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Everything posted by Punisher_1

  1. Ya, not with that attitude. You seem like a triggered mental midget that has completely ignored PC gaming trends over the last decade. One of these "everyone needs a trophy" types ranting about how the game is going to work. Yet totally bashing the idea. Laughably IRL no one cries about "game balance" maybe you should read up on the the Battle of Midway and see how a vastly out numbered and out skilled and dated Naval force turned the tide of the war with superior tactics. Simply it was an idea to add to the game for people that want to be competitive and work with others in a massive persistent game. I came here in a positive manner to drop an idea that could grow the game exponentially and appeal to more than a niche player base and was met with nothing but triggered toxic filthy trolls. I said positive things about the game and even said i'd invest in it if I had the funds, heck I dropped the $50 just to try it out but I see the community or at least a few of them are toxic and this game will never be anything more than a AI bash fest and that's not appealing to me at all. But I guess it appeals to the few that get a dopamine rush by defeating inferior AI and the like thinking they accomplished something awesome. Meh, no for me.
  2. For all those triggered people, wow you are overly sensitive. I never said you had to play the multiplayer game? I said this: By not adding multiplayer you are seriously limiting your player base. Adding, guys, not limiting to multiplayer only. This means if you want to play a single player game it's still there for you to enjoy. FFS Instead of actually reading the post I get a dozen negative responses from Anime avatar nerds. Just playing the tutorial missions was boring. I play a round or two and then go play something else. In other games, I might play for 3 or hours. So for me, a guy that likes this sort of game and knows more than the average person about the IRL shit there is no excitement in just trying to outsmart the AI with a limited ship tool set. Like I said, the difference of selling 500k worth of copies or selling millions, residual income, expansions, high replay ability.
  3. So I probably triggered a bunch of people already. I dropped my $50 on this after watching a you tube video because being someone that was an original tester from WoWs I have seen a lot of "stuff" over the years. I'm not going to compare the two games because they are obviously different. - But if you allow both of these game to shag and they popped out a baby, it would be pretty awesome - Playing the game for a short bit of time and completing only 5 of the campaigns was not exactly exciting. Sure it's neat to build your own ship in a restricted sort of way to fight AI but I'm not aiming the guns or playing against thinking people. Just beating up Bots.....and that's cool for a bit but then it's just not that fun. I'd rather work as a group or fight against other players with a design of my own choosing to see who is the better ship builder and tactician. By not adding multiplayer you are seriously limiting your player base. Those more mature players looking for a global conflict game pitted against other groups in a deep design based game might be more appealing than a few armchair admirals slapping down some dumb Bots. I'm thinking you could actually pull players from WoWs if you built the game in this manner. ( Because let's face it WoWs is not ever going to allow creativity in ship modifications and is deeply arcade-ish at best) Sure it will be more work but yet also make considerably more money via a larger player base. Here is what I suggest you add: - Multiplayer skirmish mode based on a ship point value and objectives for single and group players that want a quick battle. - A single player Piracy mode where yes, you guessed it, solo players can jump in under contract and tangle with the big boys in support or against AI. - Allow a multiplayer mode and single player mode where the player can work towards goals but only applies to one side of the game or the other. For example an introduction that allows new players to teeth on the game and allows them to make a choice taking starting assets down that path but not after that point. - Multiplayer world domination mode (persistent game). Where clans can represent a Privateer based naval force that comprises of various nations ship designs. ( like your campaign mode) These clans fight over trade routes and Nation based contracts to engage in various types of fleet warfare and objectives. Basically you have a letter of marque allowing for open combat against hostiles and other factions in game. Clans obtain trade routes for and contract for profit also opening up further nation based technology to upgrade ships. *Utilize national ship designs? Because people from around the world want to represent their own nation or have choices. * Why a global campaign? Because people want to kick each others asses and will throw money at you to do so, so instead of making 500k on this game idea why not be able to make tens of millions? Minor stuff: - Improve ship skins to look more realistic - I like the clean look but it's nothing special. - Add color schemes and or patterns - Allow ship capture and loot options. By capturing and not killing ships if the option presents itself. - Introduce crew skills and counts to add realism - Add surrender or with draw from battle options - Extend ship design to 1945 In closing I hope you consider this. If I was wealthy I would be calling your office to invest in this game. eh, ya never know i could win the lottery in that case I will give you all a call. In any case I wish you success.
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