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Posts posted by flaviohc16

  1. 2 hours ago, o Barão said:


    And other thing. I have no idea how it is possible for you to get 48 knots from a hull in NAR since I limited the maximum speed for all ships to more realistic values, unless you are doing your editing the files.

    He is not Playing with NAR, as you can see his armour is Krupp 2, but i have seen this a lot, a lot of people install your mod wrong, here are on Reddit.


    But i think that the gist of what he is saying is right:

    We unlocked 100k tons ships in 1929, when there is no chance in hell that a 100k ton ship was going to get built before 1941-42 IRL, Treaties or not.

    Also we unlock 7500 tons DDs in 1936, here again, no chance in hell that would happen before 1944 at the earliest.

    There are a lot of tech nodes that should get shifted 5-10 years forward IMHO

  2. 29 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    BETA v8.1.0 - "Battle stations update" - N.A.R. changelog:

    • Updated to UAD


    Changes to accuracy

    • Fixed all the issues with the high accuracy values in late years. This is the most accurate version I made based on real life data.*
    • Arcade version is now x3 the hit rate to make the gameplay more enjoyable for the casual type of players.

    *Unless you are a masochist, naval history nerd, that understands how the game different mechanics works, DO NOT use the semi realistic accuracy version. You guys are not going to like it.

    I'm a masochist.


    Do I need to restart the campaign?



    29 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    Changes to provinces

    • The defense modifier changed for many provinces. It will take into consideration, the terrain, the weather, tropical diseases, and the people and their willing to fight.
    • Expect to lose a little more in a tropical country, or a lot if you try to invade Switzerland or decided to cross the Sahara or fight the Russians at Moscow.


    29 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    Armor penetration threshold increased to x3.

    • This was a request from some players, and I can't see a reason why not. IMO, is still the shell base fuse mechanic what really matters.
    • The AI ammo logic improved to know better when to use HE or AP.


    Thank you, let's see how it rolls

    29 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    Other changes:

    • Turbo electric drive cost rebalanced to make it more interesting.
    • Crew training values were rebalanced.
    • Flash fire and ammo detonation damage x2.
    • KGV turrets design language improved for single and double barrels.
    • Small improvements to make it easier to place torpedoes in some places.
    • Badly damaged AI divisions will try to disengage from battle. Battle AI logic improvement.
    • Light lamp is now the signal lamp. English file needs to be updated.
    • Radar night stats improved.


    Note: From my 1940 tests runs, I noticed how bad is still the mines mechanic in this game. So I am considering removing it from the mod.

    Please do, IMHO they don't add anything to the game right now, unless you make them into a force field that you can't  enter unless you have ships with anti-mine stuff, like it was 6 months ago in vanilla.

    Especially because they should damage less ships but do way more damage, but it's totally an rng game that the player can't interact with

  3. 3 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    A TB, but the damage from overpen was insane. I will run more test so see what is the relation.


    One thing interesting about the damage gun model in game.

    armor_damage,0.16,damage multiplier due to partial penetration,0.33,,,,,,

    over_penetration,0.085,damage multiplier due to over-penetration,0.33,,,,,,


    So the game is telling me that what I am seeing in the image is better than to have a shell that failed to penetrate the armor? 🤔

    i think that "partial pen" is more when the shells are between 2 layers of armour ( like the 1st than 2nd belt in the citadel)?

    but I don't know what I'm talking about

  4. 23 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    Atm, I can't add anything more about this without running more tests.

    Well, you can add the "in between" ap shell fuze, also,  you can make all the fuzes more linear:

    only shifting the fuses, and keeping the 6 values:

    SAP: -45% pen

    Semi ballistic: -30%

    in between (call it how you like) -15%

    standard: 0

    capped: +15%

    capped ballistic +30% pen

    8 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    but look at the damage. 25k from a overpen.

    Now I will run more tests, but it seems what you are asking is not exactly what you want.

    Yea, ofc I don't want overpen to do more damage than pen, I actually want overpen to do less damage, but having less of them overall.

