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Licinio Chiavari

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Posts posted by Licinio Chiavari

  1. 1 hour ago, Hethwill said:

    I'd say 1 region radius.


    No conquering the neighbor regions without first controlling that region - capital + 2 ports.

    ( this allows conquer region next to a free port but to expand the clan needs to conquer another 2 ports on that region )


    I'd repeat that it's counterintuitive and favours too much bigger groups (nation/clan) in front of others.
    Frontlines should be town based (range of 2 ports) and not capitol.

    County capitol couquerable after controlling at least 2 (3?) county ports.

    Reworking (toward previous balance) port BR and having capitols with higher BR (and higher development points) would lead to smaller clans able to capture and defend smaller ports and it'll slowdown empires having to capture the region before than the main target: the capitol.

  2. Premise: do I exaggerated? probably yes, as I briefly apologized in Global later. Bad mood and like the 4th battle in a row (even in PZ) going the same way (kite kite kite... with the fun part: if enemy is slower simply dying anyway - but wasting plenty time - and if faster wasting time to senseless long range - crappy - gunnery).

    BTW: do someone got a vague idea of how many insults, taunting I got in months? 4 Bellonas taunting a damaged lone requin isnt funny!? Lol.


    Isnt it offending me pretending I'd let my enemy sink me at 300mt?
    Do you want to run? Run: dont pretend to be fighting while kiting at 300+ mt. It's quite annoying seeing anything running or crapply kite fighting.
    His damage output was even unable to outpace my repairs. I even let him reduce me at 33% on both sides and structure (wow... requin is very OP losing so fast structure) hoping he'll end engaging... but the fear (well: wise fear in this case) was too strong.

    Then: quite boring the Requin bias.
    Especially from people having not a clue about her.
    The OP/brokeness of a ship... I used to hunt on a PRIVATEER (and as many noted: a Prince or a Niagara is more than sufficient to counter her - HAVING a clue).

  3. 7 hours ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

    Result of this offense was, that Russia forced Sweden to fight for its survival. Enemy stands in the middle of Swedish core territory now, and their ship building ability is endangered. But as long as X doesn't have control about their vital ports there is still hope. This luck was not granted for Spain and Britain. 😋


    There's hope for Sweden to not being focused by Russia because X doesnt control our vital Port?

    Or there's hope for Russia because X doesnt control a big shipyard?

    Or there's hope for Sweden having X with them until we keep using our main Port?

    But more important: is X so important???🤣

    • Like 1
  4. 8 hours ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

    Made the same experience like you. Redoutable muskets have not been strong enough, even though I had shooting and marines on top.


    PoV: I killed in 2 boarding rounds (as defender) no idea whom who had marines and almost 100 more crew.

    And I didnt even had Redoutable (other muskets + marines and Shooting).

    So: It depends.

    • Like 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, Potemkin said:

    I didn't know it was possible to be ganked while in a requin

    Technically is simply not possible to successfully gank a faster ship. But it's possible to try (to gank).

    But ingame Russian nation knows gank far better than anyone at the moment so I bow to the most expert.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 minutes ago, OjK said:

    Winter 2018 - we had such a cool PB's.

    Every other was different with lineup, and with tendency that more 3rd Rates is better than spam of L'Oceans.


    All gone. Poof! 
    "We had a better idea"

    It was FAR better a mixed lineup of Buce+3rd than Ocean spam (and without new damage model!)

    BUT these BRs game an option too to smaller team to fill up BR and try with a smaller but heavier fleet (that would make more sense now with new damage model than 6 months ago).

  7. 2 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    Every patch is the same.

    They fix something like the wood prices and permits but they make the buildings extremely expensive.

    Same with BRs. They were convinced of making smaller ships of the line more viable in PB and then they decided to increase so much the BR that a third rate is a waste in 20-25k BR ports.


    Im getting exhausted of seeing the same cycle over and over. The game cant move forward if the devs keep repeating the mistakes of the past.

    Shaving using a battleaxe.

    • Like 2
  8. 6 minutes ago, Gargamel said:

    I agree.
    Small nations (or beginners) should be a little protected.
    But of course  - England is not one of the small nations    😉

    The point should not be GB or any nation NOW.
    Because NA "history" is quite cyclical.

    An unbalanced game is dangerous for all. Also for those getting in a moment the upper hand.


    PS: having numbers (GB case) is VERY different from having a proper PB fleet. It helps, but not solve eventual problems.
    As noted I repeated speak about "small clan and nations".

    • Like 2
  9. 20 minutes ago, rediii said:

    I agree the port BR should be lower to not have 1st rate spam PBs and I also agree that portboni should be lower, dont missunderstand me. :) But you will allways have it that people invest in something that is later lost. Be it CWH or port investment and thats good in my oppinion.

