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  1. ooff. Well, beta description does look like a lot of work for you to keep NAR compatible anyway. 😬
  2. Okay. They have the Reich Flag (which I don't want to screenshot here, not sure if it's allowed), even though they are a Democracy. But the nationalist party is governing with about 60%. Is that why they show the Svastika instead of black-red-yellow stripes?
  3. Sorry, my english's not good enough, so I don't fully understand. q.q ... I would understand that democracy Germany shouldn't have that flag?
  4. @o BarãoIs it intended that a German Democracy has a Nazi Flag? 😅
  5. Well, talking about the devil: These kind of ambush's also gone then, right?
  6. Cause Battleships did not sail alone, especially not while being at war. And Ambush refers to ships in harbor, so player doesn't even have control over that risk. Edit: That's my guess at least. Can't look into Barons mind of course.
  7. Was a bit weird anyway, that the game was just assuming battleships would be alone at sea. Hate when games force you to something stupid no one would ever do.
  8. @Patriot-d-HHi! Read that you added some German to NAR? I speak German as my native language, but even before I started with NAR I had played UAD in english due to the terrible (automatically generated?) German localization. Did you do a complete "Overhaul" of this localization, that makes it good playable or did you just make NAR working with German settings? Either way, thanks for your support!
  9. Is the battle performance somehow worse than before? I actually don't understand why, neither my CPU nor GPU nor RAM are even close to their limits. Yet the game's sometimes reduced to 10 FPS. Even with "only" about 20 Ships in a fight. Could that happened because I continued my campaign over the past three or four NAR patches and now he's overcalculating something?
  10. And another question to both of you @NathanKell @o Barão Would it be possible to change the System of modernized dreadnoughts? Currently we have to build them from scratch. Does not seem logical to me. Instead... could there be perhaps a technology that allows the modern towers to be built on the normal dreadnought hulls via refit? Or something like that, allowing the Player to truly modernize his dreadnoughts?
  11. Not Sure if everyone here thinks the same as me: What indeed happened in history are changes on armor values. For instance increasing the Thickness of deck armor or belts. Therefore changing the values should be possible ingame. But they never change the type of armor (Krupp, cemented, compound etc.) at a whole Ship. That would pretty much be a complete rebuild, which doesn't make sense.
  12. So you would advice to upgrade guns? In which situations would you suggest not to? The option must have a use somewhere, I guess?
  13. @o Barão @NathanKellDo you know if the AI does upgrade the gun marks when refitting? Since if they upgrade their guns, it would be a big advantage against players like me who love that historical way without upgrading. And btw: Enemy has light cruisers with guns about 22 inch pen. Is that because I added the patch for the historical values after beginning the campaign? Or is it intended the AI has such devastating guns on light cruisers?
  14. @o BarãoI have another suggestion. Perhaps that's also something for @NathanKell : Would it be possible to make armor material unchangeable in refittings? It actually doesn't make much sense to transfer compound into krupp, does it?
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