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Posts posted by Mitchverr

  1. I know this is not modern naval warfare but I would think that it would be better to have a smaller ship lead the formation and cover your SOL or flagship in the center of the line. I too have been asked too lead when I bring a SOL to battle and I'm not afraid to ask someone else with more time commanding the line to take charge.


    For most times, small ship = new player however, which brings problems. Although some could be good leaders, a great many simply dont have the experience in the game to command at all which is why most look to the SoL for guidence.


    The ship does not denote leadership nor ones ability to do so. I for instance enjoy leading and have led players in ships of the line when I have not even been in a rated ship!


    You are an exception i suspect, most smaller ships are new players, larger ships generally have alot more experience of the game as a general rule of thumb (although right now with new ships this is thrown out of whack) i have found.

  2. Its usually common for people to think he with the biggest ship is most likely to have played the most and know how the game works.


    If you are not a "leader" or have no idea how to lead, simply say you dont know how to command in this game and that somebody else should, if nobody steps up (it happens) you can always give it a go if you feel like it, or not, thats up to you. I have stepped up and commanded when in a surprise in a team of cons, bels and victorys before when i had barely played the game, it was hell XD but i learned from it and it was fun.


    Just have to remember if you are in the largest vessel, you generally become the flagship because of your value to the team, if you dont wish to command, you need to be very explicit with people about that in the beginning of the fight or wait for multiple SoLs to be in the battle like a trafalgar fight or something because people will expect to be lead in a teamwork game.

    • Like 2
  3. Collision bells warnings right now provide enough time and distance to avoid collision and take corrective action. 

    Additional signal can be provided on a button - with only concern - some players will ping it all the time, just for fun, making the feature useless. 


    We can add a text pop-up in addition to a collision bell. 


    Wait, theres a collision bell in the game?

  4. (as the original threads been locked anyway)


    I know, topic titles a little extreme but i cant think of 1 thats better and dragging things about isnt helpful but this is something i personally feel strongly about because its something that can make/break groups. I have to be honest, if i had not bought the game and just came across many of the posts by the dev team i would be concerned about the route the community could go down because i have seen it go badly in the past, for the comments below i am basing it off past history and i would suggest recruiting perhaps from the community to get the role filled, even ask for a volunteer to do it, i have done it years ago for free for small groups, it can be exceptionally helpful.



    After last night, i have to say that it is something that might be needed.


    Subpoint: Devs needs to have an official title only they can use ingame, a colour could work, but would have issues for identifying which side they are on in battle.


    1. Public relations/Tribunal (easier together)


    Firstly, from what happened last night and from whats happened in other instances (not as bad ofcourse) outside the tribunal area i would suggest that the company look into hiring/recruiting somebody out the community who can be diplomatic to talk on their behalf to become an official face for the company with reguards to dealing with this(or have 2 people or something, the community isnt to big... yet), especially with a known name instead of the ominous "Admin" tag which from what i have heard could be 1 person or several, if several it leads to schizophrenic posting should multiple admins be using it. This person would be diplomatic and able to communicate with the community in a way that would be helpful and be open to the community. Paid or voluntary works, but it would help prevent things happen in the future and could be from anywhere.


    Threatening/abusing people shouldnt be acceptable, even if you dislike them if you are an official member of a team, not only does it look bad on the person themself but the team as a whole, when you see official team accounts calling people names and being threatening (even if provoked) then it can be seen as bad. Warning people yes, ofcourse, but tone is pretty important especially when typing, took me years to finally tune my language on forums for this. This is especially bad if you have a member condemning a good say, 30 people as guilty in a battle as it makes innocent people highly defencive.


    Insults shouldnt be accepted from the team either, it looks bad and can be damaging over time. Sometimes an insult at 1 can be read as an insult to many or worse, you could target somebody who is innocent and be abusive towards them.


    Lastly, the way people were told they should report others and what looked like demands of why they dont report others looked extremely threatening to me as a player, i would suggest dont cause fear amongst the community for forcing them to report on other players or at least let them do it without being seen, some people dont want the grief or hassle of having to report others within their own community thats formed and would rather have things be smooth without needing to be named, i would suggest having a hidden tribunal area also for those whom would rather be anonymous from which perhaps if its not specific or if the user wants, the customer rep can copy and paste a visable thread for the tribunal to happen from, this way 1)the player doesnt have to feel worried about reprisal even if its passive aggressive on TS or something and 2) dont need to deal with the flak of reporting it.


