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CSA Watkins

Civil War Tester
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Posts posted by CSA Watkins

  1. 1 hour ago, Nox165 said:

    I mean why is hood even a commander there?

    Hearing this fighting just to the right of his position, Maj. Gen. John Bell Hood, recently arrived from the East with the leading elements of Longstreet’s force, sent his men forward on his own initiative. Hood’s six veteran brigades slammed into and overlapped three brigades of Brig. Gen. Jefferson C. Davis (a most unfortunate name for a Union general) and quickly drove them westward. As if on cue, another Federal division......................

    That night, Longstreet himself arrived and wakened Bragg, who assigned him command of the army’s left wing although "Old Pete" had yet to see the battlefield in daylight. In the tangled woods where much of the fighting was taking place, there was little to see anyway..........


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  2.  Heldchen: Get it some time with using the HUD to select n than move/ click or use the draw Line formations,, etc.. Reading your post above...Your an old Hand at this....you understand field tactics......

    What 'I learned by using the HUD..I used the 1 custom Battle to Get the Hang of using the HUD than a smaller Historical Battle. I also had that problem a while back. Of not being able to select multiple Unit on field. I don't quit, I adjust..

    When selecting the Division icon I learnt to keep divisions together(impt when it comes to all things military on a field of Battle).

    I could Click Corps commander see his command than select Ctrl + as many Artillery units with 1 brigade to Guard,if I need to move/ come together to concentrate fire. I Use Line draw formation a lot. I can select Just my supplies an Click the loads to Hold all there supplies(Action bar) till needed n where..No more doling out supplies unabated.

    For me I am glad I took the time to get to understand Just How Useful the HUD is. I can select a division/ Half a division n Draw a line semi circle, place artillery along where a Wooded/Forest meets a Field. I Used the Pause to click around for a better understanding of the games mechanics. I suggest Custom Battle Antietam as the AoP has a good number of units,, n it's a good confined battle to learn....have a clearer understanding of it.

    Also I use the Hold Command exclusively(AI is active when not on Hold(moving to clear Firing LOS/wander away/ attack n get shot up..etc..))....I still use the HUD 80% of the time now to multi select Brigades/Group/ etc,,.

    imo....HUD...it's well done n a time saver when in battle..I can only suggest this ,as each to his own...,, hopefully it helps n you also get the other sorted.. Good Luck............

  3. So to clarify  you selected the main Body of the unit 'Not the shield ID? That was my mistake. as I could not select multi unit this way.

    But once I held Ctrl n clicked on the Main body(men) it worked.

    Well if you did that,, n still no joy.....,,,hate to see you go.....but

    Happy Trails, n remember to water your horse regularly..,,oats once a day......;)

  4. 12 hours ago, heldchen said:

    No possibility to resolve this issue? So i have to deinstall this game, because larger battles aren t playable.

    Really? A.P. Hill is correct

    Holding Ctrl + Clicking on the main body(s) to the additional Units, or deselect a selected unit by clicking on to again,... works great.

  5. From what I read Stevens Run,, is a tributary of Rock Creek it is approx 2.2 miles long. You can fish it, in Mid/ late spring. In July most would be a dry bed with a side trickle of water(as A.P.Hill said) with some standing pools, as you got closer to Rock Creek,,,

    Rock Creek was a deep creek at some places on July 1st n Had Ewell's men looking for fords/crossing points,men were crossing at some places chest deep...,,iirc........

  6. If you talking about the Historical Battle Maps n Not Campaign,,, there Numbers/Units are historical for the most Part>The weapons are unified within brigades for balance. As CSA had different weapons in the early war in there Brigades from Smoothbore to Springfield's n everything in between.

    Campaign is ahistorical, except for places like Andre said,,,,

    Custom Battles are just that Custom,, move units , add Units........

  7. Here is some numbers Nox you were close according to this site...


    AoP.......There are no field returns for the Cavalry Corps or the Artillery Reserve for July 4th. But estimating in round numbers, 78,000 is the maximum fighting strength for the seven army corps. By adding 13,000 for the Cavalry Corps, and 2500 for the Artillery Reserve (as shown by the return for June 30th), an aggregate of 93,500 is obtained.

    The effective strength as reported by the seven army corps commanders at the council held on the evening of July 2d, was as follows: About 9000, 12,500, 9000, 6000, 8500, 6000, 7000,--total 58,000.Unfortunately, the particular corps represented by these figures are not stated in the minutes of the council......

    CSA......According to the returns of the Confederate Army for May 31st, 1863, which were the final reports preceding the battle, the 'effective total' of enlisted men was:................

    Infantry...................... 54,356 
    Stuart's Cavalry............ 9,536 
    Artillery....................... 4,460 
    Alexander's and Garnett's artillery battalions (consisting of ten batteries) are not included in the above figures. Their effective strength may, however, be stated at 800 officers and men. There were also 6116 officers borne on the return as 'present for duty,' which added to the foregoing and give an aggregate of 75,268 officers and men......

