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Posts posted by HusariuS

  1. 34 minutes ago, Siranui said:

    Sorting out the build UI, please. The time taken to build is massively inflated by struggling with the AI. QoL changes that are immediately obvious:

    • Buttons for adding an inch of armour to a location at a time, instead of having to click 60 times to add 6".


    You can just click with your LMB on the number and change it lol.


    • Like 5
  2. Remember that this game is in alpha stage right now.

    Don't expect too much of the game itself and the small dev team.

    But the idea is nice and i'm pretty sure the devs will consider what have you just said here ;)

  3. 17 minutes ago, RAMJB said:

    I love those raised secondaries. That's a nice touch. Perhaps you could move the A turret a little bit more forward to balance out the ship, you can get rid of a bit of that 1.8% aft offset and you'll give it slighly better arcs of fire on the process. It's really a small change and the bonus you gain won't be very big but every little helps, right? ;).

    Othar than that my only concern is that 6 guns is not a lot - I'd just go on cutting off speed somewhat (27 knots is plenty for that mission) and upgrading the turrets to triples. but otherwise that design is lovely :).

    And yes, I'm pretty sure that the only reason people can have trouble with this particular scenario is because they focus too much on the warships when there's no need to :).

    Yea i just forgot about moving A turret a little bit forward xD

    6 guns is pretty ok in this case because those are 279mm guns, they have high rate of fire and this is working for me, 33 knots gave me a huge bonus to survivability by debuffing enemy accuracy by going very fast.

    Also Battlecruisers in my mind should be fast, lightly armored (like heavy cruisers), and hard hitting other smaller ships than battleships, also i don't like slow warships xD

  4. What i would want is to have more space to place a barbette, also it would be nice if barbettes wouldn't be limited to the certain hulls.

    Also i have a small suggestion that is not very important:

    What about ability to choose "skin model" of the armament? 

    Those new secondary guns models looks very nice, but the problem is, sometimes they really don't fit at some places.

    So why not give ability to the player to change the skin from Mark 5 gun to for example Mark 1 gun while still having Mark 5 gun bonuses?

    The hull above you just presented to us is great example, some of those guns are extending beyond superstructure.

    • Like 3
  5. Ah yes, i also used Increased Firepower bonus.

    I used Three funnnels to make sure that i will keep up high speed in the case one of them will be damaged or destroyed, two funnels in the middle are Enhanced Funnel (Small) and the one in the Tower is Standard Funnel.

    Main Tower: Advanced Tower VII - Better accuracy.

    Rear Tower: Rear Tower VIII - Better accuracy and additional placement for gun.

    • Like 1
  6. So i designed a ship for you, i don't know if it will work for you because, ships in academy missions are generated randomly, so you will never face same designs.

    I almost managed to complete the mission with this ship, but i made a mistake and didn't use increased ammunition, and i lost because i couldn't shoot at anything XD

    My tips are that, you are gonna keep enemy ships at distance, eliminate both Battleships out of fight (you don't need to sink them, just force them to run away, and also you need to only destroy 70% of the Fleet), when you do that, just focus your fire on smaller ships like Battlecruisers, Light Cruisers etc. and sink them.

    Watch out for Destroyers because they can easily torp you.


    Type of hull: Battecruiser III - Because i like Battlecruisers.

    Main Guns: 4x2 381mm - you can also use 406mm but you must consider increased Weight.

    Secondary Guns: 6x2 127mm - if you want to be better protected against destroyers, you can also put casemates guns.

    Displacement: 34,300t - To increase the length of the ship to maximum for more space.

    Speed: 35kn - necessary to increase chance to dodge enemy shells, don't use lower speed than 34 knots.

    Range: Very Short - useless in academy missions.

    Bulkheads: Maximum - For maximum survivability. You can also use Many bulkheads.

    Engine: G.Turbines - because they are better than old ones.

    Fuel: Oil - because Coal is for poor guys.

    Boilers: Balanced - because Balance.

    Aux Eng: Aux III - For maximum survivability, if they managed to hit your ship, there is lesser chance to damage your propulsion system and keep high speed.

    Shaft: Shaft III - For maximum survivability, if they managed to hit your ship, there is lesser chance to damage your propulsion system and keep high speed.

    Armor: Krupp IV - Weight saving and better protection.

    Barbette: Barbette II - Barbette III is also good choice.

    Antitorp: Antitorp II - Antitorp III is also good choice if you are scared of they torpedoes.

    Hull bottom: Double - Triple is also good choice.

    Bulkheads: Reinforced II - Maximum survivability.

    Anti-Flood: III - Maximum survivability.

    Citadel: V - Maximum survivability.

    Shells: Super Heavy - Heavy shells are also good option if you want to keep high reload speed.

    Ammo shells: Standard - I also recommend Increased ammunition (i actually failed to finish this mission because i run out of ammo XD).

    Explosives: High TNT - or standard TNT for additional penetration.

    Turrets: Adv.Hydraulic - The idea is to keep them at distance.

    Reloading: Auto - Because more shells.

    Range F: Rng S-V - Battlecruisers usually have weak armor, so it's good to keep your enemy at distance and still have good accuracy.

