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Everything posted by Cairo1

  1. These are just Wikipedia articles, but here are some basic sources about Those names chosen. A common occurrence is ship names are taken from particular places, and those names and places are favored to be reused. For Example there have been 5 ships named Ikazuchi if you include the modern one. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_corvette_Tenryū https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_ironclad_Hiei https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_corvette_Yamato And there are Modern Naming conventions For the Current Japanese Navy. Osumi, Kunisaki, Ise, Hyuga, Kaga, and Izumo are all archaic province names. Shimokita is a peninsula but i don't remember if it used to be a province name. Thus we can conclude that Carriers of today are the modern top capital ship thus having the name shifted from battleships. 1st rate DDGs or, rather the Arleigh Burke derivatives, are named for mountains Kongo, Kirishima, Maya, Taking the place of the Heavy cruiser/Battlecruiser rating. DDs are the same as DDs from WWII, Asahi was an odd choice IMO though though it may just be for morning sun rather then the mountain of that name. Subs have names of dragons, and wave derived names, the Soryu class and Oyashio. the current sub class is really the outlier as even from USS Mingo, a Gato given to japan renamed Kuroshio all submarines have ended in 潮 (shio) meaning Tide, or wave. I could go on, but Modern ships while Interesting are not the point of interest on this forum.
  2. That would be Shimose Powder a development of picric acid that is related to lyddite. it had a higher explosive yield then other explosives of the period and burned hotter and faster then European picric acids at the time. Russian accounts of Tsushima include an anecdote about several inch thick steel plate erupting into flame and being blast through by Japanese HE shells. whether this is due to the power of Shimose powder, or the low quality of steel used i don't know. You can actually examine parts blasted off of Russian ships from Tsushima aboard Museum ship Mikasa today. There are a number of really cool artificts in there as well as models of every ship used in the "modern" japanes navy, from Kotetsu(1868) to Maya(2018)
  3. Hello, I would like to offer some insight into Japanese naming conventions in hopes the current state of the name list for Japanese ships is changed. I have notices some fairly inappropriate names for Japanese ships here and there. Japanese Ships tend to follow a fairly simple naming convention with some exceptions and odd balls now and then. Pre Dreads, Armored cruisers, Heavy Cruisers,some Gunboats, and battlecruisers, have carried names from Mountains. Ex: Atago, Ibuki, Haruna, Akagi, Kasuga. Semi-dreadnoughts, dreadnoughts, Super dreadnoughts, battleships, and super battleships have carried the archaic names from provinces. Ex: Nagato, Setsu, Musashi, Tosa. Light cruisers, some un protected cruisers, and some gun boats had names of rivers: Tatsuta, Banjo, Chikuma. Destroyers are the most fun with names derived from a number of things but mostly Natural phenomena or trees, Ex: Oboro(moonlight), Murakumo(village clouds), Inazuma(sudden lightning), Matsu(pine tree), Momo(peach tree) Torpedo boats have carried names relating to birds, Chidori(1000 birds), Tomozuru(friendly crane), Kiji (pheasant) protected cruisers seem to have names of Islands, but some are from places relating to rivers, gorges, valleys, and other land masses that are related to water. Ex Takachiho, Unebi, Chiyoda, Tone(both a river, and a river valley) Carries have always been named after birds, however 3 exceptions blare Kaga, Akagi, and Shinano, Kaga and Shinanao were battleships and are named after provinces, and Akagi a battle cruiser is a mountain. Ex: Hosho(flying phoenix), Zuikaku (lucky crane) Junyo (peregrine falcon?) Corvettes are all over the place mountains, provinces, and rives, Ex: Tenryu, Yamato, Hiei Japan only had 2 "modern" Ironclads Fuso, and Chinyen. Fuso is a province name, and Chenyen was captrued from China, its name was just adapted to the Japanese pronunciation. I would be happy to help develop a full name list of both used and suitable names for differing ship types that are historical and follow Japanese naming conventions. I work in Japan, and speak it as a second language, I am also a member of the Millatery Historical society the Saiki Rekishinkai. If Voice acting becomes a thing I would know several people who would be interested in contributing.
  4. I read that Title, and i dont think of Huge silly project ships, I rather think of Less typical ship designs, ships i would like to see such as, Chen Yuen [ing][/img] or Itskushima
  5. Wrong. Kirishima was lost due to flooding. Due to an extreme list the captain ordered counter flooding to balance the ship out. This had the side effect of lowering previously above the waterline damage into the sea, causing sudden massive uncontrollable flooding causer her to capsize.
