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Darth Khyron

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Posts posted by Darth Khyron

  1. So, me again with a bit more :

    1. Formations are still broken. Vessels following the lead ship still overtake these or swing from side to side so not to ram the lead vessel. That is mitigated by always being at flank speed (though the issue is not eliminated).
      Trying to get your fleet into a decent formation is nearly impossible before engaging the enemy, even when switching off the „Avoid Collision“ button, often resulting in a mixed-up fleet that presents a wonderful target for enemy torpedo storms. Luckily, you can now turn into torpedoes, often resulting in "dud torpedoes", but given the AIs preferrence of torpedoes, that only helps a bit.
      Torpedoes now explode spectaculary when hit. Cool :). Yet, why does this always happen to my launchers and even the underwater-mounted ones...?

    2. Building a ship that is balanced is almost impossible, even more so in early ages. Many ships roll and pitch heavily, resulting in unstable firing platforms. Side-mounted torpedoes in later-year light cruisers is next to impossible, for the ship rolls so heavily, that it cannot hope to frequently hit with it's guns.

    3. Building a later-year german battlecruiser with a high-efficiency engine is impossible, for the more efficient funnels can only be mounted on the hull, not the superstructure. Mounting them on the hull not only looks ugly, be also elongates the superstructure, resulting in a higher pitch. Also, 15 inch guns 8or larger) of the latest tech can no longer be mounted even on the largest bridge module, something that was possible in the earlier version. Yes, one can mount a 37.9cm gun, but I find that a bit disturbing.

    4. The addition of citadels seem to be a nice feature, at least to this point. Nice.

    5. Adjusting calibers is a two-edged sword. I find it really cool to be able to now mount
      88mm AAA or 420mm main guns, but the AI now mounts strange calibers, like
      392mm guns, hindering my immersion. Also, the ability to adjust caliber length is nice,
      BUT a 420mm gun with 20% higher length is a devasting and extremely accurate thing,
      even at extreme range, potentially unbalacing the game. In a custom game, my german
      BB with 20% longer 450mm guns one-hittet a russion super BB with 112000 tons.
      And, no, it was not paper-thin armored. Really, it one-hittet it, resulting in an ammo-
      detonation which ripped it apart. Ah, it was the first salvo.

    6. When playing the campaign, I have to restart the game after each turn. When clicking „Next Turn“, the screen says „Building Ship“, switching to „Adjusting Relationship“, reverting
      to „Building Ships“ and doing nothing. I can return to the main menu, an continue the
      campaign, but after clicking next turn, I have to repeat the same thing.

    7. I still do not get how battles are generated. At the beginning of the war, the AI hits me
      with everything it got, resulting in a lopsided battle. Yes, I usually win this one.
      Now, after researching the dreadnought hull and creating to strong fleets...nothing. These
      patrol the enemy coast, I am switching between „Sea Control“, „Invade“ and „Protect“ orders, but no battle. Once I split the fleet into smaller forces...BAM! A battle pops
      up against stronger enemy forces. So the enemy always seems to control the
      initiative, regardless of what I do.

    8. I am also very disspointed that modding the game is no longer possible. I understand
      that from a designer point of view, bug reports are a problem, but it severally limits
      the fun especially when playing in later years.
      To satisfy devs and players, could you perhaps add a selection screen to adjust shipyard size
      and starting money?

    9. When an event pops up involving enemy admirals, there seems to be a problem with his
      nationality. I have seen admiral Togo being an austrian-hungarian admiral or Miklos
      Horthy a german one.

    10. Fleets spawn in strange locations. Worst was when four of my AH armored
      cruisers spawned in the midst of a far superior italian fleet. Fun fact : My cruisers
      sported a lot of torpedo tubes. While ultimately losing the battle and all four were sunk,
      I took six battleships, two armored cruisers, two light cruisers and three destroyers with
      me. But, well, you get my point.

    11. Gun dispersion seems to be much better now, shelly landing nearer to the
      targetted vessels.

    12. Ah, speaking of being blind. I cannot seem to spot the enemy before the AI can
      spot me, regardless of what I do and how I build my ships. I thought that it would be
      a problem with German towers being inferior, but the same happens when I play
      other nations. Since the AI loves to plaster it's ships with small-caliber guns, and therefore adding signature, I do not know why this happens.

    13. That is a lot of negatives, I know and I am sorry for that. I like the game and I want it to succeed. I understand that you guys are in a difficult situation and I hope you are safe.

    • Like 9
  2. Multiplayer is a not-go in my opinion. Especially if things like formations are still a problem. Can you imagine the frustration of one player, whose ship X is loitering around 20kms from the battle and ship Z is pushed into a torpedo salvo by a friendly destroyer? Player two is having a field day because of this, until his devastating torpedo salvo sinks his own precious battleship because of friendly fire?
    While multiplayer may have it's charm and a longer campaign is really desireable, I still think the basics have to be viable before the game moves on, as much as I want it to do. An AI whose sole objective (and sole tactic) is to charge with as many torpedo-armed ships as possible, loose a wall of gazillion torpedoes and damage as many of your ships as possible, turn tail and flee once a certain number of losses is inflicted and formations where ships in the rear zigzag because they are faster then the lead ships are still problems that have to be solved in my opinion.