    Lastly, i know some are fine with it, but i would suggest not naming and shaming people punished, it can look bad from the outside as it can come off as petty in the eyes of some people. I would also say requiring people to make public apologies is kinda OTT also, no need to make people embarassed more by having it be public, a private apology in some instances should be enough, a large company generally gets away with it, but a smaller company needs to look like they have the high ground.



    2. Update patches


    First, great job at least telling us when things go on.


    However, i would suggest a small change as to this of having more accurate numbers, when we are told "ships are slowed down" its nice to know, but having some kind of arbitrary scale to go off would help greatly in knowing how to find a bug, for example 18 pounder should reload in 35 seconds without crew focusing on guns, having that kind of information would be helpful as we can then go ingame and fire, time it and say "it isnt actually working, its firing every 30 seconds every 3 volleys" or "its firing every 40 seconds like before the change didnt get in", theres always mistakes in patches even for AAA games, this would heavily improve the communities ability to test, simple step but looks more effective from the outside looking in (ie those who didnt buy the game yet think "oh, they give alot of detail") and the community doesnt need to play 20 questions as to "constitution turning changed" as to how it changed for example XD (this is an example btw dont jump on it, lol)


    2.1 I would resuggest a forum addition giving us subcatagories for each ship/type to make discussion more friendly over the ships and we can then do more pre-post patch discussion as to how something changes a ship and how effective it was.



    Close the topic, delete the topic, fair enough, just thought these might be helpful for the future of the game. The language barrier can be a significant issue, so perhaps it would be helpful to hire somebody who speaks english well to go through this as English is a highly common language and a native speaker generally will talk to people with less chance of a misreading.


    I would have put this up somewhere it wouldnt be seen to be judged by the whole community, but i dont see a spot for that. I would also ask people to not bring up stuff that doesnt need bringing up, this is supposed to help the dev team with their future goals for the game not be a void for people to whine into.

    • Like 6
  5. US english is alright i guess, accents can be horrid or good like anywhere.


    For the actual spelling however, the way it goes (or used to go till very recently ie techno age stuff) is theres English which the world speaks then theres American English which only the Americans speak XD


    Kinda like how the US is alone in its measuring system with 2 other countries on earth and willing to even not buy/build tanks because they are not willing to join the rest of us (true story, WW1 friench tanks were denied due to being in mm not inch)


    Its not to be taken serious anyway, its just a bit o banter/trolling in good faith.

  6. Becomes a War Brig or a Sloop of War or something similar, not the Brig we have.


    And Carronades are quite big :) and damn effective with "cheat" double shot on them. ( gameplay vs historical credibility cheat sheet )


    Carronades are quite big on them sure, but they could in history iirc given generic brig and in my view should get "bigger guns, better guns" to quote a BSG crazyman :lol:

  7. I finally feel young again.


    24, i have been feeling "old" in other communities full of teens, made me feel old and sad, thanks lads :)



    Its logic this question... young kids do not like history nor slow passed games..




  8. I found having the highest quality graphics was giving me a headache while playing, especially with the storm map due to the blurring and motion making me unwell so dropped to the next setting and it got rid. (i have significant issues with motion sickness in games especially blurring games due to eyesight issues, even if you dont pick up on them actually happening, it can be subtle enough to cause issues)


    What graphics settings are you using exactly/rig setup? Might be able to find the cause.

  9. Brig? Pretty good boat. Well positioned cannons (angles between them) & possibility of using 18pd carronades.

    You need to adjust your style of sailing/playing to the characteristics of each ship, and not expect that all the ships can do the same thing - as in your example,  stern camping in Cutter.


    What saddens me is the simple fact that ships carry carronades much smaller then they did irl, for example i believe some brigs carried 24 or 32 pounders(even heard of 64lb carronades on ships of this size though rare as heck apparently so a bit ott) on them as their primary armament.



    It's not a grind - it's an admiralty sea trial testing. We must test the brig properly - that's why everyone must sail it.. 

    The best way to make it better is to provide feedback and offer advice on what do you think should be improved or changed on this vessel. 


    Give the smaller ships which historically had them bigger carronades to fire if possible, would up their damage dealing power a bit for hit and run attacks due to their inability to hang about for a brawl, also might make the carronades a bit more useful when used by the nimble ships?


