future, with a version of UG:G exclusively for PC. But even in this case the men/sprite scale should be significant larger than the current 9:1, for having some 150.000 soldiers on the field.


Reinforcements come from their historical directions on the field, CS from North and West, US from the South. However there are, if i may use this term, two "kind" of reinforcements. The first are those that come from far, as the two armies converge in Gettys during the first Day. The second one are forces already deployed and move from one position to another. For example, when you fight at Devil's Den map, you see only the Union left flank (of their "hook" total deployment) at southern Cemetery ridge and the Little Round Top. You cannot see the center or the right flank on Culp's Hill, but it "is"  there.. According the scenario and the historical facts, US reinforcements can move from the center to support the defenders on little Round Top. In this case you will see Union forces coming from the North (like Stannard's brigade) or the North West (like Sykes'V Corps). They are actually moving from the center or the back line reserves to support their left flank.

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While you have already done a very good job with the way reinforcements and reserves work, I think what some of us are missing is the ability to completely control these reserves ourselves. I'm sure you are starting to get bored with comparisons to the old SMG game, but one thing I feel they did very right, was letting the players be able to ''release'' reserves for a certain price. That way, we had to make decisions based on risks and rewards (Is releasing those reserves worth the potential reward? Can you afford to abandon their previous position? Etc.). IMO, the more freedom for the player, the better  ;).


As for the size of the map... I know you guys have a lot on your plate already, but I think offering some options at some point in time would enrichen the experience, especially for players who do have the proper specs :).

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Third day's maps are quite large already with tenths of thousand of soldiers.


Heaving the whole map would demand a very powerful machine with exotic specs. This can be done, perhaps in the future, with a version of UG:G exclusively for PC. But even in this case the men/sprite scale should be significant larger than the current 9:1, for having some 150.000 soldiers on the field



Again I must stress that my request was NOT about having larger scale engagements, let's please not have it buried under the "grand scenario" suggestions. It was very specifically about larger maps for the existing scenarios with the exact same forces - with just a bit more room to maneuver and to prevent the edges of the board from becoming restrictive especially where reinforcements are concerned.


Third day is not a problem, it's mostly the 1st day meeting engagement scenarios where the Confederates can easily push to the very edge of the map and this creates bad gameplay regarding reinforcements, PLUS at least pre-patch troops at the edge of the map under fire bugged into a retreating loop often (because they can't get away due to the map edge).

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I think the maps are fair at the moment expanding them would mean changing the game entirely lots of work due to having to add more troops to the field also more stress on the PC. This game plays fine on my HD 4600 graphics in my laptop i think IMHO that is simply amazing i can run the game while outside even or at someone elses home without draining my battery to much due to the game running fine on my HD 4600 graphics.


Of course expanding the maps would probably make my HD 4600 worthless as then more troops would have to be placed on it reducing my laptops performance. I do however respect your suggestion and i think this game should allow players to choose what they want.

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