  6. I hope to levy Legitimate criticism, and offer decent suggestions, But i will first preface that so far I think everything is fantastic, This is certainly on its way to become a great game. One thing I do not like is that Displacement is merely a slider that extends length, Perhaps in its stead we could have 3 sliders one for length, one for beam, and one for draught, then Displacement would be generated. This very well could be a nightmare to program, so at least having a slider to change beam would be nice. Hull forms are more limiting then it looked like it was going to be in the first preview. I have read that this seemed to be over complicated for both the player, and to a degree the developers them selves. I would like to suggest a compromise in a second party hull form slice builder of hull forms. If this were done perhaps the alpha tester base can submit hull forms for the developers to examine. Otherwise I can only imagine the base will ask for progressively more and more hull forms, weather these are given free or in cheap DLCs this seems to also be a suitable option. Placements of barrettes, towers and smoke stacks are over limited. I think overall the snap points should be removed, or have the option to turn them off. I am aware of the Ctrl key to help with movement of parts, I just find it too limiting. Guns Independent form turret forms I would like to see additional turret styles of course as i am sure the entire community dose, but what i would like to ask is that turret body be divorced from the guns themselves. perhaps selecting a turret body, and then having caliber options available this would then affect the turret size. Torpedo casemates, not common but sometimes battleships had them Pre-refit Nagato class did atleast. just a suggestion. a more interactive boiler/ exhaust feature, and DISGUSTING THICK BLACK SMOG. Later on it would be nice to see additional class types, Gun boats, protected cruisers, support ships for the campaign, Oilers, repair, food ships not so much for combat, but to be protected for out of combat purposes.
  7. I disagree, I think perhaps the ability of fire damage should be linked to armor type, as that in a way represents overall construction developments. Lai Yuen had her entire superstructure and her above water line components utterly gutted by fire destroying her command facilities, and both steering houses, and crippling both of her '' guns and her 15cm guns. This was all from a single fire started early in the battle that Chinese damage control could not handle. (corruption buying less hose material so the hoses could not even get to the fire) Certainly Akagis gun fire contributed to the ability to deal damage control, and that the turrets were open barrettes did not help protect from fire, but this is an excellent case of what a single fire CAN do, but not always do. I think Linking Damage control or relating fire susceptibility to armor type is not a bad idea to represent improvements made to the concepts of prevent modern damage from spreading.
  8. Gunboat Akagi's furious fight with the Chinese Armored cruiser Lai Yuen. There is a song about the battle, 赤城の奮戦 or Akagi's Struggle. It was a pretty cool 1v1 between a 600 ton gun boat, and a 2900 armored cruiser. The fires set did not sink the ship, but completely destroyed Lai Yuen's superstructure. I agree Fire alone should not be able to destroy a ship, but i do believe it should damage or destroy components, including turrets. It would also be nice to see turrets be able to take damage destroying single guns in the turret, and having the other function.
  9. I Have not ready any Previous posts, My reason for this is to not reinforce suggestions already made. Combat Critiques: Overall feelings, I am certainly enjoying myself, though at times it dose feel arbitrary, and a little repetitive. I feel like those cargo ships should have surrendered after taking a volume of fire, a mechanic involving crew morale i think would be one suggestion. While this may be something more useful in a campaign, i feel there should be crew to save from abandoned ships, possibly with launches sailing to ships that are rescuing men perhaps an abandon ship button to save an experienced crew. I also think crew should be broken down in to respective general tasks proficiency with secondaries, and loading, or damage control. Shells should do more damage. Not so much as to speed up game play, but to mirror how ships have taken damage historically. during Tsushima though the Japanese took few losses ship wise, many sustained fair damage, Nishin had 3 of her 8'' guns knocked out in combat and Mikasa though being hit repeatedly sustained only moderate damage. this was largely because of ineffective AP shell, the Japanese shells however did quite the opposite with a single AP shell detonating and destroying Borodino. My suggestion coming from this anecdote is that Damages should certainly be on a roulette wheel of possibilities, but a magazine hit should blast a ship in half instantly now and then. The ability to Transfer Flag to another ship. ships fall out of line now and then due to damage, but the flag ship as of now dose not change, that is something that i would like to see. Stronger physical spotting distance, What i mean by this is thicker blacker smog coming from ships, that can be spotted by the player to at least have a hope of giving chase to a fleeing enemy. -Moral involving surrender and loss of ability in battle, or bonuses when an enemy is sunk. -Crew to train and preserve by saving them. -more cataclysmic damage on a high RNG -moving Flag to another ship -THICK BLACK SMOG that dose not disappear with ship sprites
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