    Radio: None - you can also use RDF as it works as Radar I generation.

    Belt Armor: 240mm - Light armor, high speed.

    Belt Extended: 80mm - Light armor, high speed.

    Deck: 50mm.

    Deck Extended: 25mm.

    Conning Tower: 380mm - To protect your Commander.

    Turret: 285mm.

    Turret Top: 105mm.

    Secondaries: 50mm.


    Also Happy New Year 2020 :D

    • Like 2
  7. Well, this was pretty big update, but there are still some little things that didn't go too well.

    For example: "Iowa-class" based superstructure.


    1. If we place secondary battery just behind main turret, we can seriously block fire arc for main gun in the back, meanwhile in the front of the ship...

    2. They are just too close, and one gun is blocking another.


    1-1....but here everything is fine (except that fire arc ._. i don't know why it's like that but that's weird... )

    3.Same as in point 2. and 1, by placing there secondary armament, we are seriously blocking firing arc of main gun.


    4.I don't even know why we have a option, to put something there when we can't even fit there single 51mm gun.


    5/6/8+7. They are too close to each other.

    7.Also one emplacement is blocking ladder so... poor crew members.

    Well... some places on this Iowa based superstructure are weird, i guess AA guns confirmed :D

    • Like 3
  8. 1 hour ago, Cptbarney said:

    Think it might due to the quality and mark of the gun so the higher both are the better the gun stats and attributes are.

    At least thats my understanding of it, someone else could explain it better. It will probs be clearer once the campaign comes out so we can see how they effect things more closely.


    The better technology = more good bonuses, less negatives ones.

    • Like 1
  9. My idea is simple, instead of leaving big hole where the casemate should be (because for some reason, player didn't wanted them or just couldn't afford them), just replace it with armor plating.

    It would look much better, and also improve game immersion, because casemates usually proved to be quite vulnerable to flooding, especially when you have BIG HOLES ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) instead of casemate :D

    • Like 2
  10. So i was trying to recreate a german Deutschland-class "pocket battleship".

    Of course, it didn't go well according to current game limitations but...


    There is lack of double-purpose 105mm gun above rear 280mm main turret and also rear tower should be almost non-existing, also there is lack of scout plane.



    Deutschland begins shooting at enemy transport ships.



    Deutschland soon after annihilating enemy convoy, is being engaged by enemy warship that came to help the convoy.


    Deutschland identified enemy warship as battlecruiser, soon after that, Deutschland is hit by his secondary armament and catch small fire on port side of the ship.

    • Like 2
  11. 18 hours ago, Punisher_1 said:

    Ya, not with that attitude. 

    You seem like a triggered mental midget that has completely ignored PC gaming trends over the last decade.

    1. Your text looks like you are much more triggered than any of us, and none that answered to your “idea” was triggered by that, everyone just pointed out to you why this is stupid idea in the CURRENT state of the game with current devs team, and what must to be done and when, to accomplish a task like adding a multiplayer to this game.

    2. Don't you know that every “PC GAMING TRENDS” are created by new and unique games compared to the previous “PC GAMING TRENDS”?

    3. There are many games that are ignoring current “PC GAMING TRENDS” like DCS World or Train Simulator, and why? Because there are people who like those type of games, those type of “trends”, and you just came with your brilliant idea to get 'Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought' into current “PC GAMING TRENDS” with hopes that every one will like your idea and three-man dev team will just say: “You know what, we are making World of Warships/War Thunder 2.0 now”.

    None of us have problem with adding multiplayer to this game, there is lack of manpower in devs team and still they accomplished so much in this game that I'm personally impressed.

    • Like 5
  12. 7 hours ago, Punisher_1 said:

    For all those triggered people, wow you are overly sensitive.

    I never said you had to play the multiplayer game? I said this:  By not adding multiplayer you are seriously limiting your player base.

    Adding, guys, not limiting to multiplayer only. This means if you want to play a single player game it's still there for you to enjoy. FFS

    Instead of actually reading the post I get a dozen negative responses from Anime avatar nerds. Just playing the tutorial missions was boring. I play a round or two and then go play something else. In other games, I might play for 3 or hours. So for me, a guy that likes this sort of game and knows more than the average person about the IRL shit there is no excitement in just trying to outsmart the AI with a limited ship tool set.

    Like I said, the difference of selling 500k worth of copies or selling millions, residual income, expansions, high replay ability.   

    Don't play academy missions, and wait for campaign then.

    Or wait at least year when devs will (maybe)  have some time to develop a multiplayer that YOU are so much waiting for :P

    • Like 1
  13. 3 hours ago, Koro said:

    This. Being able to stop the ship faster would be great. 

    IF setting ship to reverse speed would help stop the ship faster in the game, then yes.

    But i hope, going from full forward speed to max reverse speed will take even 10-15 minutes for bigger ships, not just few minutes, especially for something bigger, like BB.

  14. Yes, but you know that ships have ability to reverse?

    Developers doesn't have reason to add this option because there is no need for that, we are sailing in the middle of ocean.

    It would be nice but for now it's just waste of time for them.

    I'm sure they add ability for reverse, when they will add some coastal battles, where are many small islands etc.

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