    I know what I want ( and probably you know it too) but I don't know how to reach it, that's why I'm asking

  5. 3 hours ago, o Barão said:

    You can start by choosing the right shell for the job and not picking capped shells all the time. Also, you are ignoring the distance factor, since both are related. Keep your distance if you don't want to see so many overpens.


    So as you can see, you can do a lot to improve. But what you really want is capped shells that work all the time against all the targets. To be the easy choice for all guns, all situations, all targets. No, no, no...

    Since you explained to me a couple of months back how penetration/overpenetration worked, I always avoided using capped shells ( I use them only on dds/cl/ca if I want them to punch above their weight).

    On 16" guns I actually always use standard or even semi-ballistic, with superheavy shells ( the shells that everyone was aiming for in the 1930s-40s), and as propellant RPC 12/38 and usually Dunnite as explosive because it gives me penetration without getting more flash fire chance.

    In 1930, with  16/50 guns, with 110% armour scaling ( basically everything at the best possible) my guns overpen 6 inch of armour (more than 12 " of pen):

    with mark 3 guns, standard ap: 25 kms

    mark 3 with semi-ballistic ap: 10 km ( ok-ish)

    mark 5, standard ap: 30kms

    mark 5, semi-ballistic: 15km 

    https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iMS371lN-LxQmQjWlKfWxRbcIp95gb5i?usp=drive_link (drive with the data and pictures)

    And the semi ballistic ones makes penetrating even a paltry 12 " of armour of a modern bb complicated ( they are the values given above).

    How would i change it?

    1)give better overpen potential, like i said in my previous comment,

    2)and give us more granularity in stepping down the Penetration values of AP:

    RIgh now we have only 2 "steps down" for ap: SAP and Semi-ballistic, and they are quite brutal in their ap pen reduction (-30 % for semi ballistic and -45% for sap), meanwhile we have 3 steps up in penetration, and the latter 2 are very close and redundant (capped +25%, capped-ballistic 1 +31%, capped ballistic 2 +36%), I would add an in-between shell fuse between standard and semi-ballistic, with -15% pen, and you can reach this goal either by adding one slot or by shifting one block and deleting one of the capped-ballistic ( capped ballistic 1 i would say)


    3 hours ago, o Barão said:

    This being said, I'm currently playing a 1940 campaign, and I tend to agree with many things you are saying. Overpens I can't say atm if I am going to change them, because as I said, in many times it is more related to a player that don't understand the game mechanics then the game fault to simulate real life ballistics. But I will research more about this to see if I can find some precious information.


    • I already reworked the gun damage. TBs and DDs are incredibly weak around later years with the new explosives and the guns' accuracy being too high, so I rebalanced for all the ships.

    I agree, you made them quite fragile, maybe if you rework over pen mechanics, you might make overpen have even less damage than they do now: so you have less of them, but they also gives you less damage, so this will probably make dds more survivable.

    3 hours ago, o Barão said:
    • The accuracy is too good and too fast even with radar and spotter plane. The solution is IMO to nerf the long range accuracy bonus and a little the target accuracy speed. Even with the semi realistic accuracy, the bonus is so huge around 1930, that I get the feeling of a naval battle game with tech from the early 21st century.

    I agree that in late game accuracy it's still too high, at 20 km range accuracy should never go above 10-12% on a moving target, as that was the accuracy of Iowa class BBs in Korea (1952-55)

  6. 12 minutes ago, flaviohc16 said:


    Also, and I know we talked about it before, I would try to change the overpen mechanic a bit, because right now it's world of overpens, sometimes even with HE. I know that the armour threshold is 2, so that if my shells penetrate more than double the armour they encounter, the overpen. But I would say this is quite limiting, especially because you might have 16 inch shells that overpen 6" of armour ,(WW2 CA belt armour) and you can't do anything about it. 


    It's even more egregious with HE, were if you don't have an he with 0,1" of pen TBs or dds become quite resistenti to overpen. Same for light cruiser.



    I would try to increase this parameter to 3 for AP and 4/5 for HE and test how it goes.


    Basically, I would love to have a game where my hit are way more impactful and less 80-90% overpen and 10% pen that we have right now.


