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Posts posted by BungeeLemming

  1. The first time Ive seen this ship I fell in love to her. Its a little ship of the line - maybe the smallest SoL the dutch ever bothered to launch. (her class at least). But there appears to be no plans whatsoever.

    There are several plans of 50 gun SoLs but most of them just dont have the flavor of this particular vessel.


    If the real plans dont exist Id really love to see a 44 gun twodecker without any ewatherdeck guns. Means there is no prominent forecastle or quarterdeck. The image above has those two parts very suttle. Nothing "in your face" about it imo. Her sides look very clean.


    Maybe someone has plans to her or maybe knows some more about this class of ships. I am eager to learning more about her!

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  2. The crew is distributed between the stations you send them to.

    For example: you F5 one broadside and fill your other side 100% with crew. that means you will have massive casualties if you get sternraked and aimed at your manned side. A long 24pd gun will require 9 men as full crew. 9*15=135 on the main gundeck per side. And a 12pd long weatherdeck is: 12*7=84 men.

    source -> http://www.navalactionwiki.com/index.php?title=Weapons#Medium_Guns

    I cannot tell you where the men go when you hit sail. I assume somewhere on the decks.. Dunno where exactly.

    But when you know your enemy is making ready for boarding (hit "8") you should aim at their weatherdecks. the men will be gently along the sides and provide good targets for you ;)


    twodeckers are ships which feature two fully armed gundecks. consti as said before does not have a continuous weatherdeck gundeck. our 4th rate SoLs are twodeckers. the bellona is, the buc and pavel are. (even tho pavel can have 4 decks ingame she is not a threedecker)

  3. Connie is not a two decker. She does neither have two fully armed decks (gap between forecastle an quarterdeck in her armement) nor does she have a "roof" upon her weatherdeck guns - hence the name weatherdeck. I am not sure if you wanted to use that terminology anyway but at least in terms of technology - what I say is right ^^

    If you think about it: more guns on the weatherdecks means more men behind lesser armor. I am not sure how thick the bulwarks of the consti are. An educated guess would be 30 cm and more. thats nothing compared to the gundeck's 60cm+

    In addition the Constitution is a very thin vessel that means lesser room to spread the crew. When you rake her from either side (front/aft) you will have more hitboxes in the way than on a wider ship.

    That said I am not saying there cant be a problem. But I gave a few explanations for why she is more prone to crew dmge than maybe another vessel of same (crew-) size

  4. beeing a british design she would carry a max of 24/12/6/6pd

    The Hanseatic Admiralty however fitted her with 18,12/9/6/6lb on her gundecks to make sure to have a strong enough ship for convoy duties and at the same time they didnt want to upset other seafaring nations such as the dutch, brits, french etc.

    Hence why they didnt call her a warship but "convoy vessel"

  5. RMvcjV2.jpg

    Ahoy Kapitäne,


    Wir wünschen euch Wohlstand, Gesundheit und Frohsinn und hoffen, dass 2017 ein tolles Jahr für euch und eure Familien wird. Ein besonderes Neujahrs-Präsent (ein seltenes Schiff) wird jedem Spieler an dem 1. Januar gegeben.

    Name des Schiffes? "Wapen von Hamburg", ein "deutsches" Konvoischiff.

    Um das Geschenk zu erhalten müsst ihr an diesem Tag einen Account besitzen. Wenn ihr das Spiel also gekauft aber noch nicht gespielt habt, so loggt euch zumindest einmal ein um einen Charakter zu erstellen. Das Schiff werdet ihr unter "Redeemables" finden.


    Frohe Weihnacht und ein gutes neues Jahr!

    • Like 6
  6. Es ist (Vor-) Weihnachtszeit.

    Der "Normalsterbliche" hat vor Weihnachten noch andere Verpflichtungen und möchte ie Zeit nicht in Naval Action verbringen.

    Dein Kommentar passt hier nicht rein, denn es heißt "Fragen zum Spiel". Ich hab nur keinen Schimmer, wie ich bei dem neuen Forumdesign posts verschieben kann (gelobt sei das Upgrade - nicht!). Entsprechend würde ich ihn nur löschen können - was nach Zensur schreit.

    Schreib das besser in den "Ist das Ende gekommen" Thread. Da könnt ihr euern Frust und eure Doomsdayverschwörungen reinklatschen.

    "Fragen zum Spiel" soll bitte so bleiben. Wenn du das quasi-doppelpostest, (in den richtigen thread) kann ich den im Fragen Thread löschen.

