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  1. I thought as much, mostly from research but I wanted to make sure. I will admit that I raged a bit when I got my ass wooped at Bull Run, but going through again, I realized it was because I was so set in my tactics I refused to adapt in the face of changes, so it was a kick in the pants I needed to truly enjoy what the mod has to offer. things I could get away with in vanilla won't fly here, and that is a good thing.
  2. So, I am truly enjoying the challenge this mod is giving, as I was so set in my gameplay rut that I repeated the first battle of bull run something like 7 times before I could win.( As confederates, for referance) My Question here however is what is the relative time frame for the Joslyn to first appear in the armor (I know its likely only a Union weapon, but my curiosity is getting the better of me here...). I didn't realize there was a trapdoor rifle (carbines I knew of) that technically served in the war, and I can't figure out a more concrete time frame for its introduction during gameplay. It technically existed in 1863, but from research most units delivered were in 1865. I would assume it would show up during '64-'65 on the union side, mostly looking for confirmation here for future playthroughs.
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