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Everything posted by Schmitty21

  1. Am I the only one dealing with the AI having absurd accuracy, especially with their secondarys? They have half the tech levels I do and double the accuracy on similar class ships with similar size. It definitely feels like something changed in the last couple patches.
  2. Good thing we've got these lifeboats blocking our main battery. Not like this is a warship or anything. Hopefully the C class hull that's coming is a little more useful than the British Light Cruiser IV.
  3. You'll take a VP hit at the end of turn for that, which adds up when the game queues up 5 convoy attacks every turn. Also frustrating to see that button grayed out in a situation where withdrawing is an obvious option. And don't get me started on the game constantly putting my ships against ships that are designed to kill them (CL vs CA, CA vs BB/BC, etc.) How about this? EVERY battle should have a withdrawal chance. The chance should be based on the type of battle it is and the fleet speed. Convoy attacks, ambushes, and coastal raids (where you are the ambusher or raider) are all examples of battles that should have high withdrawal chance. Any commander in those situations that sees an unfavorable tactical situation shouldn't be forced into a battle. Other battles like meetings and task force battles, withdrawal chances should be more based on whether or not your fleet can outrun the enemy. This would encourage the player to invest in higher speed ships.
  4. Stop. Forcing. Me. To. Attack. Convoys. There is absolutely zero reason for the withdraw button to be grayed out on convoy attacks and zero reason for it to not work 90% of the time. There is no way I am going to let my CL's attack CA's or BC's guarding a convoy. That's just idiotic.
  5. I'm definitely okay with replacing some of those popups, but I'd like to see a mid point. For example, I'd like an info box of whatever war I'm currently in so I can see how many ships my enemy has without going to the politics screen. Another way to make the between turn popups more efficient would be to not list every single ship damaged by a mine. Often this information wasn't even available to enemies or other nations right away. Maybe just show us which ships were sunk by mines as that is hard to conceal.
  6. Naval treaties would make the game much more fun to play. They add a nice strategic and political depth to Rule the Waves and would be a very good addition to UA:D.
  7. Some ideas I had for diplomacy. A diplomacy option where the navy encourages a national policy. The options would be Expansionist, Neutral (or similar), and Isolationist. With Expansionist selected there would be increased dice rolls for events to conquer neighboring minor nations or ungoverned territories. Gameplay penalties would be based on government type. For Democracies each invasion would increase dissent dramatically. For Nationalists it would raise tensions with any non Nationalist government, especially Democracies, rapidly. For Monarchies it would be a combination of the two, rising dissent and increased tension with both Nationalists and Democracies. Neutral would invade minor states rarely, maintain their overseas territories, and be more likely to support nations they are friendly with in war. Isolationist will never get a dice roll to invade a minor nation. Any overseas territories or colonies they possess will have a chance of peacefully gaining independence and then allying with your nation. They will be less likely to aid friendly nations in war.
  8. Late game turns are just ridiculously long. I've said this before, if you run from 1890 up to the 30s the game just starts chugging every time you change menus or when it goes to the next turn. Its to the point I don't want to play anymore because I'm bored out of my mind waiting for the game to load. This needs to be fixed.
  9. So I have no idea if how or if a naval invasion will succeed or fail, even if I meet the tonnage requirements 7 turns in a row, and when I fail the enemy gets over 10k victory points. This is extremely frustrating, especially when playing as Japan. Either give us a way to judge whether or not we should attempt the invasion or remove the ridiculous penalty for what is just a guessing game.
  10. Playing as IJN I'm not really liking Japan's ports. "Tokio" (why not Tokyo?), which I assume is Ishikawajima Naval Yard is almost impossible to access and honestly should be done away with. Hiroshima/Kure should be substituted instead since its missing and was considered a vital military port during the Sino and Russo wars.
