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Everything posted by Матроскин

  1. True, but the 'gage' spelling is what you'll usually find in nautical reference materials.
  2. Weather gage. A "weather gauge" is an instrument that measures weather. An easy (and common) mistake because they are pronounced the same.
  3. I'd like to see a system where each group or squadron could assign a leader, and the leader would have extra abilities used for helping organize the attack, for example, a marker to identify the target. There could a chain of command as well, in case the leader is killed. A marker would solve the problem of Cyrillic player/ship names, by the way. Just as an aside, it seems like lots of people seem to be using PotBS as a frame of reference, almost to the point of treating Naval Action like "PotBS II". Personally, and I have nothing against PotBS (I played for years), I hope the devs are starting from a clean sheet.
  4. Всем привет! Old potbs player here as well. As much as I enjoyed the game, I hope NA is not just "PotBS II". I'm hoping it is a lot bigger, more realistic, more open and lot less like a typical MMO with levels and magic powers. One thing I've learned is that if your world is appealing, people will want to live there -- no need for gimmicks.
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