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Nender last won the day on August 22 2023

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About Nender

  • Birthday 05/01/2004

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    Anything related to military history since the 15th century, mainly focused in land and sea.

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. This has also somewhat happened to me lots of times recently, but with my supposedly sold ships. I realized that a country could still ask to buy a ship that was in the proccess of being sold to another.
  2. I've found another bug during battles. Apparently there's a chance for some ships to spawn as if they were surrendered, like, they don't move or react to orders, they just stay there and they don't even seem to be floating on water, but just being displayed as a prop. This has happened to me during a battle in the Black Sea, where out of my small task force of 1 CA and 2 CL, both light cruisers were bugged in this way, allowing me to only play with the CA. I've also seen this happen to the AI, with one of their DDs suffering from the same issue. The bugged ships can still be damaged and sunk, though.
  3. Hi all, I've adressed this issue in the feedback section a couple times, but I believe it may require a brief topic by its own. I'll try to keep it as short as possible. (I'll focus on the early campaign (circa 1890-1920) since it's one of the periods that I've most played. I've not had the chance to encounter any issues during late campaign just yet). The core of the problem To begin with, in reality, the national flag of Spain until 1931 was this one (it was actually the naval ensign since 1785, but from 1843 onwards it became the Army & national flag): Current naval ensign in game and what the national flag should be The current national flag the game uses for Spain is that of the Nationalists during the first months of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), with it being the tricolor Republican flag with the purple stripe painted red (image below). The flag in question Of course, this makes no sense at all, since the flag wasn't concieved up until 1931. This flag is also lacking any monarchist symbology (since it employs a castle crown, instead of a royal one), which further makes it incompatible with the Spanish "Constitutional Monarchy" of the time. Possible fixes and further issues Well, the solution is quite obvious: simply replace the national flag, right? The problem I'd see with doing is is that all 3 flags displayed on the ship would be the same (since both the national flag and naval ensign were the same). I believe this could be solved in 2 ways: Spain didn't really have a standard naval jack until 1945, so in my opinion no flag should be displayed at the bow of the ship. This could possibly be done with specific hull models. Implementing naval jack system (for all nations), which I believe has already been suggested and I've mentioned some time back. In case this is even considered, the Spanish naval jack is commonly known as "Torrotito" (in use since 1945), shown in the image below: Torrotito If it's not possible to either remove the bow flag or implement the naval jack system, and thus all 3 flags being the same, is a price I'm willing to pay in order for this major inaccuracy to be fixed. I'm aware other countries also have inacuracies regarding their flags, and it affects game-immersion by a big chunk (at least for me). For example, I've read about the ridiculous situation of Democratic Germany displaying both the Bundesfalgge and Reichsflagge. Anyway, that's all. This has been my first dedicated post so I hope it's been of some use and will help improve the game. Any feedback is appreciated!
  4. Hmm, got it, the term might be somewhat confusing (but I guess that's me). Thanks for the info! I'm also taking the opportunity to make a short suggestion for Spain (since it had its own, decent maritime industry). I've been doing research in the Battle of Santiago de Cuba (1898) and I found a picture of the Spanish Armored Cruiser 'Vizcaya' showing its 11 inch turrets. My question is, in order to bring something unique to a country that's possibly not played often, is there a possibility we could see these in a future? (I also personally like the look of the turret!).
  5. I'm back in game after a long time, and I do see improvements, but there's an issue that makes no sense, and if I'm correct it's been adressed already in the past. The situation is as follows: The year is 1892. Playing with Spain, I get tasked with invading Costa Rica, with at least around 13k tonnage needed to succeed. I then bring my entire Cuban fleet; 1 BB, 2 CA and 4 CL, concentrating a tonnage of around 22k. My surprise was when I checked how the invasion was going, and it said "33% chance to succeed", and ultimately failed. Like... what? I almost duplicate the needed tonnage to effectively conquest a country, and somehow I manage to fail? This makes no sense to me, honestly. I believe a way to improve the system could be "If you have at least the required tonnage, your chances are 50%. The more it goes up, the higher your chances will be". I know invasions are somewhat hard during early-game, but if you duplicate the tonnage I see no justification to my Navy's failure. That's all! There are some other minor issues such as flags still being messed up, but it's an enjoyable game overall. I hope this is of some use!
  6. Flags are still a mess. Will they ever be fixed? It's somewhat frustrating to play Spain and have your fleet display an entirely wrong flag. There are some other flags that didn't even exist in some time periods, and others are just a mix that makes no sense. Also, let me explain an example of what would look perfect for me (and possibly many other players): - In the bow, the naval jack is displayed. - In the middle of the ship, the national flag is displayed. - In the stern, the naval ensign flag is displayed. I personally doubt this would require lots of programming, and it'd definitely be a very good addition.
  7. What's wrong with Spanish names? (Currently in - "La Corunia" You mean "La Coruña"? - "Nuestra Senora del Pilar" You mean "Nuestra Señora del Pilar"? - "Cristobal Colon" You mean Cristóbal Colón? - "Méndes Núñez" You mean "Méndez Núñez"? - "Malaga" You mean "Málaga"? I understand you may want to display the names of cities in English, but it's just a mix of languages. I see "Lisbon" (obviously in English), then "Cádiz" (which is written in Spanish), it's really inconsistent. And then the flag, I know it's been brought up several times but man, seeing the flag Nationalists used during the first years of the civil war of 1936 waving in your 1898 cruiser is kind of... weird. The flag should be the same as the one that's being currently displayed on the bow and stern of ships, the one with the circular coat of arms. (Although I've also read a suggestion of adding a jack, national and ensign flag system, which I would love to see) I really like this game, I've been playing it nonstop since I bought it, but man it can be weird and/or frustrating sometimes.
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