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D. Federico de Gravina y N

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Posts posted by D. Federico de Gravina y N

  1. Offtopic: donde lo habeis ofrecido? Por curiolsidad, no te lo revato jajajaj

    Un jugador español (ION AGUIRRE) me comentó que podia hacer el modelo del Montañes y la Diana(ya los habia hecho ya que las imagenes del modelo 3D del Montañes son suyas) para ellos totalmente gratis,apareciendo su nombre en los creditos como creador de esos modelos, siempre que le dijeran en que formato y cuantos poligonos debeia tener los barcos para que encajara en el juego.

    Eso fue el verano del año pasado, estuvimos BungeLemming y yo actuando como intermediarios entre los DEVS e ION AGUIRRE; aun seguimos esperando a que nos contesten....no entiendo a una empresa que le ofrecen trabajo ya hecho y gratis y ni aceptan

  2. -Quitar el tema de batallas de puertos para una clase de barcos, que entre cualquier buque aunque se limite el BR en función del tamaño del puerto.

    -Que la IA te persiga y ataque si te ve, y de paso que las flotas sean mas realistas( 5 Santisimas y 10 Terceras!!????).

    -Que muestren interés por la información que les aportamos algunos en tema de barcos, fuertes y demases españolas, con un simple gracias por la info nos conformariamos, que tenemos la sensación de que ni se lo miran si quiera.

    -Que puedas mandar construir un barco de forma automatizada aunque cueste mas y lleve mas tiempo, para que la gente no se tire la vida construyendo barcos.

    -Ah y que se puedan manejar las defensas de puerto, sin necesidad de desembarcar, aunque los defensores se queden con menos barcos con los que combatir

  3. eliminate it no, limit it yes.


    On solution is GALACTICA Online game, and his way to take the battlestar Pegasus(the most powerfull ship of the game) for 24h, only with Honor points, for every mission or port that you attack or defend, you recive XX Honor points, to buy special parts for your ship or keep it for take the big ship.


    Obviously, changing the parameters for Naval Action

  4. It wont change anything, there will just be a new 'best' for each battle. Either 15 Ingers or 25 trincs (or whatever combination)

    BR limits don't work, create incentives to vary the fleet you are bringing.


    The ships the attacker will have in current situation:

    1st rates 25


    The ships the defender will have in current situation:

    1st rates 25


    How do port battles look currently?



    So, let’s look at the goals in the ideal port battle.


    The inherent goal of the attacker is:

    Attacking the fortifications

    Taking the capture zones

    Destroying the defenders


    The inherent goal of the defender is:

    Defend the fortifications (optional)

    Defending the capture zones

    Destroying the attackers


    What features are in the port battle:

    Heavier fortifications

    Capture zones

    The raiding of resources (Only in raid battle, see end of post)

    Land in battles, including shallows.


    How does this look like in the battle itself?


    Land is green, shallows are lighter blue


    When including the fortifications and capture zones:


    Red circles indicate the zones, the yellow squares the fortifications


    So, what does this to the fleet composition?

    Fortifications -> Attackers will bring mortar brigs -> defender will bring frigates to attack mortar brigs-> attacker will bring frigates for defending the mortar brigs.


    Shallows -> Deep drafted ships can only operate in certain areas -> the usage of shallower draft ships.


    So, what does the fortification do to the fleet composition?


    The ships the attacker will have in current situation:

    1st rates 17

    Frigates 5

    Mortar brigs 3

    The ships the defender will have in current situation:

    1st rates 18

    Frigates 7


    When shallows are taken into the calculation, the usage of 4th rates and 3rd rates will increase.


    The ships the attacker will have in current situation:

    1st rates 10

    3rd/4th rates 7

    Frigates 5

    Mortar brigs 3

    The ships the defender will have in current situation:

    1st rates 12

    3rd/4th rates 6

    Frigates 7


    When raiding of resources is also taken into account, this will result in the following:


    The ships the attacker will have in current situation:

    1st rates 10

    3rd/4th rates 6

    Frigates 4

    Indiamen 3

    Mortar brigs 2


    The end result is a very tactical approach to a currently linear engagement. The attacker can position himself for the most optimal appoach, whilst the defender is incentivized to sally with the frigs to take down the MB's. Also the fleetcomposition plays a massive role in the strength in battle, no longer will 1st rate on dominate.The whole cat-mouse game starts there and then. :)



    For more extensive and detailed proposition regarding the draft of ships in this game, look here:



    Which would create a detailed spectrum in which PB can be split.




    Certain ports will allow up to 6, certain to 8, some to 5,5, others to 4.

    Not only will this diverse how ports are spread across the map, it will also create interesting combinations and even more variety besides the earlier described diversity incentive.

    I think your proposal is an ideal one...but I fear it is a utopia and doubt it being feasible at this stage .... while putting a BR limits  seems a quite doable

    • Like 1
  5. Hi captains (and hopefully Devs) 

     Time ago PB were modified to fit into one of three categories , trying to gain variety to the collection of ships we use on those battles.


    While it is true that these battles become a bit more entertaining, the number of variants are equally limited, as practically everyone tends to use the same ship - allegedly the most more useful in each category, 1st rates for RC, 4th (inger) for Deep ports and mercury for Shallows - so in practice only 5 or 6 ships types at most are used...making port battles somewhat dull as two mirrored fleets competes in doing the most damage.


    Those of us being here from Sea trials, on those big battles were surprises were fighting alongside Victories and Santissimas, remenber for sure how much fun they were.... partly by ships variety allowing mixed strategies...ships of the line were pounding their linear formations, while forces of frigates tried to position themselves in the enemy´s rear...or trying to screen their own lines from their enemy counterparts.


    In the spirit of bringing back those times, I ask for a BR total limit being assigned to each of the three port battle types. Each sides would try to max his forces with two variables, number of captains (up to the 25 limit) and BR "weight" to maximizes their probabilities.


    This change would have the added advantage of equalizing battles for low-population nations/timerzone, as 15 captains would have a greater chance against 25 in ships totalling same BR than in same ships (as currently).



    Thanks Eishen for help me with the traduction and for add some ideas

    • Like 7
  6. y cuando esas dos personas tengan el poder, y cometan errores, se les echará a los perros como se hizo con los últimos diplomáticos?.....creo que el problema no es por falta de organziación, es por falta de actitud con aquellas personas que han intentado y siguen intentando dar coherencia y estabilidad en esta facción



    Creo que aquí hay gente con la vista centrada más en los timers, que en fijarse como es la organización en esta facción, mientras volvemos a los tiempos de principios de año, y cuando volvamos a frenarles los pies, iremos corriendo a pegarnos con todos y a intentar abarcar más de lo defendible otra vez....esto cada vez me parece más un Dejà Vu

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