  8. On the Battle Field you cannot pick multi Units by using Ctrl. Us the Box(Frame?) to pick/ or group units on field This is only when units are very close, n is sometimes hard to manipulate to box you units.....

    ...... and/ or Hold ""Ctrl n select /click units 1 by one from you Corps, HUD."  What I do is select a Division than deselect unit(s) I do not want to move via HUD.etc etc, just play around with it... Hope this helps..

  9. With the above. For me it's to obtrusive. The line as it is now works ok...   Agree it is hard to see the firing arc at times. I am for changing the color of the line to a Blue Line like above in Ned's first example.Minus the water n Wave. But Options would be nice with a couple choices of how the player wants there Game/setup to be.(Firing Arc,,etc)

  10. 1 hour ago, Stonewall47 said:

    Fredericksburg wasn't all that fun. Maybe it needs to broken up into three phases? The hill, Mayre's Heights and then the Post Road (I think that's what it's called). I took the Heights, the CSA moved north to flank me, so I just pinned them

    Agree.^. I played the Historical Battle(Union) I sent in my report mentioning much of the same as above. Perhaps the AI needs to be kicked up a Notch, on BGen Level .....Aggressive / Determined when fortified. Batteries do a pretty good Job supporting/Positioning smartly.

    But sometimes the AI gets side tracked n Lose's battle cohesion.

    Prospect Hill Phase 1 needs help,,stopping right in the middle of a Great rip roaring Battle is a bit of a disappointment . Need to have an opportunity to finish this fight for the Objective,,,imo.. before or after Battle focus has shifted to another area..                                 

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  11. There Called "Supply Wagons"(Artillery/Powder/Small arm ammo). This is what I do

    When capturing a Enemy Supply wagon, One can consume there supplies.

    The thing here is to guide/Path them back to you lines, with a guard(Skirms) than place them on 

    hold behind your lines(Keeps them from wondering)+ keep wagons out of of ammo distributing area(ring) till needed than move them up.

    Remember to use Hold Fire on some of your Batteries that are shooting long range.

    Small returns in Kills while depleting your supplies at a fast rate.

    Remember to buy max supplies when in Camp if you can afford it also ammo was a problem at times getting it to the front IRL.

    Hope this helps.

  12. This is an eye opener...good read 1 Vol.

    The Confederacy's Last Hurrah...by Wiley Sword.


    Wiley Sword: follows Hood and his army as they let an early advantage and possible victory slip away at Spring Hill, then engage in a reckless and ill-fated frontal attack on Franklin, often called the "Gettysburg of the West." Despite that disaster, Hood refuses to yield and presses on the Nashville and a two-day bloodbath that unhinges what is left of his battered troops the worst defeat suffered by any army during the war.

    Telling the story from both the Confederate and the Union perspectives, Sword pursues ......

  13. OP, The local Scuttlebutt is that an Update, out soon...


    @ Lincoln ............... a suggestion,,,, Shelby Foote's A Narrative 3 Volume's ~900 pages each. among the best, all encompassing...imo 


    Catton(October 9, 1899 – August 28, 1978) was an American historian and journalist, best known for his books on the ACW.

    In the early 1950s, Catton published three books known as the Army of the Potomac trilogy. In Mr. Lincoln's Army (1951)..... 

    Following the publication of Captain Sam Grant (1950) by historian and biographer Lloyd Lewis, Catton wrote the second and third volumes of this trilogy, making extensive use of Lewis's historical research.

    This Hallowed Ground(1956) was an account of the war from the Union perspective. Upon its publication, it was widely considered the best single volume history of the Civil War, receiving a Fletcher Pratt Award from the Civil War Round Table of New York in 1957.


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  14. OP n Others do indeed raise some interesting questions...(Dead //Wounded //Able to return to Duty.)

    ** After Gettysburg:Casualties, 7,058 were fatalities (3,155 Union, 3,903 Confederate). 
    Another 33,264 had been wounded (14,529 Union, 18,735 Confederate) and 10,790 were missing (5,365 Union, 5,425 Confederate).

    ****I agree also with Koro, Lowering the Causalities would be very hard.
    All assemble/reflection of casualties of the Real Battle goes out the window as soon as the player starts his battle.

    If the Battle in question was ever Fought again IRL,
    No two battles would ever play out the same.
    Casualties., places were heavy engagements took place, numbers would be different....greater/smaller who knows.

    Realism for me is,,,'Places // ~ 'Numbers/ Units / Combatants  involved// ~ Weapon Ballistics(Ranges,Hitting power etc)

  15. A.P Hill: If you see a supply wagon, use Skirmishers/Mounted Units to capture Supply.
    Hit the charge button when close, they have to be close or the AI wagon will get away. 
    Brigades  are to slow to go chasing after supply wagons. 
    Once a Supply Wagon is captured, they can than be used as your own supply unit.

