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  1. Hey Panda. I've always been a huge fan of your mods..until now...sort of. I just started to get back into UGCW and saw that since I last played the mod was updated to 1.28.4. I started a new campaign as the Union on BG difficulty and was having a pretty tough time. I switched to Colonel difficulty(yeah I know), and restarted. The beginning battles weren't too bad but when I got to Shiloh, no matter what I did, I would just get steam rolled over and over again. The Confederates outnumbered me 3 to 1. It was just a grey tide of charges over and over by a seemingly fatigueless foe and being surrounded on all sides from detached skirmishers like angry gnats. My brigades would just get too tired and weren't able to recover or were just overwhelmed by sheer numbers. The several times I've tried the battle I was just annihilated every time. I don't remember the previous versions of your mod this difficult. They mainly just added new features and quality of life improvements as far as I can remember. I don't want to say that it's "unplayable" in its current state for me, but it's just frustrating. P.S. Are the old versions of your mod available anywhere?
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