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Lt Sekiro

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Posts posted by Lt Sekiro

  1. 12 hours ago, Navalus Magnus said:

    Admittedly i haven‘t played for a while and i’ve never had been a good pvp-guy, but aren‘t the hp of the Victorys mast top sections a problem in pvp?

    Comparing the values of the 1st rates by using na-map.netlify i see that the Vic only has about 1/3 of the other ships top mast hp - thus dismasting that section seems highly propable to me.

    Not really , cause its very hard to aim for top mast.
    Top mast meta was years ago.

    Victory got the beau pre of all ship , make him very strong in pvp for slow ship

    • Thanks 1
  2. Actually First rate are all good compare to old day.

    Santi is Hp ship with very good firepower but bad wind angle and need more time for react

    Ocean got the good hull make him can angle better than santisima  and got the more crew , and can use 36 pd , who are very good (lit less dmg and penetration for better reload and less crew needed)

    Victory got less crew of the 3 , but best hull angle and thikness , but less hp and the 68 pd on top deck


    1st rate meta is good actually

    • Thanks 1
  3. If you read patchnot , dev say clearly they won't anymore have the rageboarding with pushing a ship front of the wind.

    Rage board is fun killing actually. Should be used after you make some dmg in the ship and not like a GOD MOD like lot of player us it for a long time.


    You want board a ship, aim the mast , destroy the ship ,ect ect , like in reality a ship never get instant board in a fight , you need to take advantage in fight first

    • Like 4
  4. 3 hours ago, Anolytic said:

    The purpose of this tribunal is not to get someone punished. It is aimed at pointing out a flaw in the new "unexploitable" flag mechanic, and suggest a solution to it. Hence I will not point fingers at the names of any that may have utilised this "exploit", and I will have to describe the issue without giving specific examples. I also, with this, seek to get clarification that what I describe actually is to be considered an exploit by developers. While I would argue that it most likely is an exploit, the mechanics involved were discussed prior to the release of the new mechanic without being flagged as exploits, and those who have used it so far could argue that it was not clear to them that they were using an exploit. 


    The "exploit" works like this:

    You make a fleet to farm Home Defence Fleets.

    You bring an alt that you have in another nation along.

    This alt joins the HDF-battle. This alt can join either side in the battle. He can join the AI side, and thus avoid any risk of being sunk by the AI as long as his friends on the opposite side make sure not to accidentally sink him. With this he can cruise around in any ship he would like, like a lynx or snow for convenience and speed. Or he can join on the player side, and stay out of trouble till there's something to loot that's free of enemies nearby.

    In either case he can wait for the players fighting the HDF to find a flag on one of the ships they loot. As long as they leave the flag on the wreck and do not touch it, they can call out the location and let the alt cruise over and pick up the flag.

    Your alt, which as mentioned is in another nation, now has a flag.

    This flag can be used for any of the old business that hostility missions, and the old-old flags, allowed to do, which was shady and which the new flag mechanic was specifically introduced to end. The flag can be used to take a port with your alt-clan. Preventing the enemy nation where your alt is placed from getting that port, as they cannot attack a port that is already in their nation. The flag can be used to trade one of your own ports into an attacking nation, preventing the enemy clan from taking possession of their spoils of war and keeping control of your port even if you have to hold it in another nation. The flag can also be used to plant a flag on your own port, creating a cooldown, and preventing your enemy from attacking your port on the day that they planned.

    Not only are these tactics gamey and shady. They specifically break the "Alts for Portbattle Activities" -principle. That alts in other nations should not be used to contravene, circumvent, avoid, delay or sabotage RvR. 

    My reason for posting this topic now, specifically, is that I've come up with a suggestion for a solution to fix this exploit.

    Here's how a flag looks after you've picked it up from the hold of a HDF-ship.


    But before you pick it up, the nation & the owner name is unassigned. 

    My suggestion is simple: That flags are assigned to a nation even before they are picked up, but to a player only after he picks it out of the hold. So once a HDF fleet starts, any flags found in any of the holds of that HDF, will be already assigned to the nation starting the fight with the HDF.

    Case in point:

    A Russian player-fleet engages a French HDFleet (Russian player attacks HDF-fleet or vice versa makes no difference). A French player joins on the AI side and a GB player joins on the Russian side.

    Player X is Russian. He loots a flag. It is assigned to "Player X - Russian Empire".

    Player Y is French. He loots a flag. It is assigned to "Player Y - Russian Empire"

    Player Z is British. He loots a flag. It is assigned to "Player Z - Russian Empire".

    The first player, player X, can use his flag, no hiccups. Player Y & Z on the other hand will be in possession of two flags that are entirely useless - unless they move their character to the Russian nation. The flag is assigned to each of them respectively, but it is also bound to the Russian nation, and can only be used to set a Russian PB.

    Yep this exploit is used a lot actually.


    Maybe another option.

    Take a mission " sank HDF ship" where you need sank "X" hdf fleet ( 10 for example). Mission can be reward only on the port you take the mission.

