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Everything posted by Zombie1914

  1. WTF??? PS: FPS is more like Frames per Minute but neither CPU, GPU or RAM are much in use. Battle size is about as extrem as it gets and my computer is still bored... PPS: Funny thing is as soon as i hit pause CPU and GPU spike pretty hard
  2. Not implemented yet for all nations. As far as i am aware only the french get the quad secondarys for now.
  3. You got that right. Pen and ammo type (detonation delay) define where the main damage (shell detonation) and secondary damage (penetration) happens. Sometimes you get lucky and while your shell is over-penetrating and exploding outside the target you were still able to hit a vulnerable part of the target (Bridge, Boilers/Engines, below waterline) for the extra damage. If you see a lot of over-pens you might want to rethink your shell types or switch AP for HE. Lets say you have a 16" gun with default high pen but your targets are lightly armored cruisers it would be better to go with a shell type with less pen so you do not get the over-pen effect. That being said i personally prefer my load-out to have a bit of pen on HE (nose or base fuse) and max pen on AP with increased HE for the main guns to balance effectiveness vs different targets.
  4. Another questionable VP calculation: No damage taken & only 1 crew lost, 2x CL sunk and they still get more VP? Is the ammo i spend on sinking them more expensive than the ships themselfs or how does that work? PS: Oh and in the summary both of my ships show with "light" damage....
  5. Latest itteration looks good and stable to me, research speed is fine too for now. Some small issues that are still a bit annoying: - Inability to use conquered ports, i think that is campaign must have - Provinces dont seem to impact GDP - VP bug is back in some very rare cases (only had it 2x in the last few days) - Win / Defeat calculation is sometimes questionable (see screenshot) How is that now a win? (time ran out btw) From my point of view the 1.06 is ready for release as soon as conquered ports are usable, rest is minor bugs and balancing issues that can wait til 1.07+.
  6. I see your point but most of the information gained through the ship identification is not as relevant as you make it sound. Yes, eyeballing the ships gets you a better idea of their abilities but you would normally have Navy Identification Charts and basic intel available so its not that much of a cheat. Ship size, smoke and attack pattern/behaviour telll you pretty much all you need to know. Even the spotting order and/or seeing some smoke clouds closing in is good enough information for most battles. e.g. you see some small ships on a course near you and they suddenly start turning away, you can bet there are torps on the way Sure, the AI might have Veterans on board and better accuracy on its guns but knowing this honestly doesnt change how to attack him. Yes, i would try to out-range the oponent if i knew that i have more range but how often is that actually viable. Yes, just because my own AI can do it too i still consider it cheating because its BS and honestly made me giving up on fitting torp entirely.
  7. The AI has access to all the critical information (and is usually much better at interpreting it). The only "cheating" part on the player side is being able to interpret certain predefined AI behaviour and reacting accordingly but this is true to any game with a very few exceptions. That being said the ability of the AI to fire torps in an coordinated offset pattern and my experience of getting hit by torp salvos out of nowhere, after several course changes when i myself didnt even know that i would be moving on the new course, makes the AI torp aiming questionable at best. PS: Have you seen the way the AI dodging torps?
  8. Yes, including the dud mechanic. That being said i also get the impression that the torps have a much longer range than indicated. But AI is a dirty cheater when it comes to torps anyway.
  9. It is part of the Unity Game Engine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unity_(game_engine)), which is apparantly what is used for UAD.
  10. Did a few changes to the resolution, no change to resources used. Opened the ship designer and RAM usage increased by 0.1GB but nothing on the CPU/GPU. Havent had any battles yet, maybe thats whats lingering in the RAM for you?
  11. Pretty much the same as seen on the screenshot. 1.6GB RAM and not much extra on the GPU RAM. GPU usage 7-38%, CPU less than 2% most of the time. Only running Steam and Firefox in addition to UAD
  12. VP calculation is still just silly. 1890s German campaign, March 1905 and never build any ships. Already won against the French and now winning again vs A-H. Almost like i was sending some army over instead of a non-existing fleet.
  13. Hanging in "Building New Ships" again but at least the GPU is doing something (whatever that is): Rest of the system is bored though. I really hope that this gets fixed as a priority. Having to restart the game every few rounds is rather frustrating.
  14. Seriously, Update 18 is pretty bad. The stability is actually getting worse and i am experiencing more issues than in the last 4 updates combined. On a positive note: Seems the number of deck hits is reduced but i have not had enough battles to really get a feel.
