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Everything posted by Halcion

  1. This, the Army will invade a neighboring province with 8,000 troops, against a defending force 10 to 50 times its size. They get squashed. Then there’s Naval Invasions, to have a realistic chance to succeed you have 500k-1 million tons of ships. After it succeeds, the Army packs back up, gets back on the boats and leaves 4-12,000 troops. If the AI has an inland force, the Army gets folded up less than a year later. Time for a “Marines” dynamic you can fund, deploy and use if the Army forces are brain dead.
  2. The Army is officially retarded, I gave up on this campaign because even after the last patch (regained 700,000 troops), all 700,000 went to sitting in mainland Japan while Britain picked off all of my Asian conquests. Every single time a smallish British force of 20-30,000 troops overran the tiny 2,000 or so man garrisons spread out over THE ENTIRETY of every territory. I just quit and went back to playing the US. Why bother invading if the Army doesn’t bother defending anything? Britains Army logistics have NEVER fallen below 100%, despite losing 3/4 of their fleet, fleet power has fallen to 33% and they lose hoards of transports every month.
  3. Playing as Japan in now in 1921, invaded and conquered China early on. Then took some French holdings below China. I have the largest fleet I can afford and 200% transports. But fleet strength will not rise above 40% and Army logistics won’t/can’t get above 20%. Had about 7 million poorly supplied soldiers. New patch drops, 5.6million soldiers go home instantly. Britain declares war and now every single territory BUT the home islands have a garrison of 1-2.5k soldiers. I am now losing all of mainland China to tiny British garrisons in Weihaiwei, Hong Kong and they’re creeping up from Singapore. I have declared about 20-30 naval invasions against these tiny city garrisons. All have failed. EVERY SINGLE ONE. Routinely with 2-3 times the required tonnage. I’m about to lose all of China to about 30-40,000 troops because the Army has decided to stay home. What exactly can I do here? At sea I’m beating the British about 177,000 to 34,000 victory points. Peace Treaty isn’t ever an option. This situation is beyond aggravating. What can I do aside from just not playing Japan now?
  4. Several thing are again playing out: -Hanging at the “Building New Ships” turn transition. Have had to close the game out several times. If it does get “unstuck” I’m playing my cellphone for 3-5 minutes. -National Unrest is getting nuts again, it just continues to grow out of your control. Makes taking any action that increases unrest ugly options to take. -GDP growth, even during extended times of peace the random nature of governments will make this crawl. -Conflicts, I have lost SOOO many naval invasions of neutral powers I don’t even bother anymore. Germany against a tiny Netherlands (55k) Army? 3x required tonnage? Loss. Naval invasion against Latvian with 400k tons of ships against 53k troops? Loss. What do you gain? Negative prestige and hideous unrest because the random number generator worked against you. (Both scenarios had 100% Army Logistics). -Weather effects, when the blue overcast haze turns on, game enjoyability drops too. Because you can’t see anything. Let alone with the murderous effects of “smooth waves” “daytime” and the other cabal member effect that results in me usually just retreating rather than play an hour long real time battle at .01% accuracy. -Torpedoes, again, the AI can reliably put deadly strikes on target in a hurricane, using 1900-1910 torpedo technology at ridiculous ranges. While your ships are forced to flee or fire 3,000 shells for one hit for close to no damage. I want to love this game, but it’s a bug filled S&M experience. My latest fun experience: Started Germany in 1910, failed to gain ANY traction starting a war with ANY major power (fleet activity and tension increases). Two neutral invasions failed for god knows why. Heligoland rebels due to failed invasions and random unrest creep. 450k tons of ships fail to win the “conflict”. Revolution and I’m out due to low prestige. FUN GAME GUYS!
  5. Currently playing in the 30’s or so in the campaign. The AI has discovered high speed DD’s and CL’s. I understand small moving ships at long range being hard to hit. HOWEVER, at ranges less than 2km I think the accuracy should be better than sub 2%. I have seen “maneuvers” lower accuracy as much as 93%. This is in addition to “small target” and “fast speed” reducing it almost as much. These are still 1400 ton+ ships going 35+ knots. Not VW bugs going 80 performing evasive maneuvers. I’ve had battles where my ships would almost expend all ammunition hunting DD’s down. Situations usually involve initially undamaged friendly ships in decent weather with good tech ratings. I pretty much decline fighting AI DD’s whenever possible. Not because they’re dangerous, just ultra annoying and horrendous to play against. Is this a bug? Or the game going as intended?
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