    True that. Like investing in a ship and losing her.

    The matter is how much investment (=time) lost. And how fast (time again) a clan/player could recover.

    Aside that DLC owners (just aside requin) will have trash ships forever... P2L (Pay To Lose).


    PS: on latter point, dont misunderstand me. I do agree that a redeemable ship should reasonably get no port bonuses... BUT if someone likes to sail an Herc or an Herm, give him option to redeem the full ship (no bonus) or a ship permit (tradable or not - the same) and built his preferred ship with all labor required and getting port bonuses. I'd say fair.

    • Like 1
  10. I would like to repeat.

    Frontline concept is great and could add more indepth strategy. BUT it has been implemented in the wrong way.

    Hostility missions should be from county towns to county towns (with far lower BR - closer to the past and thus more varied) and when you have 2+ (or 50%) of county towns you can open hostility to county capitol (with higher BR and usually higher port improvements points).

    This way we'd have frontlines, varied battles and more room for different player groups (smaller clan and nations and up up to bigger ones - that will be able to attack and defend capitols having better port improvements, so a scaled endgame NOT closing the way to others).

    Please note, as OT point: map is already fully conquered and there're limited chances to expansion for any.


    AND FOR GOD SAKE reduce port improvements and building prices: it's too expensive for smaller groups... AND ESPECIALLY losing main port will not be embarassing and annoying (having to move WH and rebuild some crafting buildings) as in the past. It could cripple a small team into voidness to the point of giving up playing.

    • Like 3
  11. 2 hours ago, Wraith said:

    "Weird uses" meaning hiding out to avoid being attacked.  I think it makes complete sense to split PvP zones, having alternating solo vs. gank in deep vs. shallow each day.

    I met plenty of ships hiding in SP... and me too used it to avoid ganks.

    Differences: I will be glad to fight in 1v1. Others run or avoid SP.

    For both I do not mean segregated areas (and there are problems reciprocally tagging if 6th vs 5th, while both requins and niagaras stand more a chance vs herc/pand/cerb), means just right out of it.

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, huliotkd said:


    a boarding vs AI with same ship/crew is too hard to have success without taking the kill for boarder:

    we are supposing that a player with Ocean boarded an AI Ocean so we have  - 1100 Player (P) crew / 1100 AI crew both with marines but AI has also top stats for boarding mod and player MUST have MUSKETS on board or he simply die. AI has Barricades also, and some other bonus too lethal if you board it at full crew. you simply die if you make a single mistake. even if your friend in requin stern-rake the bot. an Ai Ocean can kill a full-crew player even if the AI has 400 crew left.

    so, if a player pull an AI , player must deal a lot of damages to survive counterboarding so the friend in requin , even with full carros 68 cannot deal enought damages to take the kill faster than player in boarding can do to survive the AI counterboarding.

    then, if the boarding at full crew is quite impossible, we must understand that the player in Ocean prepared the AI with ball on hull and some kind of damage to the stern , dealing enought damage to take the kill himself already; boarding gives him other additional damages that cannot be exceeded by the player in requin...


    so i still suppose that we have an ALT farming here

    we go for everything, also under square fort fire

    No: boarding an AI, you know, is far more deadly than random player. Simply because that even if AIs behaviour is easily predictable being scripted, they have marines and nice bonuses and very slow dropping morale.

    In experience a full boarding requin full crew can, SLOWLY kill up to a full crew Connie (only 2 decker). Anything bigger (and even a Wappen being 4 decked) is close to a suicide... even with redoutable with 6 accuracy pre-last nerf (now is 1): too low damage on musk to def and too high losses due to gren: remember we are talking about a 2 times bigger crew with 2+ deck advantage: you NEED to kill 2 times faster than your losses.


    Against a 1st rate is impossible to survive. Period. Even a 1st rate de-crewed to 400ish is VERY long stuff.

    And for noobs speaking: if you board a bigger ship with a mate graping and gunning... the mate will get the kill. Period: RE-try.

    So the way would be a big mate starting the boarding and doing nothing and the 6th rate gunning down (how long it will take???) the Ocean.

    Liberalism partly not missed the point: in group is so douable.
    The question is: do really someone will do such 3 times in a row? Isnt a bit strange? Nothing more.

    But last months pointed example doesnt stand: the event was SEVENTH rate one and in that example we were talking about of even more than 1 1-2 rate in the same battle. So sincerely: unbelievable. Someone did also calculation of maximum damage output versus Pavel side HPs.


    PS: as noted by William Death I read only now: that's the way. The problem as I pointed. Doesnt sound strange so much work done 3 times in a row (30+ mins per battle at least) to grab what? 5000 doubs? Not so brilliant for expert players - doesnt it?