  11. After playing a full campaign as A-H and now starting a new one as IJN, I've got more to say about fleet organization. I'm absolutely tired of my ships just going wherever they want to after missions. I'd really like to be able to organize my divisions and fleets more. Even a basic improvement would be nice but instead I'll go into my ideal setup. I want detailed organization on the division through task force level. For example, a division will constitute up to 4 ships, of the player's choosing, and will be nameable. The division will have an assigned homeport. The ships of the division will either repair at that homeport only or will repair at another closer port before returning either to the division or to their homeport automatically. Divisions can have mission types assigned or avoided by them, thus increasing or decreasing the chance of them getting involved in these mission types. They would have flagships and formation types assigned outside of the battle instance in the campaign screen. Task groups (fleets) would be made up of divisions. When a fleet is created and deployed the divisions assigned to it assemble from their various ports (obviously this would require some sort of geographical distance limitation). Fleets are also nameable and can have selectable mission types. Fleets can stay formed at anchorages for replenishment and repairs or dissolved to return to their homeports (automatically). Fleets would have a UI screen where they can be managed by the player for creation, naming, or deleting. Without this level of management the game becomes a crapshoot of frustrating random encounters. Why build a fleet of a certain size and composition when the game will disregard all of my planning with random encounters? I understand I can manually group all these ships together and send them to see but they still disperse to random locations after encounters or instantly teleport halfway across the map after taking some damage. Fleet management shouldn't feel like micro-management, it should be organization and assignment of objectives.
  12. Late campaign the game gets very slow. I understand the reason turns might get slower but even moving back and forth from the dockyard, going in and out of the research screen, or saving the game becomes very slow. To the point I'm getting my phone or a book out to entertain myself while I wait. Surely when I go in and out of the dockyard we don't have to reload the whole campaign state. I'd like to see the army be a bit more aggressive about taking over neighboring ungoverned provinces. Its easy pickings. You could even make it so when you conquer on of these provinces on another major power's border (who was likely trying to gain it as well) it increases tension. Is there a hard number tied to the transport logistics? Like how many do I have? How many do my enemies have? Since I sink X amount per turn I want to know what that means in terms of the total number. The range of submarines is strange. The circular ring would normally mean they can go this far and back in a straight line. But then my subs can leave Pola, travel through Gibraltar, and then all the way up to the Baltic Sea because the ring extended that far. Realistically my subs shouldn't be able to go that far. Ships aren't staying in the ports they're assigned. When I build say, DD's, I have to assign them somewhere in my home territories, so let's say Ancona. Then I send them where I want them stationed, like Tripoli. Then they get involved in combat and end up back at Ancona. I guess they go there to get repaired, which is fair but they need to either get repaired at their station or return to their station after getting repaired. When I'm at war I use some task forces and let the rest of my ships sortie from their stations. They ended up all over the place and I'm constantly trying to find out where they've gone and get them back to where they're supposed to be. Please let us have more leniency on placing barbettes. Its really frustrating how limited some of the designs are (Japanese modern battleships for example). Especially the lighter secondary gun barbettes should pretty much be allowed everywhere, including off center, so we can get some more interesting secondary battery configurations.
  13. Seems like Russia doesn't have any shipping in the Baltic or Black Seas. I only see their transports being sunk in Asia. Never get convoy missions against them in these areas either.
  14. You have to arm DD's with torpedo launchers. I don't want that. And late game the tonnage slider can't be pulled down very far anymore. Also, these types of vessels were historically very different from warships. For example the Flower Corvette which was based off a whaling ship.
  15. I was thinking it would be nice to have another class of ship now that we have the ability to have more and more ports around the world. A patrol ship/Corvette/Sub Chaser would be useful. Small tonnage and only armed with guns and anti-sub countermeasures. They can either be left in port or sent out to patrol for subs. They'd have an area of affect like mines that would be dangerous for subs.
  16. They'll still build too many task forces in that case. I think it should go beyond solely limiting the task force size.
  17. I posted this earlier. Additionally I'd like to see the following; -More destroyer hulls and components, especially unique ones for different countries. -A wraparound map is important imo. And every modern game with a world map has one... -More in depth fleet management and task force organization. -Port development. -Ability to mod in new hulls and components. EDIT: -Adjustable barbette heights. It would be great instead of separate parts, barbettes were just part of the gun and you elevated the gun however much you wanted and the barbette auto generated under it.