    + You need  sank HDF of the nation the closest to you port. If you are  are in aves , the mission need to sank HDF fleet from sweds, in la tortue , Pirate , ect ect

    • Like 1
  5. BUFF boarding? WTF

    Actually boarding is very op ,full musket mod can ez win and chain board a lot of ship.

    If you can't make big dmg in boarding is only cause ia use lot of book , and have improvement for nerf rush pve farm.

    In pvp , redoutable musket + marines + five ring you can ez win boarding with 1/2 crew of enemy

    • Like 1
  6. With all the new change in wood, maybe its time to add some new trim for crafted ship:

    2 proposal for that:

    1-Make crafted ship have chance to have refit trim ( liverpool refit, nassau refit ect). Some of them are very intersting cause they give bonus you can't have anywhere ( 2%speed+staysails power for example)

    2-Create new trim who can work good with new wood systeme:

                  -Well disagned : Repair time needed  -10%

                  - Good disagned : -5%

                 - Large porthole :Gun reload time -5%

                 - Good porthole : Gun reload time 2%


    Maybe this kind of new add for the game need to be discute with some old player together for create the best trim for the game without be too OP.


  7. 29 minutes ago, Anolytic said:

    In the course of the past two days, rumours have spread in the Caribbean of sightings of a large treasure fleet or convoy journeying from one edge of the map to another. 

    Here's some footage of the huge fleet along its journey:



    When anolytic connect all is alt at the same time ;)

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Despe said:


    I play in solo patrol today and i was sunk for my rival but there are not increase in damage. I got 20.4k when i enter on battle, and i am still with the same 20.4k. Is that a bug?

    btw, i am not sure if have relation but i was boarded and sunk in PZ 2 times, and in both combat news only reported the boarding, but not the sunk.

    Best regards, Despe.

    Did you get sank in sp from a player kill you before on patrol zone?


    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Percival Merewether said:

    Hey guys!

    For a while now, it has been a problem that people leave when they see who you are in battle. Sometimes people prefer an easy fight, other times they tag someone they realise is a friend. Other times they have heard rumours of the person that they have attacked and prefers to stay away from whoever this person may be.

    This problem first started back when names were removed from Open World. This was not too bad initially, although I personally wanted the names to be displayed.

    With the latest changes to tagging I see some new problems arising in battle. People now spawn much closer than they did before, and it takes a lot longer to leave battle. While I am personally in favour of this new mechanic, I do see some of the old things being somewhat out of date.

    If people join and decide to leave because they will not fight the person they have tagged, it will now take 8 minutes to get out of battle and for both sides to continue playing the game.

    I do not wish to discuss the mechanics already implemented, I am sure that the developers have had their reasons and I am fine with that. What I want to focus on is what is now outdated.

    I suggest the following two solutions to the problem:

    1. Make names visible in Open World again
    2. Make names invisible when the battle starts and only reveal them after 5-10 minutes
      1. For this feature I would also suggest disabling battle chat until the end of the ‘reveal timer’ or until one person has died from the opposite team.

    With option no. 1, we will satisfy a lot of people who are worried about tagging players in Open World, but it is likely to introduce a reluctance to PvP against some people thus reducing PvP combat.

    Option no. 2 is the one I personally consider to be the most interesting, this means that during the initial phase of the battle you will not know who you are up against. This could keep some people in battle who would otherwise leave very early.

    Feel free discuss; maybe the third option is to simply leave the mechanics as they are. 🙂

    Option 2 is good , make pple fight until they know who they fight , and will create battle and less run.

    Option 1 will kill more ow battle , long time ago when we know enemy name in open world , pple start ganking fleet when someone call the name in nation chat. Do you really want this come back ?


    Option 3 ok

    If you tag someone , you don't have to run just because of a name , you should try you best at the start without know who you fight , and maybe lot of player will improve cause they not fear a "name"

  10. 10 minutes ago, Anolytic said:

    For a solo/small-group player who mostly go to PvP-zones but wants to be part of big fights of many ships without having to join a big clan and go do RvR with all its investment and effort, this change will severely affect their opportunity to continue to experience the game in the same way. If they continue to look for interesting fights to join this is an example of how their PvP options would progressively restrict until they eventually would only be able to join the battles of one other nation:


    In this example the player is Polish, and the green checkmark indicates the side that he joined in each battle.

    There needs to be an exception for Patrol Zones at least, so this playstyle is still possible even if significantly limited. 

    Not only for patrole zone , or open world pvp will fall very fast  and everyone will stay in pz.

    We need something for player they to have chance to fight everyone.

    Maybe a corsaire flag. 
    You pay each day X doublons , lost 30 % reward , but you can fight and help everyone 

    Raise the Real Pirate flag

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, Real Pit Pinsel said:

    No, I only heard of racist statements made by English players about Brazilian teammates, you rags

    Pit , found them in game and Show them the D

    Lot of time i got rascit comment from some french player cause they know i got north african origine.

    Best way to responte to a stupide comment for me , make the speciale sekiro one

    Found them , demast all mast , perma rak untile they rage quit. Test it ,)

    Ban rascime!