    • Like 1
  13. On 5/9/2019 at 7:55 AM, Graf Bernadotte said:

    Since alt farming is an offence not against a single player but against the whole community, everybody is victim and can participate in tribunal.


    Dümmliche Überheblichkeit zeigt sich, wenn man mit dem Finger auf Fehlleistungen anderer zeigt, ohne die geringste Ahnung von der Materie zu haben. Das war hier der Fall als ein Fenix-Mitglied einen russischen Spieler des Alt-Farmings bezichtigt hat, ohne die geringste Ahnung davon zu haben, dass man selbstverständlich mehrere 1. Rates mit einer 6. Rate versenken kann, wenn man denn ein schweres Schiff an seiner Seite hat, welches diese 1. Rate kapert. Dümmliche Überheblichkeit zeigt sich auch dann, wenn man triumphierend das Versenken einer Mortar Brig mit einer Requin als Großtat herausstellt, während daneben die halbe eigene Flotte explodiert ist, und man gleichzeitig verschweigt, dass man selber als einziger Spieler der eigenen Mannschaft unfähig war in einem anderen Portbattle mit einer Requin rechtzeitig aus dem Schussfeld zu segeln, bevor man versenkt wurde. Wobei die Requin das einzige Schiff im ganzen Spiel ist, welches immer in der Lage ist, aus jeder noch so aussichtslosen Situation zu entkommen.

    Schmerzhaft und peinlich werden solche Vorfälle immer dann, wenn man mit diesen Fakten konfrontiert wird, weil ein Spieler wie ich diese Umstände völlig mitleidslos öffentlich macht, und Euch dem Gespött der Menschheit aussetzt, wobei Ihr doch dieses Schicksal nur für andere geplant hattet. 😁

    what are you talking about?

    Sidenote: did you ever sail a requin in the middle of an enemy fleet? Just to know: I suspect you have no idea of how frail she is. I never say, BTW, I'm good.
    I know I'm good with requin: ingame skill is experience centered, I have more experience than most on her (so I know how to counter her too knowing the weaknesses).
    I have quite an idea of what is douable and what's daringly close to a suicide (so dying could happen).

    So: what are you talking about?

    • Like 1
  14. On 5/6/2019 at 2:37 PM, Graf Bernadotte said:

    They only go for 5th and 6th rates with superior numbers. Zero experience to sink a 1. Rates with Requin though. 😝

    I have 2 Buce kills in solo and 1 with Hulio with Requin (PvP - PvE another matter). Lost count of 3rd-4th rates. Not always possible obviously: it's a matter of relative skill.
    At same skill level you cant compete against a bigger ship.

    Aside noting a 5th rate (especially now) is far bigger than a requin (that's a 6th), those swarming are not FENIX, are russians. If in doubt: feel free to join Nassau PZ in prime time.
    Ask your requin users how it ends if they are not 2/3+v1 with me 😎


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  15. 2 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    Oh, I don't disagree with you at all.....   I think that was a very reasonable request.

    But then again, I'm of the firm opinion that ALL ships should have a reasonable chance of victory, with tactics and skill mattering more than meta gear.

    I'm far more worried about rebalancing sailing profiles and mods/bonuses to reasonable levels.

    Indeed my proposal is based on today level (ports!) potential (full) bonuses.

    The previous less chances of better quality ship was totally fine: even a couple mod edge (granted same gear level, not basic crap vs top notch) will not break the battle balance.

    But this stacking of mod and investments (+ proposed nerf to mod/book) will make port bonuses central and counter-balance-able for DLCs.

    And sincerely, I'm not speaking a lot for myself: Requin is so unique that probably, if properly handled, will be able to maintain a small (smaller and smaller vs. portbuffed Niagaras and Princes for example) niche.
    I am really worried more about balanced (or even a bit subpar) ships like the other DLCs.

    Even right now a Herc/Pandora have small chances vs a properly handled Surprise.
    Which against a 4/4/4/4/4 (and even a few less will not change) port bonus Surp?

    Death. Only death.

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  16. 12 minutes ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    This whole thread has become absolutely hilarious. 

    NPC 1:  DLC ships are OP and cheaty!!!!

    NPC 2: DLC ships have become useless.  Why did I buy them?!?

    ME:  Meta players are funny.  

    I could agree.

    Still you could agree that within some weeks with port buffed crafted ship getting bonuses and starting sailing around - with rare woods too, DLCs for sure will be totally not competitive toe to toe vs. similar sized enemies lacking too many stats.

    Note: I did not propose to get port bonuses redeeming. Because crafting is really more time consuming.

    I just proposed that if I have a DLC I get the ship BP in shipyard too. I can get a (subpar) free ship instant... or I can sail a competitive crafted Rattvisan or Pandora... because, may be I really like to sail that ship.

    Is this so game breaking?

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