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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. What do people think about being able to "suggest" an attack by the army to coordinate the war effort more closely between military branches? It would cost naval prestige to simulate approaching the army in a way that may show a lack of capability to act/win the war by itself and it would be chancebased on whether or not the army agrees. The cost could be based on scaling factors or a flat number, but if you want it to be scaled, you could base it off the defending province's value, population or army size. The chance of success increasing could be tied to a higher navy and army power projection. It would give a new use for naval prestige which I've found usually gets piled up for the player quite heavily. The player doesn't get any say where the army attacks from, or how many men they send. Only which province is of strategic value (think oil needed for the naval war). This keeps in line with the player only really controlling the admiralty and wouldn't go against current game mechanics at all, considering the player can already coordinate with the army in terms of naval landings.
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