    Thats my feedback on using the light ships and heavy carronades, they would work well together but each is not suitable to their current loadout choice (ie lights only get low end carronades which are not worth using in comparason to cannon and heavy carronades only go on ships which have a choice of much more effective cannon). I think it would be a pretty interesting thing to at the very least allow the playerbase to trial out, if the carronades are still not used instead then oh well, if the carronades prove to be used alot, then at least carronades have a bigger place in the game over "autobiggestlongcannonpossiblemeta" :lol:

    • Like 1
  10. Would rather something that detects if you have been dced for 10 minutes and autosurrenders the ship, people have said "ship sinks" but i think that isnt to helpful in many instances, what if its 1 of the middle ships in a lineup like a trin which could be helpful to have? Have a snow stay around, wait, then switch ships to at least bring the higher power in or if a ship is sinking near by they can go over and save themselves.

    • Like 1
  11. I'm in the same boat.  I bought mine yesterday and I am still waiting; checking my Email every few hours.


    However, I'm starting to get concerned about their customer support if they are unable to provide keys to players who have actually purchased the game with in a few days.


    Its stated on the site, they give the keys out every friday, i suspect for it to be easier for them to see how things change over the course of time and simply to be easier to do it in big batches. If you get the key another time then friday, you are simply lucky.




    Also on the purchase page


    "Steam keys: You will receive a steam key from us. We will be sending Steam keys in batches every Friday. No additional confirmation will be sent upon purchase except for Paypal one. We just don't want to spam your mailbox.

  12. From the purchase page.


    "Legal Information: The purchases/contributions are handled by our legal entity Test Idea Please Ignore, registered in UAE, Dubai. The developer for the game is our Kiev studio Game-Labs LLC, Ukraine."

  13. All good points in my view, would also suggest having some kind of convoy system you can attach to, but that would be a long term feature due to it likely being complex. Where you get the cover of AI ships if not players whom can take "contracts" to protect the convoy and get x amount for doing it, giving incentives to people to be protection.

    • Like 1
  14. The slave trade cannot be represented by players at all unless players attack and report all slave trade and free them.


    1. If you allow players to trade in slaves it gives a nod that on some level it is OK because it is profitable.


    2. It devalues the sanctity of human life and you cannot allow players to develop this attitude.


    3. It is still going on today and allowing trade in this manner may actually subject the game to unfair press regardless of historical accuracy.


    4. same effect of transporting humans can be has by transporting prisoners of war instead of slaves.


    So, you cannot allow players to trade in slaves in this game first and foremost because of the mindset in the player that you create. The predominant mindset of the time was that half the world were savages that needed to be controlled and were barely human. It was because of this mindset that much of the world suffered. Allowing players to trade in slaves will create a continuance of this mindset that anything is OK as long as it is profitable. What comes next is the perishable goods factor being applied to human cargo. The trader would get a report saying that 10 slaves died in transport. Is that what you really want in this game? Is that the mindset that we want to create? Hell no. The developers have made no mention that slave trading will be put into this game, only other players have wondered this. I for one hope that they never include slave trading on any form or fashion except to attack anyone who trades in slaves and to free them. There are still slaves today. There is still a slave trade today in many parts of the world. It can never be allowed, even in a game, to profit in any way from slavery.


    1. No, not really, in "this war of mine" for example you can murder and steal, it does not however say its okay or a nod to do so, its a gritty part of life with its own choices that are stuck to it in the end. The "if its in a game then its the devs saying its okay on some level" thing is a moot argument, is a movie with slaves in it a nod saying slavery is fine?


    2. I reffer to reply 1.0


    3. Thats like the people who demanded the reinactment of trafalger have "red vs blue" to not upset the spanish/french to be honest, lol.


    4. To a degree, but not so much either, depending on the era, and transporting prisoners of war in "such a way" wasnt really done. Generic prisoners IE australia time sure, but PoWs not so much iirc.


    The last paragraph seems to me at least to ignore white european people were slaves too. If slavery is in, i would say that should be in too, by ofcourse with a high risk (european powers as did America too hated those that sold whites into slavery in Africa for example or the middle east).


    It again, wouldnt tell people "anything is okay", unless you assume that the playerbase are made up of young children ofcourse, but even then i knew it wasnt right to own a slave since i was a young child and i point again to comparason with books or movies. You dislike people would profit from it, but im sorry, 1 critical way to learn why people do something is to empethetically link to that person in the position and "put yourself in their boots" to use a phrase. Although i wont do it because i dislike the idea of doing it, i wouldnt want to either reduce others choices or the ability for the dev team to show a historically correct history.


    I can get not liking it for ethical grounds but please, dont use bad arguments against it. Especially dont use the debunked by literally dozens of papers on the subject of media (especially games) alter peoples mindsets with reguards to shocking things because it damages your position.