  18. I finally gave the full release a go and I'm really enjoying the stability. It is a much better game then the previous betas. That said, I've been jotting down notes as I play. Here's a summary of what I've come up with so far; QoL Changes It would be nice to see the number of each type of ship I have in service on the design page. I'd like to be able to create and save task forces so they're always the same grouping. This could even be extended to allow task forces to assemble from nearby ports like they did in real life. Naming of task forces would also be nice. Wrap around map is sorely needed. A check box on the design page or shipyard to indicate if a particular design is available for sale. Same for ships in mothball status if selling those is ever fixed. On the build request pop up from a minor nation it would be nice to see what my current ship building capacity is. On the reparations screen I'd like to see info on ships/territories when I mouse over then to help me decide. When in battle there should be a verification popup before changing fleet groupings. I keep accidently dragging goups together when just trying to click on them. Fixes AI when running away do this very strange slow turn. The fact that every AI does it every time feels very artificial. Like a constant reminder I'm fighting a computer. In real life a ship would set a course and then maneuver later onto another course, etc. AI ship building is out of control. Most major nations had over 200-300 ships within 10 years. Seems like there's too much money available. AI still seem to have too much rudder authority at slow speeds when damaged. The battle camera losing focus every time a player ship sinks is annoying. There needs to be some more limitation on task forces. The AI build hundreds of ships and create tons of task forces out of them. There should be some tech limitations here. AH is still missing its destroyer hull when DD unlocks at 1000 or 1100 tons. New Features I'd like to see a colored map overlay so I can see who owns what territories. Naval treaties would be great, especially to reign in AI spending. Smaller battleship hulls in late game. I'd like to keep building smaller BB's later on, instead of being forced into building super battleships. This would be good for nation's with smaller economies. More hulls of course, especially for USA and AH. Intelligence on enemy ships. I'd like more info on the enemy, so I can know what to design. I like the idea of being able to see the little info card we get on the shipyard screen showing the profile view and the basics of the ship. I'll attach an example from a screenshot I took in an earlier version of the game.
  19. Not playable due to mysterious prestige loss.
  20. There are events that change GDP so I'm not sure why you're saying it never changes.
  21. Are you sure you're on the latest version? The last patch specifically addressed the large task force issues. I don't see that happening in my campaign.
  22. Okay, I've gotten to around 1930 in an 1890 game with China. One thing I can say for sure, the economy is screwy. I've won every war, and increased my GDP from dead last to the top 4. I can barely maintain a fleet of older refit ships and do research. Any money I win in a war is immediately spent buying off every other country to get 5 minutes of peace. Introducing GDP gains for captured territories might help but I think it needs balancing. Japan is dead last for GDP due to constantly being at war with everyone and they somehow manage to build massive BB's and BC's. There should be more monetary punishment for having a low prestige or high unrest. Especially on the AI. Also, diplomacy needs a lot of work. Defeated countries shouldn't be so eager to jump back into war. And countries with barely any ships because they badly lost a war shouldn't be picking fights. Also, if a country is at war with say, 4 other countries, why are they picking fights with a 5th? There needs to be more mechanics for countries to stay out of conflicts while they lick their wounds, and to be smarter about who they engage with. One bug I'm seeing persistently is if a damaged ship is detached from a formation it instantly swerves hard and stops dead. If you reattach it to the division it will start moving again. Some Quality of Life requests; Disable mouse move clicks when alt or shift are held down. I keep accidently turning my divisions when I'm trying to designate targets. Add buttons to scroll through the different wars going on to the top left war UI. Have it default to whatever war the player is involved in. I want to know how many ships my enemy has left without going to the politics tab. General requests; Data on other nation's ships would be nice so I know what I should be building. It could be as simple as that little side/top view infographic from the shipyard. I'll throw my hat in with those that want the option to upgrade our guns on refit. A column in the ship design UI for number of ships of that class in the fleet. Allow us to conquer all colonial possessions. It looks like Tsingtao and some other ones aren't conquerable. Also, if we can take Vladivostok from the Russians it would reduce the wars from ship movement. Japan could also be split into three provinces with Okinawa and Hokkaido separated from Kyushu/Honshu. Overall the game is moving in a pretty good direction and I've really enjoyed this campaign, though the constant wars with Russia and Japan is getting grating. And the cross Pacific battles with the US are very annoying with the map split. Keep it up the excellent work, every patch is making it better and better.
  23. I had a similar thing happen with the USA in my A-H campaign. Their economy got enormous (while mine has remained strangely stagnant) and they built almost 500 ships. But they got into a couple of wars right around the time mine tech really took off. Over the course of 2 months they lost over half their fleet just to mines. Then they fought a battle with my fleet and lost most of the rest. By the end of the year they were back to having the same number of ships as everyone else and even modernized. Would be interesting if we had to research techs in order to have larger fleets. Some of the existing techs could be co-opted to this.
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