    • Like 2
  7. On 16.12.2016 at 4:42 PM, sruPL said:

    4. Adjust crew losses on open deck ships like Niagara, Mercury etc. When I watched movies, read books related to age of sail and combats, the crew in combat was always hiding behind hull when under fire. That what I would do and everyone else. Not many would stand in the middle of deck like idiots when under fire.

    The crews stand by their action stations. If not the next best officer will ensure they do - or face a court trial. The game does not know cowardice (other than shocks) and will place your men exactly where they belong to - next to the guns or next to the braces. The ammount of crew is determined by your crew focus.

    You will not see any crew in the masts unless you decide to reduce sails (in RL that is). The game's sailhandling is an abstract and does  not mirror RL. inRL you can furl sails, using the appropriate ropen on deck. No need to get aloft. The game however fastens the sails on the yards which would not be done in battle anyways. (other than the royals)

    Hiding we now have. Use it when you can. (light ships I know suffer a lot from that debuff)


    -> the time to brace your crew should depend on the ammount of men on bard. (1-2 seonds? really? thats OP AF)


    Yes - Grape needs a realistic flightpath - I have no clue if thats doable. But I agree that its desirable.

    • Like 1
  8. The model Steel is reffering to is the one I made for personal research.


    I modeled this hull using these two plans as reference. You can clearly see the difference between this and the model ingame. But dont use it as 100% reference. The bowsection still looks a bit rough and I am not 100% sure if the wale is placed correctly.

    I personally wish theyd introduce Constitution like she looked at launch date. A lot more beauty in that compared to the bulky bulwarks. Less effective indeed. But prettier




    • Like 2
  9. I model her according to the plans, steel gave me in advance. That and the flickr link which includes loads of information about her.

    I guess the plans I got represent her "original" build state. And hence she will look like when she was launched. One thing I did however is to load her with the full 36pd armament and full 18pd on the mid deck. I dont have any cannon shortage ;)

    And no matter the armament, she would be a very competitive ship - going in straight lines^^

    flush deck means to have an enclosed weatherdeck. such as on the santisima trinidad. and on mid 19th century frigates when they loaded those full with guns eventually.

    I am not sure if the 7 prov ever had a flush deck by that means. She is an old design with a very destinct forecastle and a high stern. Build with the intent to board the enemy.

  10. ;) (wont say anything about that)

    You should keep a look at the 7 prov once a month or so. Its roughtly the timeframe for another update since I am very unfrequently modeling on her. But when I do, I add things here and there and you might have to look out for them.

    A few moments ago I uploaded a new progress where I worked on the bowsection and corrected a few errors here an there. (main mast interfering with a grating, gunwale not ending at the stern, etc)

  11. Hey, nice to see someone building ships.

    I am using Blender to do ships as well and after longlong progress and experience processes I feel capable to give you some thoughts and helps.


    For one you should start by only doing the hullshape. No keel, no gunports no nothing. purely the hull. Begin by building it up to the waterline. Use a lot more subdivisions and finally: use the "smooth shading modifier" I made a screenshot where to find and how to adjust it. You get that menue by pressing "ctrl + f". The red box on the right is the angle at which the adges are appear hard again. Try to get that angle as low as possible but as high as you need. Once you understand that mod you will see very good progress. Make sure you get a nice flow for the hull. Get the best plans you can possibly have.

    This is a hull I started from scratch yesterday (a big big frigate):

    hull modeling.jpg

    If you have questions, feel free to ask them. I am also willing to jump on teamspeak for a Q&A session.(but no skype! thats my privacy)


    I hope you stay on it and make good progress!

    Always good to see a new "3D member" in the community ;)

  12. Bucentaure:

    length of gundeck: 55.5m

    breadth: 14.3m

    draught (forw): 7m

    draught (aft):  7.8m


    Admiraal de Ruyter:

    length of gundeck: 54.9m

    breadth: 14.3m

    draught (forw): 5.9m

    draught (aft):  6.2m


    Imo that comparisn is pretty amazing, even tho the admiral is listed in her 80 gun config.

    They only added a few carronades on the weatherdecks. would not make too much of a difference.

    • Like 2
  13. a lateen yard doubled as a reserve spar when other yards were shot down.

    However such a lateen rig is by no means easier to use than a spanker. The opposite is here the case. the angle of the windforce is worse etcetc. Overall its a worse design speaking from the sailing ability


    Images from the 1820s show dutch SoLs using a spanker.


    As Olav said. We didnt come up with a satisfying answer but most likely it is coming down to tradition and narrow minded people in the admiralty..

    (just think about the masts on early dreadnoughts -.-)

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