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Everything posted by applegrcoug

  1. I've been at war with Germany now for quite some time. Their fleet is down under 50,000 tons. I have blockaded them...you know, into economic stagnation................of 7.3%. My non blockaded GDP isn't much better at 8.4%
  2. I got another bug... Mothballed ships are no longer actually being sold. I have sold the same ship three turns in a row.
  3. I have another oddity/bug. Just finished a war with Spain. For reparations I took several DDs, two CLs and a BC. The DDs and CLs show up as classes I can refit. The BC is absent.
  4. Now you're just talking too much sense. Heck, you could use rudimentary rules for each protection scheme...all or nothing should be different than cit3.
  5. I captured some (the ones that weren't sunk) AI BBs that had no deck protection. Explains their propensity to spontaneously combust.
  6. I started a new campaign a week or so ago. A few things I've noticed...first, refitting captured ships is nice. Really get to see the turds they design. Odd behavior I see: If I sell a mothballed ship to a minor ally, they dont ever activate it. They seem to be collecting a fleet of museum ships. Major powers scrap ships at the five year mark. Seeing it takes 2-3 years to build a battleship, this seems ludicrous.
  7. No, it isn't a GPU problem. The game just can't utilize all the CPU. The 200 ships are just overloading the few threads threads it does use and can't get info to the GPU fast enough to render. Here is a custom battle with 100 total ships on my 5950x and 3090. The gpu is showing 16% utilization and giving 10fps. Oddly enough, none of the threads pegged out at 90+%.
  8. No, I don't think the names are time sensitive. I'm pretty sure I've seen the RN get a KGV before 1910.
  9. I mentioned it before, but it seems the AI is overly aggressive at scrapping ships. At nine year, it hauls them to the breakers. So they lay the battleships down. Then it takes three years to build. Then a few months to commission. That means an AI BB is only in service for about 5-6 years. I almost never see where the AI is doing a refit. One could argue the merits of refitting a DD considering the time required to build, but a BB on the other hand is a huge time commitment for that hull.
  10. Thank you! I am finally able to clean up about four or five TFs that I wouldn't engage before and just sit there.
  11. My problem isn't the maxed missions. It is only maybe 0-2 per turn. It just isn't generating one. My TF is blocking their TF from moving, theirs is blocking me from moving. I haven't tried since I encountered this problem. It is sort of unplayable at this point.
  12. I have noticed another oddity... I have sold many mothballed ships to my minor allies. However, when they purchase old ships, they never take them out of mothballs.
  13. So the one ship blocking passage really is a problem... I successfully invaded Eastern Germany. Unfortunately, there was a lone CL in Kiel and when I was done with the invasion the CL was ejected. Now I have four task forces that can't move because of that CL. Each one is 3-BB 4-CA 24-DD. More than enough to make Swiss cheese out of a lone CL. Furthermore, the CL can't move because it is blocked by all the BBs. Then because the tonnage logic seems to like to pair like sized vessels in meetings, I haven't generated a mission to sink that thing in four turns. ETA: I "fast forwarded" until March of 1953 at which point peace broke out, but still couldn't move the ships and still no battle. I tried bringing in my own unescorted CLs to try and force a battle, or change my TFs from sea control to something else. Nothing....just stuck.
  14. This is an interesting one... I commissioned a whole bunch of destroyers at once. So many, it depleted my crew pool. I had to mothball a whole bunch of old destroyers to get enough to man the new ones. However, it seems to have reset all of my existing crews to cadets. I just had a battle, on the screen before the battle, it listed my crew as veterans. In battle, they were only cadets.
  15. I had seen it but it was ships too far from port....until yesterday. I encountered Italian ships in the Med with low fuel.
  16. A year ago it seemed that the AI kept old junky ships around forever. The community pointed it out and the developers answered. Now, I have noticed on this campaign is the AI scraps ships after nine years. That seems pretty quick. I keep my car longer than nine years. That seems too aggressive....especially for capital ships. On the little wait screens we see pictures of HMS Warspite and her 30 year service.
  17. Three things... First, I had a CA that needed ammo. I sent it into port...it took three months to reload with ammo. One, these subs have been here for ten years...you can see them in 1933 during the invasion and then ten years later they still haven't moved, been sunk or run aground. Next, why do I keep getting convoy missions against this CA with only DDs? The only way for it to get out is to sail past my CAs. I'd really like to understand why later in the game the only way to engage enemy CAs is with CLs or DD, CLs is only with DDs.
  18. My experience thus far is they are still mostly unkillable.
  19. I too am experiencing the same problem. I have several places I can not kill a submarine. I have dedicated a BB, CA and six DD for a submarine in Reunion. It has been there for over a year just shooting transports. Not only that, I can't even invade Reunion. There are other places there are subs just frozen and unsinkable too around Japan. The unsinkable and unhuntable submarines situation is getting old. I have had the problem, but on the other end of the Med. There were ships stationed in Rabat blocking the Straits of Gibraltar. The only solution was to seize Morocco. Another place I have that are ships stationed on Kyushu block passage between Korea and Japan.
  20. I am having the same problem albeit on a different game. I am running a 1920 campaign that crashes in 1933 and none of the majors have been completely knocked out, although I have an active invasion with Russia and they are nearly defeated. It is also showing some strange behavior in that I don't know who controls Southern Siberia...Soviet Union or United Kingdom. But as I am running a Naval Invasion, I get to this stage and upon trying to advance to the next turn, it crashes for me on building ships. My invasion is at this stage: Seeing as we both have problems with Russia, my guess is they don't like getting beaten.
  21. Well, my 1920 campaign seized up in December of 1949 at Battles. I have tried three times to re-open the campaign and it won't go. I still haven't finished a campaign in seven months...
  22. fresh install and I can't get past this stage ever. edit: I updated the VC runtimes and it is working now.
  23. I think I have an observation that maybe someone else can verify... When the accuracy got adjusted on the latest update, it seems like radar got nerfed as well. Last night I had a CA with gen3 radar that lost contact at about 25km, where before it was much further than that. Also, I got into a major battle in an electrical storm. I was sailing ahead to engage the enemy fleet and then all of a sudden at 9km, all their DDs appeared along with already launched torpedoes. WTF?
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