    Ps: Nice video , told the true

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, van stiermarken said:

    the majority of players make the game glorious not one ore two players or a nation ganking others.
    fair fights is the key not players with overpowered ships which have nothing better to do then playing the whole day.

    as long as those people won't or don't understand that this game is for all the players, doesn't matter if good or bad, we don't attract more players.

    I (and for sure more others) can live without "Anolytic" - "Sekira" and "Ram Dinark" - it has no influence to the game. maybe more players will then come back (again). 


    • Like 1
  13. 36 minutes ago, admin said:

    Hey. I asked for a change because this is an MMO (with coming RPG) 

    Here is an example where player jumped to one battle first and then the next battle joined another side to interfere (passively without formally breaking the rules).

    We growled about behavior and want community to act more often: kick people who exhibit bad behavior from clans and alliances, dont take them to fight at sea, and report en masse. Belfast was kicked by @Anolytic but such cases are extremely rare.

    If we cant ask nicely for some players to behave honorably, we are now taking action ourselves and forcing the honorable behavior by game rules. False flag will be possible only once, which will make tribunals like the one posted by @Mr Kemosabe impossible. That player would have locked himself from other battles by joining on the kemosabe side.

    As the creator of the Magic the gathering said - don't change the players,change the game. The speed of the platoon depends on the slowest member same with honor. The quality of the community is judged by worst cases.  We are removing those worst cases. 

    You don't need to change all the game just for some trolls.
    You want community follow better the rules? , be more strict.

    Lot of time i report in tribunale player for griefing , insutling (rascime/irl injures), false battle , green to green alt farming

    Most of time just a warning...

    The risk is low for them , cause they know they have few chance to be perma ban in game.

    And even for insulting , some player get perma ban chat , say srry to you ( not even to the men who get insulted) and come back in chat , keep insutling (i don't want give name)

    Just be more strict on the rules, stop give a lit warning.

    You break the rules , you get ban.

    You want play again? pay the game again and will be more chance they stop breake the rules again cause of money fact

    24 minutes ago, admin said:

    Thats exactly happening because there is no persistence and no consequences. 

    We are changing that. Choices will matter
    (the cost to clean up reputation would be almost impossible)


    Pvp player will have very hard days. Lot of pvp player just go in battle depending the BR , 1v3 brits vs spain , ok i help the solo brits  player that will make 2v3.

    Next day, 3vs 1 brits vs spain , oh i can't help him , well he will die in a gank cause i can't help him when we can have a good battle

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    Read the post first.
    You can practice by attacking.. Attacking is not affected. Joining the battles is affected. Read the announcement first

    There will be no I forgive you button. If you joined against Britain. Britain now hates you, because you were dishonorable and attacked under a false flag.  
    Players might still love you, But you wont be able to reinforce Britain from now on.


    People from other flags who join your battle and interfere (by helping the enemies) lose us more players. 

    I dont care about Ram Dinark not being able to join Reverse battles after this change - they will find the way.
    I care about 10 rookies who get upset because some assholes ruined their day by blocking or "accidental" chain, under false flag.


    join polish

    • Like 1
  15. 1 hour ago, admin said:

    Hello Captains 

    There is a mechanic in game where you are able to join enemy battles if they are open and support one side or another. 
    It works like this

    • You can support other nations in combat in open sea by joining one of the sides (any nation even if you just captured their ports)
    • If your nation (for example Britain) have joined side A only British can join side A after that
    • This has no consequences for the player and it opens up exploit ability that players use.
      • For example joining for the enemy side in one battle and then joining on your side in the next one and helping the enemy. 
      • This also creates confusion for new players and atomizes the unity in the nation. (When different clans are allied to different nations)

    We are no longer satisfied with everlasting ability to false flag. 

    Admiralty ruling:

    From the next patch National flag Karma will be implemented (Reputation persistence). 

    • You will no longer be able to join to support a nation if you have ever joined a battle against that nation.
      • For example. If you as Spanish captain side at least once joined the battle against Britain, you will never be able to join the battle on the British side.
      • This ruling does not affect direct honest flag vs flag attacks (Player from Spain attacks player from Britain or vice versa
    • Your reputation levels will be indicated in the player info panel under your rank. 
    • You will be able to clean your reputation if you made a mistake by paying a significant fine.

    Please make precautionary changes in your allied relations and change nations if necessary. 

    This mechanic might also spread on port entry rights (both into positive and negative ways).


    So if i'm correct , if i join a battle 4v1 spain vs gb, win battle

    Leaving battle and 1v4 spain vs gb , i can't help spain player?

    So what happen for player like me who play only for br in small nation and not for flag?

    Maybe add a smugler flag systeme For pvp?

    You can use smugler flag only on port.

    When used you can join any side but you don't block any side for player of you nation , can prevent player who join for close battle.

    But you still lost reputation for nation you fight.
    Like this you can ahve open pvp , but you have consequence for trade

    • Like 3
  16. 21 hours ago, Knuddel said:


    I was chasing for an Ocean in front of me. Catching up getting closer. Shoot on him to avoid that he leaves. Got Hits got cannt leave  and than he left. What the Hello my F***ing Kitty is wrong? The Keep in battle mechanik is Broken.

    use 68 pd carronade in front , that always reset target if you hit him ,)

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