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Posts posted by Botq

  1. 36 minutes ago, Raspoutine said:

    Hummmm, est ce la nation Russe qui tue le jeu????? Ou les autres Nations qui ne créaient aucun contenu pour leurs joueurs???!!!

    Pour rester pragmatique, la nation russe a une population très axés PvP/RvR et donc très agressive. Donc nous créons beaucoup de contenu, alors beaucoup de joueurs sont tenté de venir en Russie. Avoir beaucoup de ports accentue notre difficulté de défendre, donc votre argumentation ne tient pas...

    Au lieu de parler de notre Nation, faite en sorte d'amélioré la votre…. Et pas en affirmant que c'est trop dur, trop compliqué et trop je ne sais pas quoi que vous aurez/pourrez avoir plus de joueurs...

    Nous avions les mêmes difficultés au départ de la sortie du jeu, alors peut être que vous n'êtes pas au niveau de certaines nations et que votre lamentation sur les russes n'ait pas fondé.

    Sortez vous les doigts, le seul conseil pour vous.


    Je vois que tu ne sais pas de quoi tu parles. La Russie a les meilleurs joueurs de nombreuses nations, d'autres nations ont même du mal à aligner 25 joueurs pour PB. Désolé, mais il n'y a aucun moyen de battre les Russes dans la bataille, même, comme je l'ai dit avant - trop de bons joueurs. La seule façon est multiflip, mais c'est ennuyeux. Im désolé pour le traducteur  o7

  2. 15 minutes ago, Forbin said:

    A big container falling on your foot is far more painfull than a single bin :)

    So, "good" clans should leave all their assets at very high cost (and no magic trick like Havoc with San Juan) to go and play with "trash" players, in a nation where they have no ports, no real friends to go in RvR with ? Only consequence would be a lower playerbase. 

    Quality comes when players gather themselves and learn to play together, to play as a nation and not a bunch of clans. Plus, there are good players everywhere, in every nations, if they gather in one clan they can teach their knowledge more easily.

    I was just asking, you don't like my question, nevermind :)

    There will always be good and bad players, thats a fact (all respect to all). There are players who play the game for years, but They are not so good and if you cant get better in few years, i doubt you ever get good.Its actually you who choose the easier way (exacly as you say you dont want to play with trash players). If everyone thought like you then all pvp guys are in Russia, and you see fun in fighting "trash" players ? 


  3. 23 minutes ago, Despe said:

    and the cost of DLC. Is so crazy this prizes, changing nation needs a fix.

    Would be good if there is option to change nation for ingame currency (Changing to "weaker nation" - lower cost, changing to "stronger nation" - higher cost)

    Nation strength could be only determined by position on conquest leaderboard, there is no other solution i guess

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, Forbin said:

    And what about all small weak clans in these nations joigning in just one big clan to become stronger ? Levelling up is better thant levelling down.

    How do you think this would help ? I dont know but 2 small bad clans in pvp if make just 1 clan wont make them stronger in battle

    • Like 2
  5. Its everyone choice to choose nation no doubt, but if most of the pvp french and spanish guys go to russia, then it should be expected these nations will slowly die and wont hold newcomers because no one will properly teach them how to play the game. This community is killing itself

    • Like 3
  6. 35 minutes ago, erelkivtuadrater said:

    spent literally 2 minutes to find these pictures. Both port battles have a huge diversity between them, unfortunately the bucentaure was the deal back then but i guess we can all agree that having 450br on Bellona and 460 BR on Bucentaure while the l'ocean/santi/victory was on 600+ made no sense.

    And BTW "Must be some lower rank that fills spots" out of those two battles you see that minimum 80% were max rank, but isnt it better to have lower ranked players be able to experience rvr instead of having it as a requirement that you NEED to have 900 crew to MAYBE join a port battle? Hello?


    I dont understand what are you pointing out :D 

    • Like 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, Lt Sekiro said:

    C'est que tu n'a rien vue alors...

    Les nn on était dans toute les pb victorieuse russe, Cartagena , Ponce , santo domingo , Port au prince , ect ect

    D'ailleur tout les clan russes nous demande notre présence dans les pb sérieuse , pour la simple et bonne raison que nous sommes efficace


    Et dire que chasser que du novice fr... personnelement je passe plus de temps devant Baracoa , puerto escondido , tiburon que chez les fr. Et pas que moi d'ailleur

    c'est exactement ce dont je parle. S'il y a au moins 30% de joueurs NN dans une telle bataille portuaire, faites-le-moi savoir. La seule chose que j'ai remarquée le mois dernier, c'est que NN a renversé la ville de George - la moitié d'entre vous ont été tués et vous n'êtes même pas venu pour une bataille au port.

