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Everything posted by Boersgard

  1. Tried the mod out, it's okay, but I have a number of issues I'll try to sum up very briefly: 1. There are a lot of AI related bugs/problems: AI routing INTO my front line (and through it) instead of back to friends. AI running away from my units across the entire map because it has infinite(?) condition and runs the same speed/faster than my infantry do. AI just stopping and doing nothing with 80% of its brigades - except for the couple units engaged at the front line - allowing me to encircle and destroy them. 2. AI units move faster than mine do when they rout/charge. Charging is particularly noticeable with cavalry - AI cavalry charges at a breakneck pace, while my cavalry can't seem to even outrun infantry while charging. 3. Cavalry are too slow (But enemy AI cavalry is extremely fast). I am finding that they often move at/near infantry speed and not 'cavalry speed'. Routing AI units actually run away the same speed as, or sometimes, faster(!) than my cavalry can chase. Of particular note is that I haven't bought my own cavalry, only used provided brigades for each mission - I think there may be movement issues with friendly AI brigades, as these are the ones I most notice with inconsistent movement speeds. 4. 2-star or better AI brigades on hard difficulty, in addition to this mod, are almost unbreakable without flanking, outnumbering 2:1, AND using artillery. This is so bad that it often lets me encircle and completely destroy/capture them. The AI would unironically be more difficult if these units actually routed or used fallback orders. 5. Melee is unreliable. I don't know what I'm missing on this, but I keep running into issues where my 40+ condition infantry charge into a brigade HALF their size, with 1-2 friendly brigades adding covering fire, and LOSING the melee/routing from the outnumbered, flanked enemy (is it because they're 2-star brigades?). Likewise the AI will sometimes charge me with cavalry and kill/rout a unit 2-3x their size, but god forbid I do the same thing with MY melee cavalry! 6. Defensive fortifications near shiloh church are weird. My units occupy them and die extremely fast - faster than if they just stood in the spot without occupying the fortification. In particular I noticed that the AI often gets flanking fire on these locations despite not having what I'd consider a 'flank'. (e.g. the two units firing on mine are maybe 30 degrees apart from each other at most). 7. Skirmisher formations with 1000 men are extremely wide - They're pretty finnicky to position. 8. Skirmishers, frustratingly, constantly run away from enemy units that get just slightly too close - ending up favoring the middle of a field to standing in 100% high cover houses. I really really wish there was some way to stop the AI skirmishers from running off like this. Altogether I like the direction the mod tries to go in, but I'm not sure it's an improvement over the pacing/design of the vanilla game. It feels like there's a lot more bugs in relation to AI behaviour, but that could just be my noticing it more with the mod since I've been playing more with the mod.
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