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Everything posted by Stallfighter

  1. Yes I was also thinking about KMS Emden situation here, but with guns instead of funnel
  2. I understand that for AI reasons, however we all remember Mogami example (but tbf there are no treaty system so why bother regunning your CA). Also, it means 6' on CAs will count as a sec battery now? In late armored cruisers era 6' counted as main battery for citadel calculation purposes and it was annoying sometimes.
  3. I'm quite enjoing this mod so far (not tried the economy test version yet), and for better or worse I got a weird idea to suggest, if it is even possible to do. So, there is that "night vision" stat on the later towers. Assuming it works at all, is it possible to add it to the smaller caliber guns (I'ld say 6 in or less) to simulate star shell usage? On the same line of thoughts, they can get submarine attack/defence boosting stats, to, again, simulate star shells and this time, diving shells as well (not the japanese anti-armor kind, the ASW ones that were deployed since WWI and still were in service even in the WWII). Diving shells might actually be interesing as a separate shell type by themselfs but it would require to replace something (like incendiary in case of HE or SAP for AP), but is it even possible?
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