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Posts posted by Malachy

  1. I will add that I just was in a 1 vs 1 with an Endymion. I was boarding him. Just as boarding combat began, I had another crash. This time it just went to the battle end and the target escaped. Again my ping was 142 and there was no indication of packet loss.  I had tagged the bugger  20 seconds before I grappled. Do what you will or just ignore it like everything else. I could care less anymore.

  2. 1 hour ago, Anolytic said:

    If you find @Ink rude then I can't help you. Other than say you must have given him really good reason.

    Remember it is a game in Alpha. Crashes and bugs are to be expected. It says so right there on the steam page when you buy the game. Maybe you should indeed play something else for a while and come back after release. The alpha game testing experience is not for everybody, and that's okay.

    I've been alpha and beta testing for 25 years now. I have never run into a slower or sorrier collection of developers in any game. I've reported this same issue for months now and it still hasn't been fixed. Yet they have plenty of time to add in mechanics that were completely unnecessary. 

    I guess every company needs someone to make excuses and sweep the difficult problems under the table and that appears to be Inks job here. Like I said, I don't expect them to resolve anything, they never have before, why would they start now?

  3. 2 minutes ago, rediii said:

    Read your own sentences dude... Who would be gentle with you?

    Already your first post had so much bullshit in it that, if I would be a dev, would have laughed my ass off that it hits you and then would have looked at the problem without replacing anything.


    Its not like they do anything anyhow.  I've reported the issue via F11 for the last 10 months now.  I frankly don't give a shit what they do.  They are about the worst development team I have ever seen work on any game. I have beta and alpha tested over 40 different games in the last 25 years.  I do not expect any positive resolution from these guys.  They have more excuses than  ever as to why they couldn't have screwed something up.  If I want bullshit excuses, I just have to ask my 3 year old a question.  This game has been in pre release longer than any other title I have ever tested.   I even tested a game that had a development team of 2, and it was released and making money in 8 months from the beginning of testing. 

    My expectations of these guys are abysmally low.  Not only is their development cycle laggardly and poorly conceptualized for the most part, their troubleshooting and support people are about the laziest folks I have ever run across. 

    And, quite frankly, I don't care what you would do, you are about the sorriest excuse for a player this game has, so go troll somewhere else. 

  4. Ink is always a SOB to me.  And has never replaced anything. Basically he always says its not their fault and ignores me.  So Ive kinda had it with his laziness. I have top notch internet and never have trouble with any other game.  Its just NA that crashes routinely.  Like I said in the OP, it does this every three weeks or so and Im getting sick of losing fights due to it. Ive filed about 100 F11 reports on this issue and many others and they all go unremarked, and unresolved.  I don't expect every ship to get replaced, but it would be nice not to lose the damned things in the first place.  Like I said in my OP, I don't mind losing in a fight, But I am getting sick and tired of losing due to server/program instability.  Plenty of other games out there that have been developed properly , even in alpha stages. 

  5. I also filed an F11. IF you guys don't fix this issue, I think Im done playing your buggy game. There are plenty of other games out there that DONT crash every couple weeks, or at all for that matter.  I have stayed with you guys for a long time, but I am completely fed up with losing ships in bullshit situations like this, when I would not have even lost the fight had the game not crashed multiple times in a row. 

  6. I really don't know why I even bother sending in F11 reports and posting here because I get as much support here as a snowflake in the sahara.  Your servers were very unstable tonight.  I crashed 3 times, the last two in combat, first from port to the login screen.  I was fighting two Wasa, was winning the fight and crashed, came back quickly, not too much issue.  Crashed again, could not get back in and logged back into battle a second time to a sunk ship.  I am sick and tired of this bullshit.  It happens routinely, about every 3 weeks,  and you guys sit back on your butts and do nothing about it.  I was in a teak/White oak Bellona with Cartagena, Navy Structure refit and Navy Hull refit.  My ping is a steady 142 and there is no warning, the game just crashes to desktop.  I would appreciate my ship, 125 hull repairs, 125 mast repairs and 1000 rum replaced.  I don't mind losing ships in a fight, but Ill be damned if I lose one due to poor programming and/or server maintenance on your part.  20171212224012_1.thumb.jpg.b35f13f0f0f463b0a827f7b60041c713.jpg

  7. 25 minutes ago, Rebrall said:

    @admin good move 👌


    to those that have thown toys out if there said cot please sit the f down and chill for 5 seriously is this change going to affect you that much I don’t think so. But if you quit over this then maybe the game is better of without you so good bye.


    reading this is really making me wont to play then I remember downtime 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢 


    glad to see a good change maybe the next change would be to allow custom sized PB’s so smlller clans have a shot at playing with the rest of the playerbase and some more pve content 


    If you are a smaller clan, capture smaller ports. We already have varied size port battles 

  8. 5 minutes ago, Seraphic Radiance said:

    Anyway after reading all this here are some suggestions to @admin on how to fine tune this upcoming patch. 


    1. Notification system - notifies all players of hostile activities around ports. If hostility is rising players must know that. This will fix many problems and will give defenders time to act and gather forces to strike back. 

