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Posts posted by Shaftoe

  1. 7 hours ago, Nick Thomadis said:

    I have said it in other posts, I need to clarify again. The AI has NO bonuses. If the AI achieves better targeting is because it can achieve a steadier course. If AI dodges torpedoes, it is because the AI observes them faster than the player who can usually lose a lot of seconds by observing the sea or by fast forwarding. If there is any other problem, it can be a bug, but certainly there is no intention to make AI cheat against the player. There is NO such cheap mechanic in the game.

    How about making the AI penalties to reaction times to make it less artificially perfect? After all, superhuman reaction IS an artificial advantage, and therefore it could be considered cheating. 

    • Like 5
  2. 52 minutes ago, Ink said:

    Admiral, we might consider to make nation selection available in naval academy but it might take some time according to our priority list and there is no guarantee right now.

    Make the selection, when you have time (preferably sooner than later). That's literally the best course of action, because it gives most control to players.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Bluishdoor76 said:

    The battle of Samar is very much a best case scenario, the flotilla barely survive. The only reason it wasnt completely obliterated was down to many factors, but none of them was down the destroyers themselves but the crews. for one the Japanese fleet thought they were fighting one of Halsey's main fleets and thus played the battle a lot more careful then they would if they knew they were fighting a small destroyer task force. I'm not saying destroyers arent useless, but they were among the weaker naval vessels of the early 20th century. Kurita could have continued the attack but decided to retreat due to the torpedoe attacs, the only attacks that did actual damage to the central force, and American fast battleships headed their way and Nishimura being defeated at Surigao Strait.

    Without equipment to operate, i.e. destroyers, their engines, well-planned reinforced hulls, fire control systems and guns, the only thing those crews could do is row together towards shore.

    You may know history, but in failing to understand and accept the value of good ship design, you're not only risking embarrassing yourself on the internet (which is a legit concern for some nerds, apparently), but also missing out a crucial perspective, which in turn leads to claims based on ignorance, such as the one you've made before.

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Bluishdoor76 said:

    DDs by design are weak ships

    This is simply not true. At all. 

    It heavily depends on design. While something like a Clemson-class DD is no match for larger ships, something like a Fletcher or Somers DD can tear even a light cruiser apart, or even score a mission kill (rout) on much larger, better armed and armored heavy cruiser! That's exactly what happened during WW2, when a small flotilla of US DDs repelled (and heavily damaged) several much larger ships of IJN, in the Battle off Samar. 

    Additionally, several DD engagements that occured in the Pacific during WW2 have proven that well-built DDs are fully capable of fighting and winning gunfights even in most difficult conditions, while staying seaworthy and capable of continued action.

    And I believe that this is what UA:D should be striving towards. DDs in this game should be an effective class on its own, not just single-use torpedo carriers. 

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, IronKaputt said:

    Why? She looks good, so what's the catch?

    May not be possible to re-create in UA:D with USN cruiser hulls, super structures and other components we currently have.

  6. << Question Time Stamps >>

    1:22 Will BBs and cruisers have scout planes?

    2:30 Will there be multiplayer?

    2:50 Will you be able to design your entire fleet and the enemy's fleet?

    3:18 Will there be maps with island and terrain?

    4:01 When will quad turrets be implemented?

    4:14 Will ships' firing abilities be affected with listing?

    5:07 Biggest gun caliber?

    5:42 Largest hull/displacement?

    6:22 Will you be able to do completely free sandbox battles like Yamato vs Monitor?

    6:56 Will carriers be implemented?

    9:16 Will anti air/dual purpose guns be implemented?

    9:44 How are submarines going to be implemented?

    11:43 When will subs be implemented?

    12:03 Will there be more torpedo boat hulls?

    12:31 Plans for modular hulls?

    13:48 Plans for coastal defense ships?

    14:24 What ships classes will have depth charges?

    15:05 Will ships with sonar/hydro be able to spot submarines?

    15:43 How will the campaign be set up, as in historical or sandbox-y?

    17:39 Will ship refits be possible?

    17:48 When will the game be fully released?

    19:18 Will there be modding support?

    19:36 Will there be a way of implementing the Steam Workshop?

    21:17 Will there be more factions?

    22:26 How long are you planning on supporting the game?

    23:42 Are you aware of the problem with US BB towers?

    24:21 Will nations have flavors to them i.e regarding the weapons?

    25:47 Will replay saving/sharing be a feature?

    27:19 Will there be plans for the timeline beyond 1940?

    28:11 Will there be an Ultimate Admiral: Modern Ships or something?

    29:04 Will there be a "save ship blueprint/design" feature?

    30:14 Will there be a feature to share ship design via Steam?

    31:56 Will there be a Mac version?

    32:08 Will there be more calibers?

    33:09 Will there be an "Abandon Ship" feature?

    34:13 Final price of the game?

    34:38 Will there be an armor viewer?

    35:15 Will the damage saturation issue be solved?

    • Like 11
  7. 13 minutes ago, IronKaputt said:

    Speaking of realism - dye bags seem to be shell's stock component 😍



    For Japanese, yes. But not for many other navies.


    Also, I think in reality you can see flying shells on darker backgrounds, and in late hours. So it's not completely unrealistic.

  8. So, I just played mission "The Modern Battleship" and lost, even though I managed to complete the objective by sinking 70% of enemies (only 2 enemy battleships were left), just in the nick of time.

    I think this mission should be checked, and the time could be increased by 15-20 minutes - to prevent "technical" losses spoiling clearly winning situations.


    • Like 3
  9. I agree. We need way more HISTORICAL hulls and superstructures for key naval powers: UK, US, Japan, and Germany. Especially for destroyers, light & heavy cruisers.


    Personally, I'd prefer to see more 30s-40s ship components.

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