    The AI tries to recapture there supply wagons. If the captured supply Wagon comes into contact with the Enemy(AI army unit)
    they will be than rescued, n return it to there army. Protect your supplies, put them in a Safe area(Guarded if need be) n hit Hold till needed.
    To tell if your Supply wagon is indeed supplying a unit, 
    make sure the Supply Wagon has supplies(Usually they Flash when empty)
    When Supply is within there supply circle, Check the unit thats Low/no ammo. There is a white line
    below the reload line(red) to indicate Supply Level. You can see the white line in the Units,Stat(Morale/Condition etc) on the 
    Bottom Left when Selected.This Line will grow(Slowly) as supplies are being received.
    Surrendering troops. If you overwhelm a unit it will Surrender, how that works exactly?
    (Taking losses, surrounded,...) When they are captured there Unit ID changes color
    to indicate captured. Than hit/click the withdraw command when captured they will march to the rear.
    Again if a captured unit comes into contact with a enemy unit, they again will be rescued.
    You might have to guard/accompany a captured Brigade(to the rear with Skirms.)if enemy units are near by.

    Hope this helps, A users Manual/Guide is being worked on, and will appear soon.

    Go over Koro Tips thread., Very good n useful if you haven't yet done so yet.

  16. v1.7 rev.14398 // Campaign // ANV Pz1.1 // Determined // Defeat


    My Field Numbers / Position Prevented me from Mounting any real offensive push

    from the North, without incurring heavy losses. A prudent General  would wait for Rodes's and/or Early.....

    I just wanted to Take Oak Hill n hold it. But that failed.


    The AI did for the most part have a good defense,with protecting Artillery

    and holding the High Ground(Oak Ridge).

     The AI did this while putting unrelenting pressure on my South Face on Oak Hill.



    This Vid is the last ~eight mins.

    All things being equal with weapons..

    I find... I suffered ~2 x the Casualties than the AI, AI was haphazard with the offensive, n causalities should of been reverses..imo..


    The AI was handing out greater damage, at times (Range's)(Arty Salvo's 20+.)

    Paul's Brigade n a couple others displayed unrealistic resiliency to Prolonged,  Arty., Musket fire.......

    The AI has a propensity to exposed Brigades in the open. Resistant to Falling Back when taking heavy Losses/Receiving Heavy Fire.

    Refuses fall back  to obtain/taking cover n remaining where it is relative safe, with support.

    11:57 - Iron Brigade's Suicidal charge across the field of Death.


    This in turn causes The AI Brigades' to eventually get ground down, n finally rout with heavy losses.

    This affect's the AI' Combat Readiness later on for the 1st Corps. When submitting Battle Report for next Phase start.


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  17. v.1.7 rev.14398..  Campaign // ANV // Phase 2 // Dynamic

    AI does put up a good defense otherwise in the few battles I have played...so far,,.


    I did notice:

    14:47 > Paul(*/Combat Rating) in A Melee ~ 40 minutes Game time.

    Holding the O. McMillan Farm area, on South Seminary Ridge.


    I had 5 Brigade hitting him at 1 time or another, Had Lane n Brockenbrough

    waiting to give Paul the taste of some Steel!

    Musket Fire/Arty Fire into Paul's Flanks/Ranks.., seem to have minimal effect, 

    ​Dislodging was laborious n costly. No option to ignore Paul's' Position,  he had to Go...


    The AI was too resilient(Pauls' Brigade here'),,, withstanding heavy engagements(over this time frame)(Melee/Musket/Arty Fire.)..imo

    Paul's Brigade should of been incurring heavier losses n routing back off Seminary,  within 5-10 mins...imo

    As they were hit by superior # , n elan(Morale/Condition)..

    15:38.. Paul's Brigade finally Broke. His Brigade Fell Back n Formed a nice Battle line

    with what was left of the Iron Brigade.

    *Paul's Brigade was well supported with Artillery/ on South Seminary n C.Hill, throughout.., etc.


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  18. Single Player..

    Campaign // Phase 2 // ANV 



    Good Defense....


    Seems Devin's Skirmishers are ripping up the Front.. OOB..2276 Kills....Outcome Report 2538..


    My Arty Numbers are good.. imo..Supported n protected for

    the most Part except from... LR..Shot..


    AI Arty Number might seem high but their Batteries had prolonged... 

    (*Long Range Salvo)(Shell Fire..... into massed Troops) n *Batteries.))


    But I did notice AI Melee on a Custom Map, dealing out good damage.

    Being stubborn by not disengage/Fall Back,

    ** Without incurring high causalities despite being hit with 2-3 Brigades(Melee n Fire) / 50% + Condition..**

    They should of been pushed right off the Hill with that much pressure put on them^.........


    I am going to Restart //// get clips of Flank Fire n Melee Custom Maps

    **Perhaps Entrenched Troops in Elevation, n Flank Fire are a bit Over Powered,,..

    ..But will see...

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  19. From a 

    Rock Paper Shotgun interview................

    By Tim Stone on May 1st, 2015 at 1:00 pm........


    Nick: We are experimenting on a new enhanced game engine version for a next title that will simulate The Battle of Antietam. This engine will make the next game visually superior to Ultimate General: Gettysburg and will use a sandbox system in which you can play the battle from the start to the end, having full control of the army. It’s too early to provide a release date and also we haven’t yet decided if this new title will be sold separately or as DLC..........



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