    2. Hostility teleport - only available if your port is under attack. Has 2 free teleports to any friendly (under attack) port with an outpost. This can also eliminate problem with 'there is no time to defend our port'. So, if your port with outpost is under attack you can jump there and defend it. This will force attacker to have 2 groups one that will guard their fleet group and another one is so called fleet group that will be raising hostility. 

    These 2 are very important features and must be in game before you deploy the patch. 

    Wow, those are great suggestions. Where have you been all these months? I vaguely remember your name.

  9. 1 minute ago, rediii said:

    I explained it several times and am tired of this shit

    If devs want it like that they want it. We tested a splitted and a merged situation. Admins want to go back to the merged situation for whatever reason so have fun with it. Already yesterday someone said to me "yet another reason to stop playing NA" and I sadly agree atm.

    Are you retarded?

    I described it already.

    PR EU vs EU GB PB

    GB wins, sets timer to US

    PR has no US playerbase.

    PR is hello kittyed now. They can stay up late on weekends bht it will just be repeated so they have to sgay up late again etc. etc.

    No we never tested a system like this. I've been around since day 2 or 3 so stop the bullshit.

  10. Honestly, it will all work out. Ive been limited to EU port battles on weekends for over a year now. Half my clan are EU players and they play late. An early US port battle is around 10 or 11 pm EU time. We are becoming a global civilization, and nations and clans will need to make sure they are truly global in order to survive. Most games don't cater to time zones at all, and doing so  has caused plenty of trouble. 

    • Like 3
  11. 11 minutes ago, Slim Jimmerson said:

    I'm strongly considering rerolling nations. US with the new safezones is basically a PVE nation completely safe from any attack which is just a no-no for anyone who plays this game for the PVP/RVR aspect.

    It'll either be France to fight the infamous svverg, or maybe pirates. But US/GB should be avoided for anyone global players this time around who want serious PVP.

    By all means stay away from GB. Right now the gankers are flowing in to be slaughtered and I like this. If we get too many global pvpers, pvp may dry up again and I'll have to start sailing around looking for it :(

    • Like 1
  12. 3 minutes ago, Flash Jack said:


    Less Pirates the better.

    Real Pirates only wanted on EU server. We have far to many RVR 'Pirate Nation' players here already although lately pirate numbers have thinned out nicely as the nationals have clubbed Mortimer.

    Devs please now is the time 

    1. No ports for pirates.

    2. No safe zone for pirates.

    3. Raiding system.

    RVR = Nationals and national wars etc.

    Let pirates be pirates.


    The former pirates clubbed Mortimer. Pretty much everyone clubbing Mortimer were former Aloha :P

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Cortez said:

    I don`t know where you play, there is no lack of PvP on EU.


    Depends when you log in and what is going on.

    That argument holds no dice. It was Saturday, prime time, 4 different nations, 3 with mega populations and only green zone bottom feeders. I covered a ton of territory, I should have run into someone. Would have, pre safe zone, pre durability nerf. This isn't the first time it's been like this, it's pretty normal for the Eu server now. I used to fight over 50 battles a week. I'm lucky to get 10 to 15 now  and the populations aren't much different. If the EU server is this pathetic, I'd hate to see global.

  14. 4 hours ago, Cortez said:

    That is his own opinion.

    I second Liqs opinion. Spent 4 hours in game yesterday during prime time. Over 400 people on. There were some folks sailing in all the protected areas, i sailed from tumbado to Belize through the Russian enclave, nada. I sailed up to Mortimer and patrolled there, the channel and tortue, nothing. We did see a large french group returning to tortue, we were in light frigates (2) of us and there were 7 or 8 of them. We swapped to lineships to fight them 2 on 7 but they ported and were never seen again. We patrolled kpr looking for gankers, nada. I went to aves and patrolled french and swede waters, nada. Just folks in the protected zones. It's not the clans killing this game, it's the damned protected zones.

  15. 1 hour ago, Bart Smith said:

    LOL. Otto "pirates is my life" Khol under read coat...shame on you:lol:. How you can look in the mirror being a "lolbrit" ? Make my day

    There are quite a few privateers flying the Union Jack right now. Make no mistake, we don't give a damn about RVR, we are only sinking and capturing stuff from RVR folks. I've had more battles in a week than I had in a month of being a pirate. I'm still a pirate and play that way just using the 🇬🇧 to bring the battles to me without sailing around. Pretty sure Otto and the others are doing the same thing.

  16. 18 minutes ago, victor said:

    Know what?

    I think your whole reasoining about lazyness is just an excuse!

    More likely you are just afraid that, if too many players can practice their skill in a training room, they become as skilled as you (assuming that you are a skilled PVPer) and so you will start sinking much more than now.



    I have often wondered this. When the old duel room was open, we had a lot more pvp than we do now. I know I used it to train in new tactics before I tried them in pvp. Except for the old die hard pvpers from back in my day, the skill levels of the newer guys pvping seem to be much lower than I remember. Practicing vs an npc is not even close to similar to what you will face vs a live player. Why do you think pve folks who fight npc all the time get chewed up so badly in pvp? 

    No, there needs to be an option to test and train. Other than that, we won't have very many folks who are confident of fighting. I'd say 60 percent of the people I tag are terrified to fight me, and lack rudimentary sailing ability despite being max level,  and the remaining 40 percent are the same guys I fight every day. 

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