    I would also get then reducing a bit more the accuracy so that battles don't end in a slugfest in 30 in game minutes.

  7. 9 hours ago, o Barão said:

    It is a known game exploit. I can remove that barbette from those ships to fix the issue, but why bothered? It is a single player game, so not a big deal.

    Because the tentation is strong 🤣🤣🤣


    4 hours ago, basedana said:

    Does anyone have a way to play Spain in legendary, because I have restarted about 5 times, the furthest I got was 1935 but my saved crashed. Spain is the most rage inducing, aneurism giving nation, because you have no shipyard capacity and your economy is so trash that you can't get a sizeable fleet with decent ships because you go broke. God Spain really is Spain without the S. 

    Well, I would say that you are playing at the max difficulty with one of the worst nation, nation that even IRL in the timeline the games cover (1890-1965) was basically "afk to the world stage to control his own shit'.


    Like you choose something with a high failure rate.

  8. 10 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    This part it is a little strange for me. If I am not mistaken, before, if someone declared war on me, my allies would join me in the war, but now they need to raise tension first? It is the same for you, right?

    Great! 👍

    Yeap, but they have an accelerated path to war if your tension is over -50 , as in every month the tension goes up 2-5 points if you have ships in their area


    10 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    I can't do anything about that.


    2) I changed the AI behavior to respect more the player power in battle. This is an experimental feature that I am still tweaking, but from the screenshots you uploaded I can see you had more ships. So it wasn't bad a call from the AI.

    Yeah, as I said, a bit scared,but passable, looking back into it, it was a good call

    10 minutes ago, o Barão said:

    3) So you are in 1947 and still didn't unlock Oil III and auxiliary 5. Ok, I will take a deep look at the technologies file later and compare to the stock file to see where are the changes made by the devs.


    Yeap, I didn't unlock oil 3, auxiliary 5 and the last navy drill, the ones that gives you 21k crew for your taskforce, also the late technologies bonuses weren't getting updated on my designs.


    Tell me if you need some files from my saves.


    I'm starting a USA, 1890, hard campaign and see how it goes.


    Thank you for your hard work.

    • Thanks 1
  9. so I arrived in 1942, as always: Usa 1890 start, normal difficulty.

    The economy started snowballing in 1936 and snowballed completely in 1940, i would say that it's okay:

    1) It's the USA in 1940, where they even in IRL went basically "shipyards go brrrrrrr"

    2) i have 2/3 of the planet under my control, with 200 provinces, i should have an insane GDP.


    The economy for me it's fine, but it's quite crushing for the IA ( but i'm on normal difficulty), because the are always at war with each other.


    I love the last 2 patches (7 and 8), The enemy design has become really good and scary, and also the Ai tactics has improved.

    What imho need improving:

    1) Ai still sometimes put barbettes at the ends of ships ( A turret on barbette and then a B turret without)

    2) since the Ai update (patch 8 ) the Ai is a bit too scared of me, even when it shouldn't, leaving also transports to get killed by my ships even when they have the advantage. The only time it stuck around was when it had to protect a lot of TR, but when there are only 2-3 TR it escaped, it's a feature or RNG?

    3) I still haven't unlocked auxiliary engine 5, oil 3 and the 21k crew size task force, even though i'm in the "incremental phase" of the tech tree (the end tree nodes). What i have noticed is that when I reached the end trees, the nodes don't change years like in the stock game ( ex: improved propeller 1 is 1930, and improved propeller 2-3-4-5-6-7 is still 1930). This is still this way in 1947, so there is some kind of bug. Also this end bonus don't seems to get updated ( my torpedo fro example don't improve, even when i refit/build a new class.

    as always, screenshots with the economy, the tech tree bugs and ai escaping when it shouldn't 



    P.s. do you know how to delete my old attachment on the forum?

  10. 3 minutes ago, SevDarastrix said:

    having to individually click over 100 ships when scrapping in bulk for a high GDP nation is a bit...tedious, thats all.

    As I said, click on one ship, scroll to the end of whatever you want to scrap, even all the ships you have, shift+click on the last ship, press scrap, done

    4 steps done in maybe 10 seconds to scrap 1000 ships

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