  15. I would like to add: - Hamburg STILL a Baltic port (this triggers me a bit) - STILL no way to force battles with hostile fleets - shipyard build size is not timeline progressiv and depends entirely on when you start the campaing - research tree with lots of empty entries, please remove them till they have an effect or give them a small basic bonus. (e.g. secondary quad turret reseach for Germany) - GDP and therefore the total money spent on the tech budget has no influence on research whatsoever. At least to me it looks like only the % makes any kind of difference - Port capacity growth needs to be addressed - War anouncements for already comencing wars
  16. Here is a new one (for me at least): Campaing battle (convoy escort in this case) that goes decently well for me with 2 hostile DDs getting away. So i click the "End Battle" button and it switches to the black loading screen and is basically stuck there. Settings button still there and working, menue pop-up opens -> "Leave Game" i get the pop-up but nothing changes, -> "Exit to Main Menue" i get back to the battle view. UI still there but no ships rendered and time counts forward. Closing the game is the only thing that works but once i load the campaing i get the same pop-up for that campaing battle again. Doing the battle again gets me the same as above. Trying to replicate this now with a different battle/campaign. ... different battle same results, will try with new campaing now
  17. "Building New Ships" hang up is back and worse than in the last 2-3 patches for me. 1.5h into campaign and 4 hangs so far. 1 at the start and now 3 in short order. PS: make it 5 PPS: restarted campaign, only 1 hang 2h into it so far
  18. I strongly suggest to only keep the campaing changes from the 1.06 beta for now. The other issues need a bit more work. Campaing is the most important part of 1.06 from my pov and is at least good enough to go live.
  19. If it was plunging fire hit to the funnel i might even call that realistic as it circumvents any armor and goes right through to the engines. At the distance seen on the screenshot i call BS though.
  20. Sure but i would expect such a thing (Deck = Hull != Belt) to be mentioned in the patch notes as that is quite major. I rather suspect that the hit boxes are displaced due to the addition of the engine hit box or that the hit calculation is just borked and they tried to fix this with an even more borked accuracy calculation and range found bonus. (see above posts by JeeweeJ, Plazma and o Baro)
  21. Absolutely true and that was the whole point for the turtelback and all-or-nothing armor scheme. Belt armor to protect from flooding hits and some extra protection for the vulnerable parts. Until this is modelled ingame through we must asume that any hits on the hull are belt hits and only plunging fire can hit the deck, which is not working correctly from my point of view.
  22. On a side note: 1. The way the NPCs are able of keeping a high angle to improve their chance of ricocheting shots when you try to finish them off, even with damaged rudder and 1-3 damaged engines, is ridiculous and screams cheating to me. (hard to prove though) 2. The number of partial pens, even with high angle, when the guns have enough punch to go through bow to aft of the targets armor scheme is rather annoing. I could understand over-pens but partials with +50" pen @ 1k range just seems wrong. PS: Just having something similar again, this time 7k range on a CL with 4.9" main belt, 3.2" fore and aft belt, very low ricochet (-1°) and my 12" guns only do partial pens on the belt with AP that has 35" pen at that range. Oh and o/c most of time its deck hits again.
  23. Once more about the current balistics: Target is a 14k ton CA at about 4km range and i am closing in rather slowly which makes it quite a good example. As you can see from the gun stats they should have a rather flat trajectory at <4km range (maybe except for the 2"). In the screenshot above you can see that the target is not listing or in any way exposing the deck to me. Of the logged 20 hits, there are only 2 hits on the belt, 1 hit on the main tower but 17x (!) Deck hits. Yes, i am aware that this only logs pens or partial pens and the ricochet angle is rather high but still I think this is at the very least questionable and should be double-checked. PS: Closing in even more. @<2k there is finally an increase in belt hits. Of 19 hits in the log, 8 hits to the belt, 1 to the main tower, 1 to sec gun and still 9 hits to the deck.
  24. Just wondering if it is possible to get an update on the Q&A? OP is ~2 years old and quite a few of the announced changes are now ingame and it would be nice to have new dev roadmap.
  25. I agree with this and therefore i suggest to change the research into a progressiv systerm like the transport capacity with quite a bit more impact on the total research speed as long term investment in research should deliver considerable better results. Considering the quite rediculus tech budget in the late game of the campaings that would make more sense. And with a tech budget of almost a billon dollars i would expect an actual army of research providing new technologies. PS: I just finished a 1900 German campaing with 100% research budget and always focusing on large gun research. Here is the status on Nov. 1949: Working as intended or not?
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