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Everything posted by Kifli

  1. "balanced" "fun and interactive" Not about to change the subject or deny that le requin is op but! I think boarding system is terrible and need work. It is the reason of this abuse in first place. true that looks like it is board is too low for oceanic trips.
  2. you have to be kidding it more a 5.5 that a 6 rate! you have more crew that any 5 rate more guns that any 6 rate plus speed. People just go around boarding every body. It is the most powerful 6 rate no doubt but also can just board any 5 rate.
  3. Point is still a point. Port battles have to be at an hour and no body who have a job will be up at 2 am. maybe just setting the battles only on prime times? more that one battle ? Battle timers are a solution but some how people manage to mess them
  4. that is biggest nonsense I ever heard ! p2w means getting something for money that you can't get just by playing and it is actually better that anything you can get for free. an le requin wins every time if it runs and there is no other le requin to chase it
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