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Posts posted by brothermunro

  1. As someone who’s spent a lot of time trying to figure out the game’s penetration model I think I might know what’s happening here. Whilst it could be a bug more likely is that the game is reporting belt/deck hits in the log but they are actually superstructure hits which the log doesn’t report separately. At the range you were the enemy ship’s guns do have enough penetration to go through the 3.9” of superstructure armour your ship has. Hard to tell though for sure! I’d suggest up armouring your superstructure to match your deck armour and retesting to see if you get any pens that you think shouldn’t be possible.

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  2. If 1.5 is rolled out the same way to previous major patches there are a couple of things you can do to prevent a save wipe. If you make sure you aren’t opted into the beta branch on steam you should stay on 1.4 until 1.5 is pushed live. Once that happens the devs very helpfully have added the ability to roll back to the ‘previous stable version’ on steam which should take you back to 1.4. As for mods, for the Dreadnought Improvement Project I will try to make sure a 1.4 compatible version is available for those who need it :)

    • Like 2
  3. Technology research is indeed affected by naval budget (and therefore GDP). If you have your research slider at 100% funding it will take as much as possible from your naval budget, but if your naval budget is *bigger* then you can spend more and research faster. You’re quite correct that using the research focuses will slow overall progress, if the AI uses all three it will most likely fall behind. The last thing is tech spread and the ahead/behind mechanics. If you try to research a tech that’s much further ahead than the current year (in vanilla I think it is 10 years) the research cost doubles, and if it is a old tech (I think it’s 5 years in vanilla) research cost is halved. So it is possible to put the three focuses down, blast through the research and then hit the ahead penalty and the rest of your research drags (more of a problem for the AI than a player).

    I might be remembering wrong but I think the AI gets a research boost on higher difficulties as well as extra cash

    • Like 1
  4. New version out!

    Boosted gas turbines hp/ton to 210 and their funnel capacity boost to 110, increased cost/ton to compensate for this (overall cost should be similar).
    Normalised the modern battleships, modern battlecruisers, super battleships, and modernised dreadnoughts stats to improve balance
    Made changes to the improved and advanced triple & quad gun techs to make them closer to the performance of twin guns over time
    Another attempt to fix the invisible ships, adjusting detection modifiers
    Imported economy and aiming changes from vanilla Opt x1

    • Like 1
  5. 13 hours ago, RattyB said:

    No Probs - just started  a fresh campaign and I'm building a new fleet using your YT guides. Although...the starting point of 1930 in your vids and the in the latest version of the game are different. Not as much tech available in my 1930 version of the world. Sonar and stuff like that arent as readily available 

    Yeah some of the tech years are shifted, but as well the tech is randomised at the start of your campaign a bit so you're never sure exactly what techs will be available.

  6. 44 minutes ago, admiral_admirer said:

    How are you changing the mod soo it works for the new version?  I'm just re-importing plugins...

    I keep a copy of all the edited text files. When a new update drops I read the patch notes and make an educated guess as to which files the devs might have changed (usually it’s just params which I’m going to have to edit anyway) and compare them with the previous vanilla version (I also keep a copy of those files). I then move over any changes I want to keep to the mod files, update the version number in params and then reapply all the mod files to the resources file. A quick check to make sure there’s no grey screen, I can load my campaign save, and that a custom battle loads and works and that’s it really.

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  7. 1 hour ago, RattyB said:

    Apologies if this questions comes under the heading 'the bleeding obvious', but can this be installed mid way through an existing campaign, and does it replace the balance mod, or run along side it? 




    Yes you can install mid way through a campaign, you might experience some weirdness and designs will probably be overweight but it does work! This mod is very much a spiritual successor to the balance mod, you can only have one or the other though. 

  8. I’m going to need to do some more testing but I think this fix from Optx2 got broken in

    Uploaded Optimized x2 version including the following:
    - Further optimization in the Battle AI logic affecting fps performance and, also, addressing issues where the AI could desire to fight too far away, even beyond its main guns' firing range.”

    (Emphasis added) I’m seeing the AI doing the same thing it used to in where it is evaluating the ideal range to be far too far away.

  9. 4 hours ago, Timmah said:


    **Edit** - Haven't been able to reproduce, the closet I've seen is some ships popping in/out of sight at about 6-7k which very well may be what you described.   I'm assuming I was mistaken and it's working.

    Thanks for trying to reproduce it! Could happen at 7km in the very early campaign for sure. If you do spot weird behaviour though please let me know :)

  10. 10 hours ago, Timmah said:

    Doesn't seem to have fixed it unfortunately (for me at least in an old campaign) :(

    They can still go invisible, even though I'm not seeing any visual smoke screen effects. The two times I've noticed so far (only been running 1.2.0 for a cpl hours) they were never visible.  Will keep an eye out but so far I haven't any go invisible mid-fight.

    Ships can pop in and out of visibility at range, usually because they reveal themselves when they fire. Is that what you’re seeing or is it something different?

  11. 3 hours ago, ioulaum said:

    The New AI just charging in without considering to bring all guns to bear, even a dedicated plunging shooter will try to closing in and get stern/bow belt penetrated.


    For some reason, AI doesn't want to show broadside and forced into a bow-in position.





    If the AI is closing in directly like that it is because it is trying to get enough belt pen to go through your armour, regardless of if its a long range lobber or not if it can't pen your deck armour at long range it'll instead try to close in for a knife fight.

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