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Posts posted by brothermunro

  1. I’m going to need to do some more testing but I think this fix from Optx2 got broken in

    Uploaded Optimized x2 version including the following:
    - Further optimization in the Battle AI logic affecting fps performance and, also, addressing issues where the AI could desire to fight too far away, even beyond its main guns' firing range.”

    (Emphasis added) I’m seeing the AI doing the same thing it used to in where it is evaluating the ideal range to be far too far away.

  2. 4 hours ago, Timmah said:


    **Edit** - Haven't been able to reproduce, the closet I've seen is some ships popping in/out of sight at about 6-7k which very well may be what you described.   I'm assuming I was mistaken and it's working.

    Thanks for trying to reproduce it! Could happen at 7km in the very early campaign for sure. If you do spot weird behaviour though please let me know :)

  3. 10 hours ago, Timmah said:

    Doesn't seem to have fixed it unfortunately (for me at least in an old campaign) :(

    They can still go invisible, even though I'm not seeing any visual smoke screen effects. The two times I've noticed so far (only been running 1.2.0 for a cpl hours) they were never visible.  Will keep an eye out but so far I haven't any go invisible mid-fight.

    Ships can pop in and out of visibility at range, usually because they reveal themselves when they fire. Is that what you’re seeing or is it something different?

  4. 3 hours ago, ioulaum said:

    The New AI just charging in without considering to bring all guns to bear, even a dedicated plunging shooter will try to closing in and get stern/bow belt penetrated.


    For some reason, AI doesn't want to show broadside and forced into a bow-in position.





    If the AI is closing in directly like that it is because it is trying to get enough belt pen to go through your armour, regardless of if its a long range lobber or not if it can't pen your deck armour at long range it'll instead try to close in for a knife fight.

  5. On 1/12/2024 at 6:49 PM, admiral_admirer said:

    Please PLEASE do something about the AI retreating constantly.  They're even abandoning their own convoys!

    I’ve been looking into this myself and I don’t think the AI is retreating (or withdrawing as the game files call it) as that involves them sailing directly away from your ships. What does seem to happen though is the AI is sailing like they are trying to kite you and open the range (even if they are already outside the range of their own guns). I’m pretty sure this behaviour didn’t happen after a fix in (or might have been and it doesn’t seem to be a text parameter, but has reappeared. My guess is the fix got overwritten by accident during an update.

  6. 20 hours ago, admiral_admirer said:

    Another question!  I'm stuck with subs in my current vanillish campaign, what can I edit so they have absolutely no attack power and will always be detected?  I thought I got rid of them by changing the tech date to 1999...

    Ah delaying the tech will not remove them just make unlocking new ones very unlikely. I also removed the bit from technologies where they actually unlock the hulls as well. If however you want to mess with them then you can change their stats in submarines (though a word of warning I saw a lot of crashes when I tried doing that!)

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  7. Mod has been updated for UAD Opt 1

    Mod changes v1.1.0 (from 1.0.0)
    Reduced smoke detection penalty significantly from 0.6 to 0.3. Accuracy penalties remain unaffected.
    Diesel engines have had their cost significantly increased.
    Changed Austria Hungary's map colour to be a little more distinct.
    Changed Japan's map colour to be slightly darker.
    Halved ship acceleration, deceleration and turning speeds. Significantly reduced reverse speed.

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