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Everything posted by Mhtsos

  1. Balance idea for the "power of dreadnoughts" mission. I re-finished this mission deploying 20 old pre-dreadnought BBs, and spammed the hell out of the two enemy BBs with 11" HEs and torps. I lost 5 ships, but it was irrelevant as they pretty much mean nothing and I didn't even pay attention in any kind of real control/tactics. I don't know, its silly in a very funny way, but maybe make more difficult to achieve these kind of situations as they make finishing the missions very-very easy? Or keep it for the LOLs?
  2. I couldn't even properly spot the capital ships. A problem mentioned elsewere in this forum and I think something to be addressed in the coming patches. | I had no problem finding and sinking ships that actually enganged. Plenty of slight and major bearing changes and changing the formation when needed.Eg. divided the BCs in a line abreast with around 5-6KMs difference between them to find the remaining ships after the majority sank. No problems there. | Unfortunately the DDs during the whole combat behaved like confused spotters, popping in and out of the visual range in the beginning and then just turned tail and run away. My mistake was that I wanted to find the BB first. After a while I understood that it simply vanished and the time is running out. The DDs already were in full retreat. They were bunched in a line and made a run for it with smoke when available. If I hadn't had three 35knot BCs I think that I wouldn't have seen them at all in the later part of the engagement. I don't know, but chasing light ships and hoping for a hit (less than 4% for the main batteries) for ~70min is not my idea of a fun mission(even with x5 time compression is still alot of waiting for a failure due to cheeziness). In this case, I think that the player should get the victory by default due to the AI retreat, or force the AI to an engagement.
  3. I'm feeling I'm getting trolled in the "destroy a full fleet" mission. Apart from the known issue that my BC could not spot spit from >9Km although they recieve salvoes from the enemy capital ships, I just lost because the "no retreat" AI retreated. After shinking the whole enemy fleet bar one BB and three DDs, the remaining BB spend its ammo and went...somewhere (I only had visual for ~10min on it, the rest of the time it was in fog of war shooting me) and the DDs were popping inside and outside the visual range of the BCs avoiding combat with constant smoke. I managed to sink one of the DDs and the last 30s almost got the second to last. Needless to say that I lost this mission because of AI cheesed the time limit. Never happened before, though. I mean the AI retreating/behaving like this and its quite a bit frustrating.
  4. One of the biggest gripes in the game so far. The AI seems to ignore the minus to accuracy (or just recieves far less?) when recieving damage. Had to play twice "defend the convoy" because the BC just kept snipping with 45+% accuracy when it was <10% HP, ablaze with destroyed towers. Not to mention that it had 13", 8", 7",6" and 4" guns in double/triple turrets config without any discrenible loss of accuracy. | I hope that this issue will be high in the backlog for fixing.
  5. Ditto, two times CTD from this mission. Both with 1 BC. It didn't crash when I had three CAs, but I couldn't sink more than 3 ships then though. Send the log to the email from above^.
  6. I don't know if this issue is mentioned somewhere, but I saw the following: When the target is destroyed by the first turret guns, the second turret guns engage another target within milliseconds with the same accuracy, despite it being some km away. Also the extreme angles that torpedos can detonate, if I am not mistaken the pistol could only detonate the head only when the torpedo hit the hull within limited angle.
  7. Hello, Tried to purchase the Limited Edition with Paypal three times but all failed and refunded (exept the last one that the refund is still pending). Today I have contacted xsolla chat and send an email to their support account after the chat operator's advice. No reply, news or solution yet apart from the automated confirmation email. Any ideas how to proceed?
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