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Everything posted by SDGMusic96

  1. Getting a new bug that really hampers my QOL in campaign.... Divisions will all of a sudden reduce speed from top or cruising speed, to >7kn. Unable to increase speed as a division after that.
  2. I'm having similar problems. Generic icon on the desktop and when I try to launch the program I get the error "Another instance of Launcher client already exist!"
  3. If possible, it would be great if the individual ships would take evasive maneuvers automatically when torpedoes are detected.
  4. It would be great if ships in a division would automatically take evasive manuvers when torpedos are spotted. When I spot torpedoes while sailing in a line of battle with multiple battleships, the only way I've found to take evasive maneuvers is to manually remove the targeted ship from the division, and then order an evasive manuver. It would be great if this would be done automatically so I don't have to detach and reattach a ship. Along the same lines, it would also be great if there were a way to order all ships in a division to execute a corrdinated u-turn. Perhaps that could have some sort of mechanic where ships under heavy fire or at the edges of communications range, poor visability effects the coordination of the maneuver (such as the disorganized German u-turn at Jutland under heavy British fire)
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