    Also @ your other comments, saying that slavery was historical and a historical game could have it isnt promoting slavery. Also if you wish t talk of Kant i would be happy to go down that road with you if i must, given i was top of my class for ethics and pilosophical studies but it isnt really the place to be fair.



    The problem is that the "mechanics" that make the slave trade distinct from the trade of other goods are reprehensible behaviors that we really don't want players to simulate in the game, e.g. slaves dying during a slow passage, torture and brutality to prevent uprising, etc. Without simulating the horrible human aspects of the slave trade, "slaves" are just another cargo.

    Game Labs doesn't have to be beholden to the social and political realities of the era they draw ships (technology) from. They can present an alternate reality in which all nations have the opportunity to be great naval powers and in which the slave trade has already been universally banned.



    Good argument friend, i can get behind that, however for the slow passage, the deaths of the cargo would make people want to go fast (as real life). I can understand the detatchment due to it bascially being the same as moving a load of wheat for example as i remember from when i was a teen (and more recently after going back to college) how my lot at the time and the younger lot viewed the holocaust, many dont understand it and just look at it from a map and a statistical number, but when shown pictures many would be crying and regretting the jokes made and feel how truely bad it is, this game wouldnt be able to give the true grimdark of slavery, which shows how hard it is to get a true responce from it. And very true on the latter of alt history if they wish it.



    I'm saying slavery should not be implemented because (in my opinion) it should not be something to become a common part of gameplay (I'd hate to see "Selling 20 slaves for X amount of in game money" in chat)


    If multiple nations are anti slavery in the game, i suspect doing this would end them sunk by people who say "sure come here" then blast them under the accordance of their played nationality but yes i can see this being an issue.



    Noticed how the games I listed and the games you listed differ: My games are all concerned with Discovery age African slave trade (racial slave trade). Those games are concerned with a much more broad version of slavery. Medieval slavery was based around serfdome and debts. Normal people could become slave and be able to return to regular citizenry after debts had been paid. Roman Slavery was formatted to where any conquered person, be it African, Greek, Gallic, etc. all were considered slaves. All had ability to get out of slavery, and if they did, they would be treated as Roman citizens. This is not like the African slave trade, which was based upon the idea that the African peoples were sub-human. A slave of this time was seen only as a piece of property. I'm not saying Roman or medieval slavery is good, but it was definitely not as brutal as the African slave trade.


    And lastly, I don't think any sci-fi/future/space version of slavery is hardly something to argue historical slavery.



    The thing people forget is that especially in north africa and the middle east, white christians were slaves too, even taken from the USA post revolution to be enslaved in modern day Tripoli (IIRC this leads to a certain line in a certain US Marine song). over 1 million were taken and enslaved over the period, sure, not as many as from Africa to other places or Inda or China etc, but it was there (and i would cry foul if it wasnt, it was a significant issue in the med for a very long time and having a game with the med without that would be like having a ww1 game without machineguns in my view though it can heavily be covered by piracy, it wouldnt exactly be true to the real reasoning).





    Now, as for me and my view, i am highly torn on it really, i think it should be there for others to use if they wish it (i will not do it) just like i think that female captains should be possible, however if the devs dont want the kettle of fish i totally understand it and wouldnt be to bothered without it, but i would think that (should the game get that far) slavery should be in by the time the game includes the med sea simply for the fact it played in much of the warring with North Africa.


    So i vote i dont mind either way, heh

  15. it will be interesting to see the ingame influence that the portuguese abolition of slavery had on the slave trade itself, if this is done...


    I thought for the games era, it wasnt fully abolished by the Portuguese yet (with semi attempts but no real full scale removal) and was only done in the 1830s along with most of mainland europe due to British pressure which might be a bit after the time of "open world".

  16. Unlikely, when the servers go down you can't even log in (no global chat). More likely a issue with battle instances if battles won't start but the global lobby still works.


    I dont even get the lobby, i just get "loading" whenever i try to load.

  17. Personally i have no dog in it, but in the "open world" version i have yet to see a precise date? But given the age of the ships, the British abolished trade within the Empire by this point, meaning the Royal Navy would be highly aggressive to any slavers found(if England isnt going to do it, they will be dammed if they let anyone else do it too was how it went), so from an "objective" view, although it would be profitable, it would also (or should) be a highly dangerous thing to do.


    And as above said, slaves made up every group, the Americans, British and iirc Dutch and a few others invaded many muslim regions to free christians enslaved also.


    Up to the devs, if its done well and in a respectful manner, then fine due to it being historical(and a massive part of history at that!), but dont go full racist, because that will not be good for the game or its PR.

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