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Everything posted by DerRichtigeArzt

  1. crew efficiency should not only depend on the crew itself. if they got forced out of a compartment by water then they should not be able to perform thier duties
  2. notice how crew is at 100% efficiency. "we dont want a 40k style bloodbath" is ok. Crew literaly not dying is not ok.
  3. can you sop going offtopic calling eachother nazis and communists and shit? it's an unfinished game forum and we are supposed to provide feedback, if someone said something offtopic just ignore it and help the devs finish this game in this decade please.
  4. We are all over it now, campaign is cringe now, now we want something else.
  5. The campaign is best served before the end of this year.
  6. Ships that took a certian amount of damage should be considered dead in the water, and in campaign, after the battle a ship like that if not sunk in the battle itself would have a dice roll, either it would sink with all crew, sink but have its crew rescued or survive and be in a condition so bad it would be out for years, or flat out only worth its weight in scrap. In missions and customs I feel like the feature is not needed as much.
  7. Will hulls be limited by nation as they are now or will we set a number of requirements when we research them, and the game will give us a hull that fits our needs the most. Eg: im playing japan. I need a fast, long range, quite large, long hull for my battleship, bc I just won a war with w russia and took some of thier baltic possessions. And the game will be like: aw yep m8 u need this great hull I have for the year 1925, in history the british used it but since now you as japan have a global empire, here have at it. And if the British got krumped by the krauts they could do with a super battleship like yamato since now that they lost all thier empire and range is not an issue. What I am getting at is, random tech option. Lemme check a tick for it, and allow me to research tech of other nations, and not in the same order it was invented as well. Would be cool.
  8. can someone who knows his ships create a crosssection heat map of where most of the crew would be located when in battle? something like this but actually make it correct, this pic is just a guess and done literaly on the knee as I am going to work.
  9. I am not sure if what I said earlier came out as me wanting the crew to die by the hundreds. It was not my intention. Right now a crew member will die from a partial penetration to the fore or aft extended armor section every time. Its like all crew is distributed evenly in the entire ship. I don't want the crew do just vanish each time the ship is hit, I want critical hits like center citadel penetration to have an impact on the performance and heart rate of crew. And as I and some other people specified, a flash fire, even a localised one that doesn't *hood* a ship imidiately, should at least remove the crew manning the turret from this earth. As I said, I had 3 turrets flashfire one after another and the gun and control crew were both at a 100%. This is just not right.
  10. Ok so Crew mechanic is kinda weird. People die from hits they have no business dying from. Like far front or aft of the ship where there is not that many people. Also crew is just glorified hp that depletes with every hit. I once had the enemy flash fire all 3 of his aft turrets (he had 3 back and 1 front) and most of his gun and controll crew still lived. Other times I had 40% of the crew die from partial penetrations from just a rain of low cal weapons. It almost seems like they are all glued to the armor tightly and take vibration damage. Decrease crew death outside of citadel, decrease partial pen lethality, increase fire and flooding death, increase overpen death a little, massively increase full proper penetration kill count and flashfire should basicly wipe the part of the ship it happened on (im talking instant wipe of 90% of the crew in that part of the ship). Also crew lethality as a whole is very low. Ship durability: A 1915 ship that has taken 10-20 proper penetrations from a 13 inch gun has no business fighting in 90% of the cases. If I leave a ship at 20% hp with half of it flooded then I expect it to sink slowly, not be a zombie that will swallow 300 more shells. I had a battle today where I shot a 1936 CL with 10 9 inch shells, it went to 20% flood hp and 60% hull hp, ran away, and maybe an hour of ingame time later it came back with all engines fixed, 0 flooding and only 5% crew dead. When irl it would maybe run away only to have an easier time evacuating in safe conditions (not under fire) in the finished game I fully expect a ship with that kind of damage to sink 9 out of 10 times. Remember miracles are miracles because they happen rarely, we hear of those crazy surviing ships but for every one of them there is many that succumbed to their damage easily. New hulls and parts: Allow me more range of displacement, late game all I can build is 60kt+ behemoths. I really enjoy the restraints of the various naval treaties, I like building around them and make the best of what I have got on my hands, it defeats the point of design when I can just build the biggest, fastest, most armored and best armed ship out there every time. Also next patch definetly focus of pre dreadnoughts. More ww1 and interwar hulls could be cool but we need more variety early game, especially that those hulls are very limiting in what you can do so there really needs to be many of them and unique ones as well. Performance: drops after a longer while in the designer and overall designer performance is very bad, in battle there is no problems I have noticed. The fix to designer performance drops untill its fixed is to leave and enter again, now that we can save ships its a good stopgap measure. Overall a good patch that needs work on balance more than bug fixing, so a success. I love the new cruiser hulls and the small dreadnought for germany and Austria(tho it might actually be a little op I have to test more) Good job on this one, I hope we get campaign in a similar state to this patch, balancing is not as hard as fixing bugs after all. Cheers
  11. I have the same thing. no matter what I type in it changes itslef to max value. I have to click manualy
  12. work day is officialy over please do not announce the next date untill its done.
  13. You are missing the point. The main belt should be long enaugh to cover the main armament always. And now it only protects 2 out of 4 turrets if you use the smallest superstructure, and nothing at all of u use larger one. The main belt wasn't there just to protect the engine, it was there to protect everything crucial.
  14. You can't stop me from putting as many 2" guns to simulate AA guns. I shall defy the rules! I shall rule the... I mean... Become the ultimate admiral!
  15. So I am supposed to unlock a bismarck, build it for like 3 years and use it for one bc game is ending at 1940s? Its obviously gonna drag on untill the 1950s at least so we can explore alternate scenarios and use our behemothsm
  16. I have less and less complaints and requests the more you guys update. The development is going the right way definitely. Great job. Hope we see the update soon.
  17. Riot was quick and victimless. We have reached some lvl of efficiency bois.
  18. many have fallen in that period. FishyFish did not have enaugh fish pics to post and so we decided to go full urban riot. You might witness one, IF WE DON'T GET APPEASED WITH SOME NEWS SOON!!!
  19. Should we start a riot yet like we used to do in alpha 5-6?
  20. Its not about ideology, some people had german admiral avatars and some insignia(not swastika more like iron cross) some weakling got buthurt and hurrdurred at them and they laughed at him as they should. And then people started calling eachother nazis n shit. Lets just get an update so we can have a new thread and forget about all that stupid stuff ok?
  21. Can we get a preview of the features beeing worked on? Maybe you have some hull screenshots or fixed some bugs that plagued the game for ever? Maybe some screenshots of the campaign ui? Please its gonna take 15 minutes of your worktime and we will be satisfied for at least a month. E: don't even bother with your ussual speach, don't "welcome admirals" us, we get you RP. Just say "grab some screen shots..." and follow it with screenshots, no more text, show don't tell kinda content.
  22. there is a thread burried somwhere around here with core concepts of the game. if there it is stated that subs will just kill stuff overtime on the campaign map. either at the end of a turn if they go with a turn based system. or every couple of ticks if they go with a more paradox style system. so no subs in battle also in that thread it is stated that aircraft and carriers are not planned for 1.0 and depending on the succes of the game, maybe not at all.
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