  3. 1 minute ago, slightlytreasonous said:

    Dockyard sizes were slightly randomized I think.  But if you're saying it sounds light, I'd agree.  They didn't dump torpedo protection or armor?

    Could not veryfiy, as I did not identified it completely. But battleships tend to have at least 11 inch belts and torpedo protection III. But the campaign is ongoing, perhaps I can corner one with superior forces long enough to identify one.

  4. hmmm...it happened again. Again, my destroyers torpedoed my battlecruisers, while being 1.5kms away from them. I know, it was supposed to be fixed, but it keeps happening. On a related note, yesterday, a group of my light cruisers managed to sink one of my transports. That would not be dramatic, but the cruisers stood between the enemy and the merchant ships. So some torpedoes were fired in the opposite direction.

    Another side note, or request, please : The campaign AI tends again to build giant battleships, or at least real powerful ones. My fleet of battlecruisers, each armed with eight 15 inch guns barely managed to escape with their slightly superior speed of 34 knots. They ran from 74000 ton battleship with 31.4 knots armed with 16 20 inch guns. Difficult is one thing, but I cannot remember being able to build such a powerful vessel within this tonnage limit.

    I also observe enemy ships, that were already sunk, being able to detect incoming torpedoes, causing others to evade. So happened with two french cruisers in the last battle.

  5. On 5/27/2020 at 2:26 PM, Wowzery said:

    I've noticed that the AI does hit earlier and more often than I do.  Many times I can even up the odds as the battle progresses but if my design can't take damage well I will lose.

    I can confirm this. Regardless if my designs have better fire control, more accurate guns and the fire-control-wise best towers, the AI hits earlier and more often. Since the latest patch, my shots seem to be off by a considerable margin.

    • Like 1
  6. I know this was already mentioned, but please, please, please fix formation speed. Always, when not going flank speed, the second ship tries to overtake the lead vessel, raming it, turning, swaying, foiling it's aim. Also, when passing the lead ship, they present an easier target, escpecially for torpedoes.

    • Like 4
  7. Since the last update, the AI has not just Ghost, but Zombie ships.

    In two campaigns, my forces fought big battles. In the first, Austria/Hungary fought italy and managed to sink most of the much larger fleet. I was happy theys managed that and somewhat surprised when the same enemy ships fought another fleet two months later.

    In the current campaign, my german ships fight the british fleet with mixed results. In a big battle, I sunk the british battleship "Redoutable". Yeah, me. And in the ongoing battle, three months later, the "Redoutable" is back again.

    While I can understand that a new vessel with the same name will be laid down and perhaps even of the same class, but within this short period of time it will be impossible. So, are there several ships with the same name abroad?

    • Thanks 1
  8. I have a question, not sure, if this was asked already. How do I generate a battle? My fleets are all over the place, yet battles only pop up, when the enemy has the numerical advantage. So, I have a task group with 2 BBs, 2 CAs, 2 CLs and 4 DDs and...they are cruising. And cruising. And getting in the way of enemy, numerical inferior task forces. Nothing.

    When I split up the group into small units, the enemy pounces and usually with superior numbers. Only once in a while a strike mission for entire battlegroups are popping up, mostly against a much, much inferior foe (ie four BBs, four CAs and some smaller stuff against 6 TAs and one CL).

    Also, how do my fleets move into some areas? For example, I cannot move through the british channel or through the straits of gibraltar. While I get that these areas are fortified, there should be a battle popping up or something.

    Sorry, if this was answered already, I did not find anything.

    • Like 1
  9. Same here. War drags on for ten years now, I have battlegroups going here and there, tried invade, protect or sea control oders but only very few battles generate.
    The ones I win give VPs to the enemy. Also, When I knock either france or italy out of the war, the campaign ends. Since I could not directly engage Britain directly as Austrian player, the campaign ended in a major defeat.

  10. Hm. Overall, a great improvement, a pity, that no new german hulls are available, but, hey, I like it. One thing : I just won an early campaign against great britain, peace was negotiated...and the overall campaign ended. Italy and france were pretty much a threat, but the campaign is over. Is this intended or not finished?

  11. Okay, I thought it was funny, but...it is not. Enemy destroyers accelerate to beyond the speed of sound, run circles arond you and torpedo you with really no chance to evade.

    On another note, I thought friendly fire was a thing of the past, but one of my AI-controlled destroyers just sank my heavy cruiser in an attempt to torpedo one of the aforementioned hyperspeed destroyers.

  12. 49 minutes ago, SiWi said:

    I think the balance screws destroyers hard in the 1940's.

    Ships turn too well for torps to hit, unless really massed and even 10km+ BB#s can annihilate them relative reliable.

    That is true. But with enemy torpedo boats packing 15 20-inch oxygen torpedoes and a single 102mm cannon, even a maneuverable battleship is hard pressed :)

  13. In convoy raid missions, the enemy is so often keen to sink your raiders at all costs, they fire devastating torpedo salvoes (wich in most cases comprise of twelve to 20 torpedoes per enemy cruiser) that they often take their own transports down. I have now repeatedly seen (and used to my advantage).

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