  8. Je trouve cela embarrassant de voir comment NN pense qu'ils ont mangé la sagesse du monde alors qu'ils ne peuvent que chasser les novices français. Je ne les ai jamais vus gagner une bataille au port contre quelqu'un de plus compétent. Il n'y a rien en Russie, à l'ombre des autres clans. J'aimerais les respecter à nouveau, mais ce n'est pas comme ça. S'ils veulent vraiment prouver quelque chose, ils peuvent jouer à nouveau pour la France (ils ont beaucoup de joueurs de la bataille portuaire).
    Désolé, j'utilise un traducteur.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, Despe said:

    Lol gregory, you were 6 more guys in battle and you flip the port in one bad time for us, with our main PB fleet inactive, and you win in the last ten seconds. I suppose that you choose that time because you dont want a real battle with us. No problem for that, you can choose your strategy and your tactics, but stop making propaganda xD

    You have too much brave words since you are in russia, jajaja

    • Like 1
  10. 59 minutes ago, Severus Snape said:

    You left GB when it was losing all its ports to Spain.  Left Spain when they lost all their ports.  Now back to GB.  Your leg to stand on doesn't exist.  Hypocritical Hardy. 

    What are you talking about ? Im not the person who you think I am

  11. 28 minutes ago, Despe said:

    it is capturable, you can flip the port taking missions in srhoud cay and win port battle. Is not easy, like cartagena and other some ports, but is posible. If you want easy goals you are in a wrong game :D

    Ah, says someone who choosed easiest way and joined Russia, makes sense.

  12. What we now see in game is very big difference between good and "worse" players, because of different port points. So worse players now have worse ports thus They making worse ships, which is making the difference even bigger. I suggest to make "port points" buyable for reals. Keep current ports with current port points but make it able to buy more port points, with max value of 55 port points as it is now. No need to make it cheap, lets say additional 5 point ports would cost 15 mil reales. So if you want to make 55 point port from 45 point port, you have to pay 30 mil reals. The goal of this is to make a game more balanced and enjoyable for all. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Captain Reverse said:

    Guys, everything is much simpler. The capture of Baracoa is just a small conflict between the WTF and the BF.

    We decided to show that the WTF are not as cool as they themselves write every day on my streams.


    Baracoa may soon return to the pirates. What will happen to the buildings remains to be decided.

    But in any case, the WTF are "pro pvp players" and will be able to re-build port bonuses. Truth?

    But the port battle was actually pretty much balanced, similar number of sank ships on both sides :P

  14. 1 hour ago, Anolytic said:

    I'm gonna hold my tongue for now about how monumentally stupid I think this idea is (more PvE - really?), but I do have some important questions:

    1. What reward does defenders get from successfully defending their port against NPC? Do we get Combat Medals? Doubloons? Gold/Admiral Chests? Paint Chests? Why should people want to participate in these battles?


    Is it "most developed ports" or "top 3 nations" that are determined by "mix of investments and tax rate". I.e. If the largest nation (by ports, players, etc) only has 1 single developed and invested port, will it be exempt from NPC raids if say 3 smaller nations make investments in every port they own?


    Does this mean: A: they join from whatever direction the wind is blowing at the time of attack or B: the NPC knows 24 hours in advance at exactly what time the wind will blow directly into the port they intend to attack and will schedule their attack accordingly?


    Sooo, basically Elite NPC?


    Lineships as in 1st and 2nd rates, or is 3rd rates included? Because there's been some inconsistency there in the past..

    What about 10 000 BR ports, if say Truxillo - a non-capital port - is a nation's most developed port? Will NPC attack with ~20 000 BR against a 10 000 BR port, royally screwing defenders?

    6. And what about shallow ports? What if a nation were to have a shallow port as one of their most developed ports? Will they get attacked in shallows by lineships and Indiamans? Or is there a NPC fleet-setup made for that contingency, where NPC attacks with Surprises and trader brigs? Or are Shallow ports exempt from NPC-attacks?


    But will forts fire at raiders?


    So NPC don't loose points for ships sinking like in normal PBs?



    There were already empty PBs mostly when russia attacked weaker nations

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