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  1. I've started a 1910 Italy campaign with the latest version. After about a year I was at war Austria-Hungary and Germany. My superior Battlecruisers wiped out half the A-H fleet (4 BB, 4 CA, 5 CL, 5 DD) in the 2nd battle of the war. This gave me 30000 VP and they immediately sued for peace. I did not get a peace screen where you can demand ships or provinces. I also noticed that "Building Ships" part of the end of turn now sometimes takes very long (up to 2 min) though is happens quite rarely (had it in 3 of the 25 turns played so far).
  2. I've got an issue to report with the campaign. The game doesn't seem to recognize that I'm at war with France. The history of the campaign is that I fought a war with Britain, won and made peace. 2 years later I was at war with the British again due to an event. A few month later I went to war against the French as the consequence of another event. The interface on the right side shows this but the interface on the left side doesn't. I tried to force the French to battle by sailing into their water but nothing happens. PS: I've also got the bug where I game gets stuck on "Building New Ships" that Iuvenalis reported.
  3. I've got another example of the weight offset calculation being very sensitive to minimal changes. I've tried to find out what exactly is causing it but I couldn't really figure it out. I observed that the guns, which supposedly weigh only 12 t, have a huge impact on the weight offset, so I think the center of mass calculation might be using a much higher mass for those guns.
  4. I've noticed that after a peace the tensions between the countries previously at war goes down. In my case I was playing Germany. I defeated the British and after the peace treaty my tension with them seems to decreasing every turn. To me, this makes sense as it represents a peace treaty. So far so good. Now let's come to the part that is probably not working as intended. I've also noticed that my tensions with France are decreasing when I send task forces to the Channel or the North Atlantic. When I send them home, there is no change in tensions. So, I think the modifiert that decreases tensions is erroneously applied to your relations with all nations instead of just with those you signed a peace treaty with. I'm going to continue the campaign to see if this is temporary or not. I've also noticed that the center of gravity calculation seems to be off, at least for this torpedo boat I was trying to build. According to the weight list, most of the mass is in the rear half of the ship. The forward gun is the only component forward of the ship's center with a significant lever arm. Despite this the ship still has a massive for weight offset.
  5. I've had the same issue in very similar circumstances. Austria-Hungary 1890 campaign. I tried to have it sort out itself by waiting for an enemy to attack me but they haven't done so in 10 turns. Probably because my fleet is still in the Adriatic.
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